Finding a Rehab Facility Shouldn’t Be This Hard

Finding a Rehab Facility Shouldn’t Be This Hard

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If you or a loved one is hoping to start the road to recovery from substance or alcohol abuse, the process should be simple and straightforward. Unfortunately, too many people feel overwhelmed and confused by the process, and this keeps them from getting the help they need when they need it.  The trick is to know what your expectations are and what you want in a treatment program. It’s easy to fall victim to a scam or money grab if you’re not sure what to look out for. In this guide, we’ll share some of the most common rehab facility red flags as well as tips for choosing the best rehab facility for you or your loved one’s needs.

Rehab Facility Red Flags

In a perfect world, all treatment centers will operate solely with the goal to heal people. Unfortunately, our world isn’t perfect, and scams do happen. These scams target people when they’re at their lowest point and in desperate need of a lifeline. It’s important to educate yourself about the prospective scams by understanding what red flags to look out for.

TV show host John Oliver famously pointed fingers at much of the drug treatment industry in the United States when he shared it was a $35 billion dollar industry with some dark secrets. From treatment centers with little therapy options or poor doctor supervision to more extreme scams that aim to steal insurance money through fraud, there’s a lot to be wary of.

What do you or your loved one need to be on the lookout for? There are a lot of signs that a rehab center is disreputable, and these are a few of them:


  • Brokers – If the rehab facility works with a broker who is receiving a commission per referral, this might be a red flag. Generally, you’ll find these brokers through vague online ads and generic websites.
  • Pay for Travel – If a rehab facility offers to pay for your travel, especially if it’s a long distance, this might seem like a good thing. In reality, it’s a sign the broker is receiving a large kickback for that referral, or that the facility itself plans to use your insurance for profit.
  • Accredited – You should only visit accredited treatment centers. 
  • Guarantees – Finally, many facilities will lure patients in with the promise of a cure or a set deadline. Being sober in 30 days is a great goal, but not one that should be promised as a marketing ploy. No reputable facility would ever claim a 100% success rate.


Finding a Rehab Facility Shouldn't Be This Hard

Finding the Best Facility

Now that you know what to look out for, you’re ready to make an informed decision about where you or your loved one will seek treatment. While there are many ways to market a rehab center, you’ll want to look for facilities that put the focus on the patient. Ensure the facility has actual experience treating your type of addiction as well as any underlying causes.

In addition, ensure there’s a strong level of support whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient program. Beyond this, you’ll need to make some decisions that aren’t necessarily related to the level of treatment like distance from home, cost, and support options. This will, once again, depending on your needs. There’s no “right” answer or one-size-fits-all solution to treatment.

Whether you’re seeking treatment or you’re seeking treatment for a loved one, act today. Finding the right treatment facility doesn’t have to be complicated. Though it might seem like a confusing process, with some education you can navigate the system with confidence. Recovery isn’t just possible, but it’s closer than you think.

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