Idol White Teeth: Follow These 5 Simple Tips And Smile Brightly

Idol White Teeth: Follow These 5 Simple Tips And Smile Brightly

Tooth whitening - Follow These 5 Simple Tips And Smile Brightly #ToothWhitening #teethwhitening #SimpleTips #Smile #Smiles #naturalteethwhitening #whiterteethTooth whitening - Follow These 5 Simple Tips And Smile Brightly

by Meighan Sembrano
Contributing Author, professional health, beauty and skincare expert

Dental hygiene should play a vital part in the maintenance of both physical and mental health. The general population well understands the importance of tooth whitening that a healthy mouth plays in overall health, but many people still fail to implement adequate techniques and habits to ensure they take good care of their teeth and their oral hygiene.

 Without following the right tips for healthier teeth, gums and a healthy mouth, numerous complications may become present and pose a risk to the physical health of a person, as well as cause a person to experience an adverse impact in mental health.

Poor oral health can lead to periodontitis and other potential oral diseases. In turn, such conditions have been linked to many health conditions affecting the rest of the body, including diabetes, bacterial pneumonia, and heart disease.

Brushing your teeth, flossing and rinsing on a daily basis is considered essential for maintaining proper oral hygiene; thus leading to a reduced risk of obtaining an oral infection that could cause further complications in the body.

Oral hygiene is not the only topic that comes to mind when talking about a smile. A widespread problem affecting millions, if not billions, of people throughout the entire world is stained and yellow teeth.

When a person has a detectable level of stains on their teeth, they may become self-conscious about the way their teeth looks, making them feel anxious about smiling, especially in social events and, of course, when posing for a photo.

The Tooth Whitening Industry

The increase in the recognition of discolored teeth being socially unacceptable has resulted in thousands of opportunities for companies specializing in dental care products. The tooth whitening industry hit an impressive $11 Billion in annual review in the year 2015.  In 2017, more than 39 million people admitted to using at least one type of tooth whitening product.

There are many different types of tooth whitening products on the market today, as well as specific procedures that may also help to polish and whiten tooth. While some of these methods can be effective in producing whiter teeth, the concerning part is the fact that the whitening effects of certain products can come at a cost.

Whitening toothpaste is probably the most popular amongst all methods provided on the market today, especially when over-the-counter options are considered. Bleaching agents, paint-on options, and many other whitening strategies are available, including certain options that can be performed by dentists and oral hygienists.

There is, however, some concern regarding certain methods used for teeth whitening. An example would be a BBC News report about a dentist who provided illegal teeth whitening services to clients, even after being fined. The problem with the strategies used by the dentist was that they were not trained in delivering the right techniques; thus patients were put to a risk of suffering both gum and tooth damage.

5 Simple Tips For A Healthier, White Smile

There are many simple, yet effective techniques that can be utilized to remove stains from teeth, and to prevent further discolorations. While some procedures can be performed by dentists to provide for effective teeth whitening, these procedures can be very expensive.

Let’s take a look at five strategies that are affordable, healthy and excellent choices for whitening your teeth – and keeping them white.

1. Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking
Stop Smoking

Smoking poses a significant threat to overall human health, causing a high risk of lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, heart disease, and more. Smoking also creates a higher risk of developing gum disease and can lead to some potential oral health issues.

Additionally, smoking is also one of the most important factors that impact the color of teeth. A study conducted by the Guy’s King’s & St Thomas’ Dental Institute found that more than double the amount of smokers have moderate to severe tooth discolorations as compared to non-smokers. Additionally, the majority of smokers involved in this study also reported being unhappy with the color of their teeth.

2. Try A Pen Or Paint-On Whitening Option

For many people, waiting a couple of weeks before results can be observed is something they simply do not have enough time for. Think about having to attend a wedding – you do not want to have a yellow smile on one of the most important days in your life.

 In such cases, the use of a teeth whitening pen, such as the Idol White Pen, or the use of a paint-on whitening option, can help you achieve instant results. These options often come at an affordable price, depending on the type of product and the brand.

3. Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

Practice Proper Oral Hygiene
Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

Sometimes, one of the most effective solutions to a problem is the most obvious one. Taking care of your oral hygiene should be at the top of your daily to-do list. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, as well as ensure you floss and that you use a good mouth rinse.

While this technique might not cause your teeth to become instantly white, practicing optimal oral hygiene can help to prevent further staining and also promote healthier teeth – there is no use in having white teeth when your teeth are all prone to breaking.

4. Use A Tooth Whitening Toothpaste

As part of your daily oral hygiene routine, consider adding some whitening toothpaste to your regimen. There are some different whitening kinds of toothpaste on the market – some does not work at all, but there are some that might provide some positive effects. Try to look at some reviews about whitening toothpaste available in your local area to help you find the right option.

5. Limit How Much Coffee You Drink

Lastly, for a healthy smile that gives you confidence, you should also try to limit the amount of coffee you consume. The consumption of coffee has been linked to tooth discoloration due to the pigments found in coffee causing the enamel of teeth to become stained.


Teeth whitening is one of the most popular markets in the dental care industry, providing the general population a way to boost their confidence with a brighter, healthier and whiter smile. Unfortunately, not all products and procedures are considered safe and effective. In this post, we looked at five of the most effective strategies that can not only help to make teeth whiter but also keep your teeth and gums healthy.


Author Bio-

Meighan Sembrano is a health enthusiast and a passionate writer. Her primary expertise is in Beauty and Skin Care, but she has also published articles on Health and Fitness. Her sincerity and thoughtfulness resonate with readers, and her enthusiasm is contagious. You can follow Meighan on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Pingback: Yellow Teeth? 3 Important Aspects Know About Teeth Whitening - Healthy Lifestyle

  2. Thank you for the great post really it help me.

  3. Pingback: Does Whitening Toothpaste Hurt or Help? - Healthy Lifestyle

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