9 Tips for Women Who Are Trying to Conceive

9 Tips for Women Who Are Trying to Conceive

- in Healthy Lifestyle
Consultant holding IVF conceived children

Starting a family poses all kinds of problems, but the top of most women’s lists is enhancing the odds of quick conception. There are a variety of health conditions that can impact women’s abilities to conceive, and even healthy women can have trouble getting pregnant, especially for the first time. Read on to find nine helpful tips for women who are trying to conceive a child that might help.

Consult a Specialist

The most straightforward way for any woman to improve her odds of conception is to visit a fertility clinic. There, she can get help from a specialist identifying any potential roadblocks and learn about what treatments are available from a dedicated and compassionate professional. MCRM Fertility can help women struggling to conceive identify and treat potential underlying issues and find solutions that will offer a good fit for their lifestyles and family planning goals.

Monitor Ovulation

For most women, ovulation begins about two weeks before their periods. Since women are most fertile during this time, they can use the information obtained through tracking their periods or using ovulation-prediction products to take some of the guesswork out of trying to conceive.

Women can use natural techniques such as tracking cervical mucus to predict ovulation, or they can use specialized ovulation-prediction kits and fertility monitors. The American Pregnancy Association offers a great introduction to ovulation tracking products that can help women get started.

Maintain Healthy Body Weight

Being too thin or too heavy can reduce a woman’s odds of successfully conceiving a child. Women who are too thin may not be ovulating normally, while those that are too heavy typically produce excess estrogen. Women who are obese or overweight can substantially improve their chances of conceiving by reducing body fat by five to ten percent before trying to get pregnant.

Eat Healthy Foods

There’s no universally accepted diet for promoting fertility, but eating a healthy diet can help women prepare their bodies by ensuring an adequate store of key nutrients like protein, iron, and calcium will be available upon conception. Women trying to conceive should focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy dairy products. They should avoid unpasteurized foods, fish that contain high levels of mercury, alcohol, and caffeine while attempting to conceive and throughout their pregnancies.

Take a Prenatal Vitamin

Despite the name, prenatal vitamins don’t just help women maintain healthy nutrient levels throughout their pregnancies. In some cases, they can also help women conceive. Prenatal vitamins are packed with the nutrients required to nurture a healthy fetus in the womb and eventually give birth to an equally healthy baby.

Some women prefer to take daily multivitamins until they conceive. That’s fine, too, but make sure to purchase vitamins that contain at least 400 mcg of folic acid and plenty of B vitamins and stick with the regime for at least a month before attempting to conceive. Not only can doing so increase fertility, but it can also reduce the chances of the fetus developing birth defects.

Cut Back on Strenuous Exercises

While being physically active is good for encouraging fertility, strenuous exercise is not recommended. Not only can overexercising create menstrual disturbances, but strenuous activities can also interfere with ovulation. That makes it more difficult for women to determine when they are ovulating and thus have the best chances of conceiving and, in extreme cases, can make them temporarily infertile.

Learn About In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

For women who have medical conditions that reduce their fertility, IVF can be an effective and cost-efficient treatment. It is the best treatment available for women with endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, or tubal factors that decrease their fertility. It’s also recommended for women who have suffered multiple miscarriages, same-sex couples, and couples where both male and female fertility are factors in preventing conception.

There are several different forms of IVF. Some of them involve using sperm donors, egg donors, or even surrogates. These can be good options if one or both members of the couple are older and struggling with age-related fertility problems.

Ovulation Induction

Although it is not as cost-efficient or as effective as IVF, ovulation induction remains popular among women who experience ovulation dysfunction. Patients who are already ovulating can also use ovulation induction to induce multiple ovulation phases throughout the month, which increases the chances that an egg will be viable.

Ovulation induction isn’t a good option for all women trying to get pregnant. If tubal factors or male infertility are playing a role in preventing conception, IVF is a much better option. It’s important to discuss the benefits and risks of all fertility treatments with a qualified specialist before deciding which one will be the best option to select.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination, also referred to as intrauterine insemination (IUI), can be effective in certain limited circumstances. As with ovulation induction, patients need to understand what underlying conditions are causing their infertility before deciding on this course of action. Doctors must perform a comprehensive investigation of not just their female patients’ fertility problems, but also potential malefactors inhibiting conception.

In some cases, IUI treatment must be attempted before patients with certain insurance policies undergo IVF. Just make sure to have a comprehensive semen evaluation performed first to determine whether it will be successful. Rates of success using IUI to increase odds of conception in couples with both male and female factors are low, so it may not be helpful if the semen evaluation uncovers any potential problems.

The Bottom Line

Starting a family can be stressful, but getting pregnant shouldn’t have to be. Healthy women can increase their chances of conception by improving their diets, avoiding strenuous exercise, and tracking ovulation to determine when they will have the best chances of getting pregnant.

Women with underlying fertility issues may need some extra help, but fertility clinics provide comprehensive diagnostic services and many treatment options tailored to the needs of their patients. This makes them a great resource for couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child.

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