The Truth About Carbohydrates; Are They Good or Bad For You?

The Truth About Carbohydrates; Are They Good or Bad For You?

- in Healthy Food, Healthy Lifestyle, How to

The weight loss community is torn between those who believe that not all carbs are bad and those who stick by a belief that all carbs are bad’ mantra.
Some argue that carbs lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes and that they should be avoided at all costs. Some dietary recommendations insist that carbohydrates should still be part of our diets.
Before you decide on whether or not to keep consuming carbs, you should first know what they are.

What are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates can be categorized into fibers, starches, and sugars.
Sugars can be found naturally in fruit and honey, or it can be in the processed form in foods like biscuits and soft drinks.
Starch exists in food that comes from plants; bread, pasta, and rice are some examples. This is the primary source of energy for the body.
Fibers, although the body cannot absorb them, are essential for the digestive system. Whole grains, vegetables, and pulses are usually rich in this nutrient.

When you eat food that is rich in carbohydrates, it is broke down and transformed into glucose by the body. The glucose is then used as a source of energy. Alternatively, the body can turn the carbs into fat and store them away to be used as a source of energy later. So yes, carbohydrates can lead to weight gain, but they are also essential to your health.

Why You Need Carbohydrates In Your Diet

Here is why you should not completely avoid eating these foods:

-You need them for energy.

They provide energy for the body, and without them, stored fats will be processed and used for energy instead.

-The prevent some diseases from attacking the body

Fibers, depending on their particular nature, are essential for healthy bowel movements and low cholesterol. The risk of colon cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and type 2 diabetes is minimized by the presence of fibers in the body.

-They add bulk to your diet

Carbohydrates make you feel full, but to avoid overeating, you still need to watch the portion sizes that you consume per meal.

Should You Go On A Low Carb Diet?

There are some carbohydrates to have on your plate, and there are some that you should avoid.
Going on a low carb diet does not mean that you should eat all the starchy foods in small quantities, it means that you should stick to the foods that provide the most nutritional value for the body. Here are some examples of good carbs and bad carbs.

Good Carbohydrates; vegetables, whole fruits, seeds, nuts and whole grains are examples of carbs that should be included in your diet, although only in the appropriate quantities.

Bad Carbohydrates: white grains, white bread, pastries, ice cream, sugary drinks, and candies are carbs whose intake into the body should be limited.

Nutrition is, however, rarely black and white. In unhealthy quantities and frequencies, even the good carbs can cause weight gain and lead to conditions like high blood pressure.

Experts recommend that one-third of your diet should consist of carbohydrates and that any less can result in a nutritional deficiency.

If you are on a low-carb diet, therefore, you should find healthy substitutes for the nutrients and energy that would have otherwise been provided by the carbohydrates.

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