10 Things You Should Know About Physiotherapy

10 Things You Should Know About Physiotherapy

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@Peter Minkoff

By Peter Minkoff Contributing Author, a passionate writer, professional fashion, lifestyle, and health,  expert

Have you ever been in a position to need a physiotherapy treatment? Maybe if you were having trouble with arthritis, chronic pain, or you needed injury rehabilitation. Physiotherapists deal with issues like these and they do so much more. However, many people are not familiar with all their responsibilities and they know so little about this type of treatment. Let’s learn 10 facts about this field of medicine that may or may not surprise you.

Whenever you need a physio treatment, all you need to do is call a nearby clinic. You tell them why you are calling and what problems you are facing at the moment. Of course, you need health insurance for all of that. Before just waltzing in to discuss your needs, check what your insurer requires and covers.

You can find physiotherapists offering great services all over the world. For example, physio in Hong Kong is a great option if you need a treatment they can help you with. You will be satisfied with the quality of services because they are outstanding.

It has existed for thousands of years

According to historical record, Hippocrates was a Greek physician who invented this field of medicine. This man was considered the “Father of Medicine.” He did a lot of things, like treating patients with water therapy, and at one point he invented this commonly used practice that is now called physiotherapy.

University educated healthcare professionals

Experts in this field do not only have an undergraduate degree, along with a master’s degree in physiotherapy. They also have to pass a comprehensive oral and written exam. There are only three chances to do so, and those who do not pass it need to start thinking of a different career. The title of a physiotherapist can only be used legally after all the requirements are completed. You need to know this because there are people who are injury care providers who falsely claim to be physiotherapists. Be careful to choose someone who completed all the training.

Experts in body mechanics

People who do this for a living can determine what exercises you need to do only by observing some of your basic movements for a short period of time. They can give you advice on how to become better at your sport, help to reduce injury and recommend activities if you feel like becoming more active. They are very familiar with body mechanics and you can rely on them.

Babies treated as well

Some babies are born with minor muscular issues (for example torticollis) and need physiotherapy. This condition develops when a major muscle (sternocleidomastoid) becomes shortened or contracted. One of the symptoms a constantly tilted head in one position. Physiotherapists help speed up recovery and minimize long-term complications, and they educate parents about proper head bolster positioning. They also prescribe some at-home stretches and strengthening exercises.

Helping new moms with their health problems

Bladder incontinence, diastasis recti, pelvic floor disability or low back pain – new moms dealing with these kinds of problems often need physiotherapy. Postnatal concerns can be quite annoying, but luckily, you do not have to live with them forever. Find a trustworthy physiotherapist and they will retrain and strengthen the weak muscles.

Acupuncture can be a part of this

The tasks of acupuncture are helping promote healing, reducing or relieving pain and improving the function of the affected area of the body. So, yes – it is a part of physiotherapy treatment. Those who want to learn it need to go through a specialized training program. People can only do this after earning a physiotherapy designation.

Physiotherapy involves homework

Physiotherapists assign homework on a regular basis. These are usually strength-based exercises and completing them has a direct impact on results – if you do your homework meticulously, you will be happy to see the amazing results. Ignoring it can prolong treatment.

Obesity can be managed here too

There are nutritionists on staff who are also a part of this story and they can treat a wide variety of disorders and conditions. Obesity is one of them, which is not something most people know.

It also offers psychological services

This is a service that is often overlooked, but now you know you have this option as well. There are psychologists who provide social learning techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, just like relaxation training and targeted therapy. They also do so much more.

Now that you read about ten facts about physiotherapy, how many of them have you already been familiar with? Was this article surprising or not? If you ever need these kinds of services, you will know a lot about it. Hopefully, you’ll find it helpful.

Peter is a health writer at HighStyleLife magazine, living between Europe and New Zealand. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.

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