Monthly Health and Wellness Journal/Planner

Monthly Health and Wellness Journal/Planner

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Health and Wellness Journal

Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner will increase your probability of success regardless you are over 50, bussy mother, entrepreneur or you have only lack energy

Woman Over 50

It’s not fair, but there it is. The older you get, the less energy you have. It seems just getting through the daily chores takes more energy and time than it used to. And maybe you’ve started to gain weight, putting on a pound or two for the last year or two.

You get out of breath doing activities you used to sail through. Perhaps you’ve said no to friends and family because it all seems like too much effort.

And while you may no longer worry about getting pregnant, there’s the dreaded menopause with the hot flashes, emotions, and night sweats.

Say hello to the “Golden Years.” Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way. It is not inevitable that just because you’re older than you’ll have less energy, gain weight, and lose muscle mass.

The problem could be a lifestyle that needs a healthy makeover, rather than old age. Did you know that even an 85-year-old woman can gain muscle strength with mild exercises? Or that a healthy diet helps to improve eyesight, memory, and help avoid serious health issues.

You’ll never be 30 years old again, but you can get in great shape, be fit, and feel good.

It’s been shown that establishing goals and objectives makes it more likely those goals will be achieved. In other words, it’s not enough to say, “I need to lose weight.” You need to say, “I will lose two lbs. Every week for the next six months. It is writing down those goals amps up the probability of success. And that’s exactly what the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner do – it increases your probability of success.

Before starting any new health regime, get your doctor’s okay. Some foods clash, increase or destroy the effects of some medications. Your doctor knows what you should avoid based on your health and prescriptions.

The Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner requires only a few minutes out of your day. Your first day establishes your baseline for weight, blood pressure, body measurements, and, if applicable, blood sugar levels. You also set goals for weight loss.

After you’ve chosen your healthy eating program, you’ll create a weekly menu for breakfasts, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Choose your exercise program. Then complete the questions and track your progress every day. At the end of the week, review the week. You may find that going out to lunch with the girls gives you an excuse to overindulge, or a heated discussion at work leads to a stressful afternoon of snacks you didn’t need or really even want. Once you recognize the trends, you can prepare for the situation.

It’s an easy Five-Step Process

The first step in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner is to get a baseline of your health – your weight, body measurement, and blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, if applicable.

The second step is to select an exercise and eating program, even if you don’t need to lose weight, healthy eating gives you more energy.

The third step is taking a few moments at the end of each day to note what happened, how you reacted, whether you exercised, and stuck with your eating program.

The fourth step at the end of each week is to review your progress and see any patterns that sabotaged your efforts.

And finally, the fifth step is to make adjustments for the next week.

Busy Mothers

As a busy mother, you make sure your children eat healthily, sleep well, and get enough exercise. You take care of your family, but are you taking care of yourself?

Your family depends on you to keep the household running smoothly, get everyone to their appointments, classes, and, of course, school.

You most likely are responsible for grocery shopping, cooking, and cleanup. The odds are you’re not in the best shape ad health you could be. Sometimes it’s just easier to grab a pizza for lunch rather than a healthy salad. That’s okay once in a while. However, a diet of pizza, burgers, and take out is loaded with salt and fat and low on vegetables and fruits.

Do yourself and your family a favor. Take care of yourself, and you’ll have an easier time taking care of everyone else. It’s not easy to focus on yourself when your life is full of demands by others. You may intend to spend 30 minutes on yoga in the morning, and then it hits you, it’s nearly time to fall exhausted into bed, and you didn’t even think about yoga, much less practice it.

It’s been proven that setting goals and objectives mean it’s more likely those goals and objections are achieved. What’s even better is writing down the goals and objectives and what you did to achieve those goals on a daily basis. The Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner does exactly that and more. You’ll not only track your eating and exercise but also what happened during the day.

At the end of the week, you may see patterns start to emerge. For example, on days you carpool, you have a tendency to either skip lunch or grab something – anything – to quell those hunger pangs. The solution might be to keep a few healthy snacks in your desk, purse, and car.

The first step in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner is to get a baseline of your health – your weight, body measurement, and blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, if applicable.

