Preparing Your Home for an Aged Parent

Preparing Your Home for an Aged Parent

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Aged Parent

They spend their lives looking after you and now it’s time to return the favour. Making the decision to care for your aging parent is no easy feat, but if you’re reading this, then you’ve likely already chosen to take on the task. The next step is to know exactly what you need to do in order to give your parent everything they need. Throughout, we’ll look at the things you need to do in order to make sure your home is aged-parent safe.

Keep Them Grounded

If possible, try and situate their bedroom on the ground floor even if they can manage the stairs. Doing this will mean less work for you if their mobility changes down the line. If you don’t have any traditional bedrooms on the ground floor, then get creative and transform your dining room/front room into a bedroom. If you live in a bungalow then you’re ahead of the game with this one.

Alarming Exit Points

This one might not be essential in all situations, but if your parent suffers from dementia, for example, making sure you put alarms at your exit points can give you peace of mind in case they decide to take an unscheduled wander. By extension, you may want to install home security cameras.

Lifting Them Up

With age generally comes less mobility which can make stairs a dangerous hazard. You can remove this obstacle by installing a stairlift, meaning they can take it easy while getting to and from any essential rooms that are not on the ground floor. Further, if you require wheelchair access, an entrance ramp will be essential.

Easy Release

Some elderly parents may struggle to navigate the bathroom. Installing handrails near the toilet, slip-mats on the floor, and ensuring the door frame is wide enough for potential wheelchair access will make bathroom falls less likely. You can also find toilet aids and bathing equipment at sites like

Never Miss a Call

For those aging parents that require constant attention, installing a home intercom or investing in baby monitors will be invaluable. By taking this step, you won’t have to worry about being unable to hear them call you from across the house.

A Demanding Choice

Caring for your aging parent is definitely not going to be an easy task. It can be mentally and physically draining, so it’s important you safeguard your well-being. The best way to do this would be to hire a home caregiver to ease the burden, so you can get some much-needed relaxation.

Now that you know some of the necessary ways to get your home ready for your aging parents, it’s time to embark on the next step of this exciting journey. Looking after a parent during their elderly years can be so rewarding. We’re sure that if you have children, the time that they get to spend with their grandma or grandad will stay with them forever – it will definitely be a time that your parents will cherish.


Preparing Your Home for an Aged Parent


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