Cellulite top 10 facts: What causes it and how to prevent it

Cellulite top 10 facts: What causes it and how to prevent it

- in Guest Posts, Healthy Lifestyle
Orange Peel CelluliteOrange Peel Cellulite

Cellulite is the dimpled appearance of the skin that plagues hips, thighs, and buttocks. It usually affects the buttocks and thighs but can also occur in other areas. Cellulite can affect both men and women. However, it is more common in females. There exist many treatments for effectively treating cellulite, ranging from mechanical treatments to use of cellulite creams like Revitol cellulite cream to changes in the diets.

Here are 10 key facts about cellulite that you should know:

  1. Cellulite causes dimpling appearance of the skin. It may also add lumpy appearance to the skin. Cellulite causes an “orange peel” impression to the skin. Cellulite creates an uneven surface.
  2. Most commonly, cellulite occurs in the areas of hips, buttocks, and abdomen. However, at times it can also occur in breasts, belly or area of upper arms. Sometimes it occurs in the breasts, upper arms, or belly.
  3. The problem of dimpling appearance of the skin is caused by a buildup of fat beneath the skin. Every individual can get cellulite despite different body types and weights. The thickness of skin also marks the appearance of cellulite on the skin.
  4. It becomes more visible in older ages as skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. Therefore, the dimpled and lumpy appearance on the skin becomes more visible.
  5. It is more visible in females than Factors like pregnancy, and inactive lifestyle may increase the cellulite. Other factors that develop the risk of cellulite are hormonal changes, poor diet, genetic disease, an overdose of accumulated toxins. It is observed that poor diet and inactivity of the body are the main reasons for the increase of risk of cellulite. Moreover, cellulite is not linked to weight excess. It is a function of the genetic differences in the way connective tissues form.
  6. Cellulite is a cosmetic problem. Physicians and Dermatologists recommend different treatments for treating of Some medical treatments like laser, light or radiofrequency treatment, ultrasonic liposculpting, massage treatments, dietary supplements or use of creams like revitol cellulite cream. Cellulite cream by Revitol is specially designed to effectively treat cellulite. It works well even on sensitive skins. It is very effective and non-sticky that helps in getting rid of cellulite.
  7. It is to note that cellulite is not a harmful condition. However, it still creates an uneven surface on the skin and skin is no smoother. About 80 to 90 percent of women get affected due to cellulite in varying degrees because of pregnancy or inactive lifestyle.
  8. Doctors and dermatologists also recommend medical treatments for the reduction of cellulite. However, the different treatments may have different results and have a different validity period.
  9. A lot of popular home remedies can be used to treat cellulite. However, none of the remedies have any scientific evidence. Home remedies may include a proper exercise routine, consumption of apple cider vinegar. Another homely remedy is using coffee grounds that help as an effective exfoliator too.
  10. Most importantly, it is important to eat a balanced diet and have a healthy lifestyle. Women are also recommended to drink at least 9 cups of water each day.

Terry Carrico is a freelance writer and a mom of 2 from LA. A beauty enthusiast at heart, she shares diverse perspectives on the skincare industry in the US. With her write-ups, she gives women across all ages the inside scoop on skincare trends, cellulite solutions, skin brightening treatments and more.

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