How to Whiten Your Teeth with Baking Soda?

How to Whiten Your Teeth with Baking Soda?

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How to Whiten Your Teeth with Baking Soda?

You might have heard about the baking soda teeth whitening remedies and tips on various web pages and blogs but here we are going to tell only those baking soda teeth whitening home remedies that actually work and have proven results.

We must not forget that baking soda is a chemical, though a natural chemical still it has all the abilities and harshness that a chemical possesses. Over-usage of any chemical product, whether natural or commercial, is bad and can lead to adverse effects. So here we are going to reveal how to whiten teeth with baking soda while keeping the amount of baking soda to a level where it won’t have any harsh effects.

So, without wasting any time, we must tell you how to whiten teeth with baking soda at home using the most effective and proven home remedies. Baking soda is a natural ingredient that helps teeth whitening instantly.

Like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide is another naturally found chemical which is used widely at homes and at commercial and industrial levels. It’s a natural bleaching agent that is often used for removing unwanted colors from different things. Why can’t we use it to remove the yellow color from your teeth? Not a bad idea? Let’s try that.

Hydrogen peroxide is normally a very harsh chemical so you must use its diluted form only otherwise you may get skin irritation and burning effect. Take a small dish and put almost half a teaspoon of baking soda in that. Now add up the diluted hydrogen peroxide that to make a thick toothpaste-like paste. Once you have mixed it well, get your toothbrush and put this paste on that and brush your teeth. Leave it there for almost 2 to five minutes and then rinse or brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.

This hydrogen peroxide and baking soda toothpaste may not have an instant effect but if you will use it for at least a week, you will get sparkling white teeth.

Salt is used for cleaning teeth for centuries because it is very effective in killing germs and bacteria and it also helps in removing the layer of plaque from the teeth. Natural Salt and baking soda toothpaste can be very effective to whiten your teeth. Brushing teeth with baking soda and salt toothpaste will not only clean and whiten your teeth, but it will keep your teeth healthy and strong.

To make salt and baking soda toothpaste, take a teaspoon of baking soda and add a half-teaspoon of salt to that. Now add water to make a thick paste. Once the salt is completely dissolved and the paste has become smooth, you can use it on a toothbrush to brush your teeth. Brushing teeth with baking soda and salt toothpaste for two minutes daily will be enough to keep your teeth safe from germs and plaque all day long.

Lemon juice is considered the best thing for cleaning and for the revival of the shine of pots and stuff. You can take advantage of this magical feature the lemon juice possesses for clean and shiny teeth. The effect goes double if you mix the lemon juice with baking soda. Lemon juice and baking soda toothpaste can bring bake your shiny bright and white smile if you start brushing teeth with baking soda and lemon juice paste.

Take a teaspoon of baking soda and mix enough lemon juice to make a thick paste. Once the pasta is ready, apply this paste on your teeth with a toothbrush and keep brushing for at least two minutes. After two minutes’ rinse with water. For extra effect, you can brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste. Usage of lemon juice and baking soda toothpaste can give you white teeth within a week if you start brushing teeth with baking soda toothpaste.

Strawberry and baking soda toothpaste are often called celebrities’ toothpaste because most celebrities trust this remedy and they love brushing teeth with a strawberry and baking soda toothpaste. Strawberry has a natural ingredient that dissolves the plaque and cleans your teeth even if you are just eating strawberries. Crush strawberries and add baking soda to make a paste. Now use this strawberry and baking soda toothpaste daily for brushing your teeth. You will get white and bright teeth like celebrities.

Anna Steve is Health IT expert, who built an accomplished reputation for the healthcare system, who love to write about the trusted and informative stuff for going to achieve health goals and monitor health system within legitimate ways.

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