Buying your vaping device for the first time? Here’s what you need to know

Buying your vaping device for the first time? Here’s what you need to know

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vape device

Your first purchase determines your experience for the rest of your life. So make it count!

Buying a vaping device for the first time is no different. While a good purchase can be empowering, a bad one can discourage you from exploring the vivid vaping world.

If you are someone who has never wielded a vaping device before, you must know that there’s a lot more about vaping than what meets the eye. Whether you are eying on Aussie vaporisers or the imported ones, it is important to know a thing or two about these devices before you swipe your card.

Vaping is different from smoking

Based on what you perceive, it’s normal to liken vaping to smoking. However, the smoke effect of vaping differs from that of smoking a traditional cigarette. The taste, flavour and throat hit are also not the same. Smoking and vaping can be enjoyed interchangeably, but they are not each other’s absolute substitute. So, if you are switching to vaping because you want to quit smoking, it may or may not help.

What options do you have?

With a variety of vape devices available on the market, there are endless ways to vape your favourite e-juice. Based on your vaping preference and budget, you can choose from the following devices.

Buying your vaping device for the first time? Choose from the following devices

  1. Cig-a-likes

Designed to look and feel like cigarettes, Cig-a-like preserves that traditional appeal to wow smokers. However, the taste is entirely different and nothing like its tobacco-based counterpart.

Cig-a-likes are handy, as well as easy to refill or dispose of. There’s an LED at the tip of the cig-a-like which lights up as you vape, giving the impression of a burning cigarette.

Cig-a-likes are among the earliest e-cigarettes that were designed the way they are to encourage smokers to use it as an alternative. If you are looking for a casual vaping experience, then a cig-a-like is the easiest way to start with.

  1. Vape Pens

A vape pen is the advanced version of cig-a-likes and is designed like a fancy pen for portability, easy handling and storage. A vape pen is a perfect pick for discreet vaping, with added features and a more advanced design that makes cig-a-likes look orthodox.

With vape pens, you can control vapour production to your satisfaction and optimise its performance to make your e-juice last long. Further, vape pens are compatible with all types of e-juices and flavour.

If you are planning to buy a vape pen, you must consider Pax vape in Australia. It is one of the popular vape pens, available in striking colours, durable aluminium anodized body and a lot of features to give you a fantastic experience to start with.

  1. Mods

A vape mod is the pinnacle of vaping devices. With a bigger tank, longer battery life and silent operation, a mod is the perfect addition to your vaping kit. Vape mods are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and feature a superior mechanism that heats your herbs or e-juice to the correct temperature where they don’t burn and deliver flavours in their best forms.

Get your desired nicotine fix

The best thing about vaping is that you can regulate your nicotine intake by purchasing the e-juice with desired nicotine strength from 0% to all the way up to 5%. If you have been a smoker for a long time and now you want a different source of nicotine, an e-juice with 3.6% nicotine strength should suffice your craving.

Vaping is fun as long as you go by the norms and avoid excessive intake. We hope this information should come in handy for your first purchase.

Eada Hudes is an Arts student whose experiences in life make her really tougher than anyone else. She can lend you expert tips on diverse topics ranging from relationship to fashion, making money, health and so on. Her write-ups are a window into her thoughts and knowledge

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  1. wow very useful article. plz keep it up

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