The second step is to select an exercise and eating program, even if you don’t need to lose weight, healthy eating gives you more energy.

The third step is taking a few moments at the end of each day to note what happened, how you reacted, whether you exercised, and stuck with your eating program.

The fourth step at the end of each week is to review your progress and see any patterns that sabotaged your efforts.

And finally, the fifth step is to make adjustments for the next week.


As an entrepreneur, your first priority is your business. If you don’t take the time to take care of business, who will? If the products don’t ship on time, it’s your responsibility. If a customer has questions, you have the answers. If an employee quits, you fill in. While you’re taking care of business, who is taking care of you?

Chowing down on a burger may be fast and satisfy your hunger, but it’s not healthy in the long run. Stress is part of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, but too much stress too often leads to serious consequences.

You take time to plan your business, forecast sales, and estimate profit. But do you take the time to plan a healthy lifestyle? Popping a handful of vitamins and playing weekend warrior at sports isn’t going to do it.

Studies have shown that writing down your goals and objectives makes it more likely that those goals and objectives are achieved. But you already know that because, like any successful entrepreneur, your business goals and objectives are in your business plan.

You could use that same “business plan” concept to create a plan for your health. But you don’t have to spend hours in research making sure you included all the aspects, designing the format, and creating the actual journal itself. All that is done for you in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner.

This is not a journal with pastel colors and pretty graphics. It’s down to earth and straight forward to help you develop a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, contact your professional health services provider before starting any new regime.

No matter what exercise program you choose from walking to weight lifting, the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner works with you and for you to get healthier. No matter what eating program you select, the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner keep you on track.

Establish where you are now and where you want to be in 30 days. Each day you’ll answer a few brief questions and note your weight and if it’s an issue, your blood pressure, and sugar levels. At the end of each week, you’ll review how you did and decide on the changes necessary for the upcoming week.

As you complete the journal, you’ll see what events led to your success and which events were stumbling blocks. For example, perhaps a customer was unreasonably dissatisfied with your service. As a result, you compensated by overeating that day. Reviewing the week points out problems like that and gives you the opportunity to change your behavior.

The first step in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner is to get a baseline of your health – your weight, body measurements and blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar if applicable.

The second step is to select an exercise and eating program, even if you don’t need to lose weight, healthy eating gives you more energy.

The third step is taking a few moments at the end of each day to note what happened, how you reacted, whether you exercised, and stuck with your eating program.

The fourth step at the end of each week is to review your progress and see any patterns that sabotaged your efforts.

And finally, the fifth step is to make adjustments for the next week.



Becoming engaged is one of the happiest events in a woman’s life and one of the most stressful. And of course, you want to look your very best while planning all the wedding festivities.

Taking care of your health in the months leading up to your wedding may not be one of your priorities, but it should be. It isn’t enough to want to lose a few pounds to get in shape for that form-fitting wedding gown. Being healthy means more energy, feeling fit, and yes, perhaps losing weight.

Between compiling the guest list, deciding on your wedding reception venue, and choosing just the right caterer, it’s easy to overlook whether you exercised today, took your vitamins, or drank enough water.

With all the rush, it’s easier to grab a fast-food burger than to eat a healthy meal. Besides, who’s going to know? You will, when that load of fat and salt leaves you bloated and lethargic.

You may have decided to go on an accelerated program to get healthy a few months before the wedding. After all, exercise and a healthy diet mean you’ll look good and feel good for that all-important day. But, and it’s a big but, how do you stay motivated? How do you track your progress?

The Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner answers this question. It keeps you on track because every day, you’ll spend a few minutes to note your progress, jot down what happened that day, and how it affected you.

For example, discussing the guest list, seating arrangement, or why little Susie can’t be the flower girl, with your future mother-in-law, may result in a high-stress level, which leads to overeating.

Recording the day’s events and how you feel leads to the realization that those discussions lead to stress. Recognizing the situation means you can deal with the stress with other activities besides eating.

You could create your own health and wellness journal, but do you really have the time? Your life has crowded enough right now with all the wedding decisions, honeymoon, planning, and celebration parties.

