7 Tips For Defeating Senior Loneliness

7 Tips For Defeating Senior Loneliness

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Defeating Senior Loneliness

It is an unfortunate fact that many seniors face ongoing loneliness in their day-to-day lives. When your little ones (who are no longer little) have flown the nest and your career has come to an end, you might find yourself pacing the house and waiting for a phone call just to hear someone’s voice. That doesn’t have to be your life; by following these seven tips, you ensure your senior years are anything but lonely.

1: Find an Assisted Living Community


If you struggle with health concerns alongside loneliness, then an assisted living community could be the perfect solution, as you would receive ongoing healthcare as well as access to a community. According to Brightview assisted living in Baltimore, an assisted living community is just as much about making friends and enjoying home comforts as it is about having access to healthcare.


2: Join a Local Club

Local Club for elderly

To become a part of a local community, why not join a club? There are often plenty of clubs to join, so whether you enjoy gardening, painting, reading, cooking, or acting, there should be an option that suits you. Not only are you likely to make friends, but you’ll also learn new skills.


3: Use Modern Technology

Modern Technology 

The technology available today allows people to communicate from all around the world. So, if you live far from your family and miss seeing their faces, you could use FaceTime on a smartphone or tablet to have a face-to-face chat now and again. It might take a little getting used to, especially if you’re not up to date with the latest tech, but the access to communication makes it worth it.


4: Start a New Hobby

Hobby for elderly

Starting a new hobby opens the door to meeting many different kinds of people. If you want to get into walking, for example, you could end up meeting people along the way. This could also tie into joining a club, as many hobbies have a community meet-up.


5: Pick up the Phone

support hotlines for lonely seniors

Combatting loneliness doesn’t always mean seeing your loved ones in real life. Sometimes, a quick phone chat can vastly improve your day and make you feel less isolated. So, the next time you feel you haven’t spoken to anyone in a while, pick up the phone and call some of your loved ones.


If you don’t know who to call, then there are support hotlines for lonely seniors, so dial one of those and chat to a stranger for a little while.


6: Move Closer to Friends and Family

Friends and Family

Many people decide to move far away from home once they retire, and while this might be exciting at first, you might find that you end up a little too lonely. If you’re feeling isolated where you live, consider moving closer to your friends and family. That way, you won’t have to book a plane ticket just to see them in real life.


7: Get Out of the House

Get Out of the House 

The best conversations often happen out of the blue, so open yourself up to them by getting out of the house more. While sitting in a café or eating a pastry on a bench, you might just end up in an interesting conversation with a stranger who becomes a friend.

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