Magical concoctions to boost your immunity

Magical concoctions to boost your immunity

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Magical concoctions to boost your immunity

We all know that savings are the thing of the past, for you to survive this era and retire successfully, you would need to invest. Be it money or lifestyle, George Goyal follows that advice in every aspect of life. Your body also needs considerable investment from your end and in return, it protects you from harmful diseases.

An important factor here is to boost your immunity. Your immunity is like an investment portfolio; it needs to be built over time and doesn’t necessarily require you to put in an excessive amount of exercise and diet. Some of the simplest ingredients in your pantry and garden are ideal to brew concoctions that protect and supplement you with good nutrients. Here’s a George Goyal approved list of healthy investments that you would love!

George Goyal’s approved list of healthy investments

  • The CinnaHon: This is a great concoction for getting strength & energy. You would need:
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 small cinnamon stick or ½ tsp cinnamon powder
    • 1 tbsp honey


Mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water and bring it to boil. Strain, add a teaspoon of honey, and drink up. Cinnamon and honey are both rich in antioxidants and will give you a warm drink that’ll be your blanket from harmful pathogens. This is an excellent recipe to boost your immune system


  • The HonTur: Surely not with a gun but will sure to kill any bad element entering your body. To make this, you only need:
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 tsp turmeric powder or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, use some raw shredded turmeric
    • 1 tbsp honey

turmeric powder

Boil the turmeric powder in hot water for about 3 minutes, strain with a fine sieve if you don’t want the water to feel powdery, add honey and gulp. This one might not taste very good but it has amazing properties such as being anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. A soul healing drink for sure.


  • The BeLime: This is nothing like the beloved key-lime but that doesn’t mean it ain’t tasty. George Goyal’s favorite drink from the list, this only requires 3 ingredients to make:
    • 1 cup water
    • 6-10 basil leaves (depending upon the size)
    • 1 tsp lime juice

basil leaves

Grind basil leaves and boil them in water for about 5 minutes or till the color is light amber. You can choose to add black pepper and ginger to the mixture and honey to sweeten it. This brew works wonders for cold and cough.


  • The GiPper: Upset stomach? You need something that increases your metabolism and provides you a natural relief. Here’s a 3 ingredient potion that you’ll love.
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 small piece of ginger or 1 tbsp of dry ginger powder
    • 6-8 black pepper seeds
    • 1-2 cloves


Mind you, this drink will give you some heat and might be a bit spicy for your liking. Grind the ingredients to gather and seep them in the water for around 5-7 minutes. It works great when you have gas or to improve your digestion. It will simply boost your immunity, increase the acids of your own stomach to work more effectively.


Here we have the 4 easy to make health potions that are great to relieve your basic ailments and take under 10 minutes. Not to mention, you can mix and match ingredients from these without any side-effects. So invest now into these today and get great results.

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Magical concoctions to boost your immunity






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