Do You Know Your Dog Helps You Live Longer

Do You Know Your Dog Helps You Live Longer

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@Wendy Lipscomb
Do You Know Your Dog Helps You Live Longer? Not just fun owning a dog brings in a lot of social, mental and physical benefits that can help you to lead healthy and happy life. Following are some reasons that support my statement so without wasting a minute let’s explore them | Mylifewithnodrugs.comhappy dog

Always joyous, happy, supportive and affectionate dogs are one of the best pet a person can own. Dogs and cats are the most popular pets held in the U.S from which owning a dog is the first priority. I own two dogs, and I can bet that dogs can bring many upsides to your life as they bring in a lot of affection and entertainment. Dogs become attuned to the routine and behavior of their parents within no time. Even they can understand your tone and body language which helps them to build an unconditional bond with their parents. Owning a dog brings joy and fun to every other person in the family whether it is a kid, middle-aged person or an old person. Not just fun owning a dog brings in a lot of social, mental and physical benefits that can help you to lead healthy and happy life. Following are some reasons that support my statement so without wasting a minute let’s explore them.

Social Benefits:

As mention prior dogs are one of the best companions of human, therefore owning a dog can help to eliminate isolation from your life. Dogs attract humans towards themselves by their funny acts. They also be-friends easily with human and can help you to make new friends as you take them out for a walk or to the park. In addition to this, they depend entirely on your for food (best grain free dog food suggestions), bathing, going out or anything else which can add a purpose to your life. Thinking of a creature depending on you will increase the sense of self-worth.

Dogs can even sense when you are sad, and they try their best to make you feel happy. They can also become a lean ear in sad times and listen to all what you have to say. No matter what crises you are going through you little four footer companion will not leave you alone.

Physical Health Benefits:

As I have mentioned prior the dogs are super active animals and love running, Cuddling and going out. Just pick-up your door keys and you will find them at the gate, all ready to go out. Owning dog as a pet can help you to achieve healthy body inside out. Taking them out for a jog or playing with him outdoors will increase the physical activity level that will further boost your metabolism and will keep you protected from diseases. In addition to this, the dog brings diverse bacteria in the house which helps to kill other microbes thus people with dogs get sick less. Children that grow up with dogs are less prone to allergies. Moreover, by staying physically active the cholesterol level in your body decrease which keeps your heart healthy prevents you way from gaining extra weight and helps you to lean muscles. Healthy body from inside-out boosts person’s self-confidence.

Emotional and Mental Benefits:

Dog’s owners are less depressed. Most of the owners state that coming back from work and seeing your dog waiting for you is a source of joy and even makes them feel happy and relaxed.  In addition to this, cuddling and touching your puppy with love lowers blood pressure and relieves stress. Due to the affection and specific bond hormone oxytocin is released which is known as love hormone which decreases the feeling of fear and anxiety. Previous studies have shown that people own a dog experience more secretion of oxytocin hormone which keeps them relax.

A healthy mind and healthy body can help you lead a long healthy life.


Wendy is a self-employed beauty therapist, mother of two; life-long pet parent and lover of dogs who somehow manages to squeeze in the time to satisfy another of her loves – writing. Wendy is the founder, main contributor to and editor of

Do You Know Your Dog Helps You Live Longer? Not just fun owning a dog brings in a lot of social, mental and physical benefits that can help you to lead healthy and happy life. Following are some reasons that support my statement so without wasting a minute let’s explore them |
pictures with dogs

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  1. Pingback: The Do’s and Don’ts of Running with Your Dog - Healthy Lifestyle

  2. Great, thanks for sharing us.

    1. I am glad you liked it 🙂

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    1. I am glad you liked it 🙂

  4. great article, thanks for sharing us.

    1. Thank you too for reading it.

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