Body Positivity: Ways to Feel Good in Your Own Body

Body Positivity: Ways to Feel Good in Your Own Body

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Body Positivity

In a world that strives for perfections in all areas of life, it’s difficult to face the fact that human beings aren’t perfect. These imperfections are what make us unique and human but it’s hard to accept them even with this knowledge. The body positivity movement has been gaining more attention and flowers all over the world and its ambassadors are doing their best to help us accept ourselves the way we are.

Here are some of the ways that can learn to feel good in your own body (Body Positivity) :

Be kind to yourself

When your best friend is going through a tough time, how do you talk to them? Are you rough and unforgiving or kind and gentle? Just like you love and support your best friends through thick and thin, you should do the same when it comes to you. Give yourself the respect you deserve and don’t be so strict. When you start seeing yourself as an ally and start using kinder words to think of and describe yourself, you’ll slowly shift your perspective and start appreciating yourself more.

Focus on the positive

There is just so much negativity all around us that we have a hard time identifying and staying away from it. Try to make an experiment: take a good look around you and see which people support you and which ones make you feel bad about yourself. Just like your inner voice should be kind and supportive, so should the people around you. It’s going to be difficult for you to focus on the good sides if people around you are putting you down. Learn to recognize negativity and stay away from it even if it means you won’t be spending a lot of time with certain people who claim to be your friends.

Make a drastic change

Sometimes it’s difficult to come to terms with certain things about ourselves, especially if it’s something that makes us insecure. Different physical imperfections can have a severe impact on our self-esteem, but it doesn’t mean you can do nothing about it. Make a drastic change in your life: start working out, book an appointment with female plastic surgeons near you, or visit an orthodontist. Once you take care of something that’s been bothering you for a long time, be it crooked teeth, thin lips, big nose, or your weight, you will be able to see yourself differently and get that burden off your chest.

Find inspiration

Whether we like it or not, social media has a huge impact on the way we see ourselves. Photos we see on Instagram are little works of art and people on them are always portrayed as perfect: happy, attractive, with flawless makeup, and healthy hair. That amount of perfection makes us focus more on our imperfections and often makes us feel depressed. We forget that people on Instagram are just people who work hard in order to get those perfect shots and reach as many followers as possible. Fortunately, there are body positivity ‘warriors’, people who take time to remind us that social media isn’t real and that imperfections are part of life.

Reaching a point where you stand in front of the mirror and love every part of yourself is possible. We have been under so much pressure to look perfect that we have a hard time accepting our own bodies. Just like you love your friends and family, you should love yourself and your body. Find a way to accept your body – either by changing something you don’t like or by embracing yourself just the way you are, and try to show love and kindness to yourself every single day.

Helen Bradford is a journalism student who always seeks new ideas to write about. She enjoys blogging about beauty, health and style trends for women. When she’s not writing, she spends her spare time being active through fitness and traveling.

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