You could spend hours researching and then creating the journal, but you don’t have to. The Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner does it for you in an easy to follow format.

It’s an uncomplicated five-step process

The first step in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner is to get a baseline of your health – your weight, body measurement, and blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, if applicable.

The second step is to select an exercise and eating program, even if you don’t need to lose weight, healthy eating gives you more energy.

The third step is taking a few moments at the end of each day to note what happened, how you reacted, whether you exercised, and stuck with your eating program.

The fourth step at the end of each week is to review your progress and see any patterns that sabotaged your efforts.

And finally, the fifth step is to make adjustments for the next week.

Men Over 50 Years Old

It’s a myth that as a man gets older, he gains weight, loses strength, and doesn’t have the energy he used to. The fact is as a man grows older, there’s a tendency to eat more and exercise less. It’s not a matter of just old age. Rather than change lifestyles, it’s easier to pop a pill to reduce high blood pressure – hypertension – which does increase with age or take medication to lower cholesterol.

You might want to have a healthier life, more energy, a better love life, and increased stamina, but where to begin? How do you keep up the motivation day after day? How do you hold yourself accountable? The Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner does just that. Start by establishing your baseline health — your weight body measurements, blood pressure, and if applicable blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Then choose a healthy eating program that fits your budget and lifestyle. For example, if the thought of giving up meat isn’t in the realm of possibility, then a low carb high protein diet would be a better fit than vegetarian. Ask your professional health service provider for their suggestions, as well. And, of course, get their approval to start your lifestyle changes. Your next choice is an exercise program. And no, sitting in a golf cart for 18 holes of golf is not exercise. Walking the course definitely qualifies.

After that, you take a few minutes each day to jot down how you felt, any out of the ordinary events, your stress levels, and if you kept to your eating and exercise program in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner. At the end of each week, review your progress, and make any modifications or changes. For example, after you’re two weeks into your walking program, you might extend the distance you walk, complete the distance in less time by walking faster or alternate walking and jogging.

The Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner is more than a pretty cover and cute graphics. It’s straight forward and down to earth to make it easier for you to transform your life from a frumpy lumpy old guy to a fit and fun senior who keeps up with the grandkids.

It’s an uncomplicated five-step process

The first step in the Essential Health and Wellness Journal/Planner is to get a baseline of your health – your weight, body measurement, and blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, if applicable.

The second step is to select an exercise and eating program, even if you don’t need to lose weight, healthy eating gives you more energy.

The third step is taking a few moments at the end of each day to note what happened, how you reacted, whether you exercised, and stuck with your eating program.

The fourth step at the end of each week is to review your progress and see any patterns that sabotaged your efforts.

And finally, the fifth step is to make adjustments for the next week.

In addition, Here is the 21 Day Challenge to a Healthier You regardless you are over 50, bussy mother, entrepreneur or you have only lack energy

Day 1

Get your baseline measurements taken. Some drug stores and big box stores will carry some readings — such as blood pressure — without charge or at a minimal cost. Know what you weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar readings are

Measure your chest/bust, upper arms, waist and stomach/hips.

Set goals for each week. At the end of the challenge for your body measurements and weight.

Day 2

Invest in a reliable scale, blood pressure cuff/heart monitor.

Day 3

Research healthy eating programs and/or weight loss programs. Choose the program that appeals to you, fits your budget, and time constraints. You may choose more than one program. For example, a fast juice program for the first three days, then whole foods. Or a low carb program for the first week to ease you into a KETO program for the remainder of the challenge.

Day 4

Research exercise programs. Choose a program that fits your lifestyle, budget, time constraints, and motivation. Motivation is important, in that you might want to join a gym but have difficulty working in the time for the trip to and from the gym as well as the work out time. Consider any special equipment that might be needed and where you will store it. Lifting weights is a good program but requires a variety of free weights; walking only requires a good pair of shoes.

Day 5

Check with your professional health care provider for their okay on your eating program, exercise program, and any vitamins or herbal supplements you plan on taking. Make sure any medications you take won’t interact with your eating program.

