Top 7 Mental Health Challenges College Students are Facing

Top 7 Mental Health Challenges College Students are Facing

- in Healthy Lifestyle
Top 7 Mental Health Challenges College Students are Facing (2)


As we get older, life will always have something to throw our way. That’s why life is always a constant battle. But it’s a battle that is worth winning. In your goal of surviving college, a lot of things can pose a threat towards your mental health and overall wellness. The best way to fight them is to identify these mental health problems and be aware of what may trigger them. So here, we list down 7 of the most common Mental Health Challenges College Students are Facing.

Panic Attacks

Palpitations, shortness of breath, shaking and sweating — these are some of the many symptoms of a panic attack. It is a sudden, intense feeling of fear that comes out of nowhere and then goes away within a matter of minutes. It usually reaches its highest intensity in about 10 minutes before it starts to decline. It can be very unpleasant and frightening, which can cause constant worry, and even prompt a change in lifestyle choices, just to avoid the attacks from happening.



This serious medical illness creates a huge impact on how you live your life in college. It affects how you think, feel, talk or act in a manner that it makes you feel a deep sense of sadness, even towards things that you usually love or enjoy. It may cause you to loss interest in many things, or in life, in general. This may then lead to other problems towards your physical, mental and emotional welfare.


Eating Disorders

Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating usually affect people between the ages of 18 to 21. Some people may view this as a lifestyle choice, but these are, in fact, serious illnesses which could be fatal to one’s health.

  1. Binge-eating. This is considered to be the most common eating disorder in the United States. People who binge-eat are usually overweight due to the excessive amount of food that they eat.
  2. Bulimia nervosa. Bulimics may maintain a healthy, normal weight and body mass, but their disorder is more on the immense amount of food that they eat. And instead of keeping them in, they would compensate on their binge-eating by forcing themselves to vomit, exercise intensely, fast, or use diuretics and laxatives excessively.
  3. Anorexia nervosa. Anorexic people tend to limit their meals to the extremes, thinking that they are already overweight even if they are not.



Addiction is the most prevalent form of mental disorder, with 1 in 7 Americans abusing or addicted to alcohol, nicotine or drugs. With college parties going on here and there, the temptation to try these substances is everywhere. That’s why it pays to know the effects of addiction. The severity of this disorder can range from mild to severe, with extreme cases leading to personal and family problems, overdose, violence, or even death.


Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are our body’s ways of responding to demands of our everyday lives. With so many things to juggle between personal life and studies, it’s not always easy for college students to avoid stress. Experiencing it every now and then is normal. In fact, it can also be a good thing as it can help improve your productivity, giving you a much-needed push to beat deadlines and the like. But it can become a problem if it occurs constantly and continuously, and if you were not able to handle it properly. This can then lead to chronic stress, which can eventually lead to health problems such as heart disease, depression, high blood pressure and more.



In the United States alone, suicide is a leading cause of mortality and is considered to be a huge public health problem. Suicide is when someone takes their life by inflicting violence at their own body. Aside from the permanent effects that it has on the one who takes his own life, it also leaves a dent on the lives of his loved ones. It can happen to anyone, no matter the age, status, race or gender. The ideas of suicide may be brought about by a number of factors. It can be caused by depression, experience of violence, substance abuse, medical illness and more.


Adjustment Disorder

This mental health challenge is a combination of stress and sadness that may occur after one has gone through a difficult phase in life. For college students, some might experience an adjustment disorder after leaving home and moving to their college dorm. It can also be brought about by family problems or loss of a loved one. But there really is no way to predict who may experience this disorder. Depending on your social skills, you may have a better way of coping against the stresses brought about by sudden life changes.


College life may bring about a variety of challenges towards your mental health. But if you have friends and loved ones to help you cope against these challenges, your chances to win against them are better.

Marquis is as free as the statue of liberty. She is now a part-time writer who loves to write an article based on surviving college and a professional blogger whose work revolves around blogging, managing websites, web content, social media

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