How to Eat Healthy without Spending a Fortune

How to Eat Healthy without Spending a Fortune

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@Victoria Lim
Meal prep to the rescue - eat healthyMeal prep to the rescue - eat healthy

by Victoria Lim
Contributing Author, journalist and a fitness enthusiast with a B.Sc. in nutrition

How to Eat Healthy without Spending a Fortune
How to Eat Healthy without Spending a Fort

Even though people often think that they’re going to need a lot of money if they want to be eating healthy yet delicious meals, the truth is that they can make it happen without spending a fortune.  Just stay with us and keep on reading if you want to know how to get eat healthy with a low budget. Here are five useful tips on how to accomplish that like a true pro, so check them out!


Make sure to prepare your own meals at home


Make sure to prepare your own meals at home
Make sure to prepare your own meals at home

One of the best ways to eat healthy and balanced meals while saving some money at the same time is to cut down on eating out and prepare your own dishes at home. Even though there have always been cheaper restaurants, the truth is that even moderately priced ones offer meals that can cost more than $20 per person, which really is pricey – especially if you have a habit of eating out frequently. So, why wouldn’t you convert that money into your weekly budget and cook everything all by yourself? This definitely is the best way to save money, and you don’t have to worry if you don’t really know how to cook. Just stick to some simpler meals until you improve your cooking skills, and you’ll be fine!


Always shop with a grocery list

Always shop with a grocery list
Always shop with a grocery list

Each trip to a grocery store can be really challenging and budget-breaking, which is exactly why you should never shop without a list. These places offer everything you can possibly imagine, and walking down every aisle while throwing anything you want into the cart is one of the biggest mistakes that can cost you a lot of money. This is an unnecessary expense you should avoid as much as you can, so stick to your list and purchase only the things you really need. You can always come up with separate categories for fruits, veggies, grains, meat, bakery items, and snacks, so that you don’t skip anything within a particular category. Planning your meals in advance is extremely beneficial here, since it allows you to create a detailed grocery list that includes only those products you need for meal prep.


Meal prep to the rescue

Meal prep to the rescue
Meal prep to the rescue

As already stated, meal prep is one of the most beneficial techniques if you want to eat healthy and save money on a daily basis. Even though it can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re a beginner, the truth is it allows you to prepare enough meals for the entire week, so that you don’t have to spend time in your kitchen every day. The first step is deciding on the number of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you’ll need for the upcoming week. Once that’s done, you should search for the recipes and make a menu. A balanced meal consists of about 30 to 40 grams of protein, 50 to 60 grams of carbs, and 15 to 20 grams of fat, so make sure you find appropriate recipes. Besides that, you should also learn to multitask, since it’s the key to a successful meal prep process.


Eat Healthy – Don’t forget those delicious smoothies


delicious smoothies
delicious smoothies

Smoothies are never a bad choice to eat healthy, particularly when you’re in a rush and don’t have time to prepare a real meal for yourself. These are extremely nutritious and healthy, especially when made from fresh ingredients, so be sure not to skip them whenever you feel hungry. Spinach and kale are probably among the most wanted ingredients, since green smoothies are perceived as the healthiest ones out there. You’ll need 2 cups of fresh spinach, 1 kale leaf, 1 cup of almond milk, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, and 1 sliced frozen banana for a much better taste. Blend these until smooth, and then add your favorite WPI protein flavor pack that will provide you with a required daily dose of protein. It’s also perfect for rebuilding muscle and providing vital nutrition for your body, which is essential if you’re working out regularly.


Embrace non-meat proteins


non-meat proteins
non-meat proteins

Even though people often think that protein can be found just in meat like chicken breasts, lean turkey, beef, and beef jerky, the fact is that you don’t really need a lot of meat in your diet because there are a lot of non-meat proteins out there. Lentils, beans, and tofu should be at the top of your must-try list, as well as other non-meat animal proteins like cheese, milk, eggs, and yogurt.  Apart from being extremely rich in protein, these are actually much cheaper than any quality meat you can find on the market, which means that you can eat great food and stay healthy without breaking the bank. Needless to say, each of these ingredients is extremely beneficial for your muscle-building process, so don’t skip them if you want to carve those muscles and look sculpted.


As you can see, there are so many ways to staying healthy and eating healthy balanced meals without having to spend a fortune on the ingredients. Just make sure you plan everything in advance, so that you have a detailed grocery list and particular meals in mind before you go shopping. Smoothies are also a must, as well as non-meat proteins, so stick to our tips and you’ll master this skill without any problems.

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