Stretches For Knee Pain With Pictures

Stretches For Knee Pain With Pictures

- in Healthy Lifestyle, How to
Stretches For Knee PainStretches For Knee Pain

Written by: Savo Trajanovic
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist – Physiatrist
Do you feel knee pain occasionally or permanently?
The knee pain is one of the most common pains that force people to seek doctors’ assistance. Stretches for knee pain may help you to reduce the pain

What causes knee pain?

There are several conditions that may cause knee pain.
-Injuries such as torn cartilage or ruptured ligament
-Osteoarthritis may cause pain that is severe in the morning and it eases during the day.
-Another type of Arthritis as Gout, Lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis may cause knee pain too.
-A pain in the knee can be a sign of Bursitis or Tendonitis. Sports activities such as baseball, tennis, golf, and swimming, usually lead to tendinitis and bursitis.

How to get rid of the knee pain


Consult with your doctor, because only they can find the reason behind the pain. Don’t wait for the pain to become severe to visit the doctor. They will prescribe a certain painkiller such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. To control your pain, you must take the recommended dose regularly. Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe you capsaicin cream, which you can rub directly onto the knee or stronger painkillers.


If your knee pain is persisting, ask your GP for a referral to a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy will help you to manage your pain and improve your strength and flexibility.The physiotherapist with a range of treatments may help you to get back to your normal activities.


Surgery may be needed to release you from your severe pain and get back your mobility.

What can you do to help yourself?

  • Lose weight (if you’re overweight)
  • Do stretches for knee pain
  • Do activities such as cycling, swimming
  • Use a cross-trainer

Stretches for knee pain with pictures 

Sit up straight on a chair. Straighten up and raise one leg. Hold for 10 seconds. After that slowly lower your leg. Repeat this ten times. Do the same with the other leg.


Sit up straight on a chair with your knees merged together and heels on the floor. Raise both legs. Hold for 10 seconds. After that, slowly lower your legs. Repeat this ten times.


Sit up straight on a chair. Stand up without using your hands. After that, slowly sit back down. Repeat ten times.



Stand upright and hold the back of the chair with both hands to maintain balance. Slowly bend your legs to a squatting position. Steadily rise back to the starting position. Repeat ten times.


Stand with your back against the wall, your arms by your sides. Slowly bend your knees. Hold for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat five times.


Lie flat on your back on the bed with your legs straight. With one leg lift the foot just off the bed. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower. Repeat five times. Do the same with the other leg.

Lie on your front. Lift one leg. Hold for 5 seconds. Lower the leg slowly. Repeat five times. Do the same with the other leg.

Results may vary from person to person. What works for some people, does not work for others.

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