Take care of chapped lips using these 7 home remedies

Take care of chapped lips using these 7 home remedies

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Chapped Lips

So lately your lips have been letting you down? Making you look malnourished or taking the attention away from your glamorous look? Worry not; the following are natural ways which will help you get rid of chapped lips and achieve soft delicate lips:

Chapped Lips? No problem. Get rid of chapped lips using these 7 home remedies.

  1. Water, water!!

It goes without saying that water is the solution to most of our body issues. So take out that water bottle, fill it and empty it (by drinking of course) as much as you can. This will definitely get rid of chapped lips because dehydration is one of its major causes.

  1. Essential Oils

They are called “essential” for a reason. Look for these oils in their most natural state, and apply them as frequently as it gets. A good start would be; coconut oil, mustard seed oil and almond oil. All you have to do is pout, apply a thin layer and smack your lips!

  1. Aloe Vera

This has been one of the best beauty secrets for decades; it will not disappoint. Just how confident am I you ask? Apply aloe vera gel twice a day and you’ll manage to get rid of your chapped lips in no time.

  1. Homemade lip balm

Are store-bought balms just not working for you? Sit down and relax; you just have unique lips that require attention. Yes, you need to be dedicated enough to make the best homemade balm. The ingredients you require are; two tsp. extra virgin coconut oil, a half a tsp. of Shea butter, one tsp. grated beeswax, ten drops of vitamin E oil and ten drops of any essential oil.


Melt the coconut oil, shea butter and bees wax in a glass dish/mason jar. Let it cool and then mix in the remaining ingredients.

Give time for it to set and voila! A lip balm to suit your lips’ unique desires. Apply at least twice a day.

  1. Fruits

Ever heard of the saying, your lips are what you eat? No? Me neither; but it’s true. Fruits contain many essential vitamins and minerals which help increase in blood circulation. As blood circulates in your body, guess what? It circulates in your lips too, giving them a healthy plummy look. This is the healthiest way to get rid of your chapped lips as it adds nutritional value to the rest of your body too.

  1. Avoid licking your lips

The irony, am I right? While I understand you are really trying to take care of your lips, I urge you to keep your tongue away from it. Licking your lips actually removes moisture from it and causes your lips to dry out. Avoid biting your lips too while at it.

  1. Exfoliate your lips

There are two ways of doing this; using a lip scrub or a toothbrush. This removes the dead skin cells which are responsible for the flakiness. The natural scrub can be made using honey, sugar and lemon. Mix them, pinch a small amount and rub it on your lips (make sure your hands are clean). Leave it on for three or so minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

As for using toothbrush, it is what it is, brush those lips dear. Just make sure the bristles are soft and wet it with warm water.

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Take care of chapped lips using these 7 home remedies


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