Day 6

Design your exercise program. Go online and/or get to the library for research. Many lifestyle magazines have done-for-you exercise programs, including walking, yoga, stretching, and aerobic programs. There are also membership sites and of course DVDs.

Day 7

Design your menu for the week. Use grocery store ads as a starting point. As with exercise, there is a myriad of websites, blogs, magazines, and membership sites that focus on the different eating programs. You might also consider a food delivery program at least to get you started. You prepare portioned ingredients for your dinners. Another alternative is buying prepared entrees that are low calorie, low carb, or vegetarian.

Day 8

Go through the Essential Health and Wellness Guide ad Complete the first day of measurements and ready you took a week ago.

Complete the menus for each day of the first week.   At the end of the day, fill in the different categories.

Day 9

Reward yourself for actually getting going on a healthy lifestyle. It might be boing to a movie, participating in a hobby you haven’t had time for, or taking 15 minutes to listen to music.

Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 2


Day 10


Tip for the Day: Control your blood sugar with just one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily. Vinegar blocks starch absorption. The slower you digest starch, the more level your blood sugar.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 3


Day 11


Tip of the Day: Ginger fights inflation. Slice ½ inch raw gingerroot very thinly. Add it to one cup of boiling water. Steep for five minutes. Add a slice of lemon and a few dribbles of honey if you like. Ginger also aids in digestion.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 4

Day 12


Tip of the Day: Coconut oil has lots of uses, but did you know it can cut down on bleeding gums? Swish a teaspoon of organic unrefined coconut oil after brushing in the morning and at night.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 5


Day 13


Tip of the Day: Eating carrots to improve your eyesight isn’t an old wife’s tale. Carrots are chock full of lutein. It also helps to heal damaged colon cells. One cup of carrots do the trick.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 6


Day 14


Tip of the Day: Cut your risk of Type II diabetes by consuming three servings of dairy each day, either full fat or low fat. A serving is a glass of milk, eight ounces of yogurt or cottage cheese, or an ounce of cheese.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 7


You’ve completed the first full week of the Essential Health and Wellness Journal and the first two weeks of the 21-day challenge. Congratulations, you’re doing great. Complete the weekly summary section. Did you meet your goals for the first week for weight loss? Do you need to ramp up your exercise program? What changes do you need to make?


Day 15


Tip of the Day: Help out your heart by eating three cups of veggies or greens daily. It sounds like a lot, but really, that’s only about the size of a luncheon salad. Greens contain a substance that coats cholesterol so it can’t attach to artery walls.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 8


Day 16


Tip of the Day: Water, water, and more water. Yes, it prevents dehydration, but it is also a natural blood thinner and prevents clots from forming. Drink ice water, and your body burns extra calories bringing your body temperature back to normal.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 9


Day 17


Pollutants cause allergies. Keep outdoor pollutants outside your door with an oversized doormat. Remove shoes as soon as you come in. Vacuum the doormat weekly. Don’t’ shake it out that just exposes you to all the pollutants the mat has captured.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 10


Day 18


Tip of the Day: Amp up the flavor of your food to help your heart — the flavor compounds in onions, garlic, spicy peppers, and black peppercorns. Help thwart clots forming in your heart. All it takes is one tablespoon fresh or one teaspoon dried each day.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 11


Day 19


Tip of the Day: Get your ZZZ’s. Lack of sleep makes you look and feel older. It also leads to weight gain. Aim for at least seven-hour sleep.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 12


Day 20


Tip of the Day: Color code your veggies. The brighter and deeper the color is better. That means there are more age-fighting antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Aim for two servings at every meal.

Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 13


Day 21


Tip of the Day: Chew gum to lose weight. The scent and flavor, as well as chewing action, make your brain think there’s more food to digest. Chewing gum after every meal freshens your breath and signals that the meal is over.


Stay on Your Eating Plan


Complete the Journal for Day 14

You’ve completed three two of the Essential Health and Wellness Journal and the 21-day challenge. Don’t stop now. Keep going and complete the journal for the full 30 days. Complete the weekly summary section. Did you meet your goals for the first week for weight loss? Do you need to ramp up your exercise program? What changes do you need to make?

Here are some other tips


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