Milk and Health In Adults And Kids

Milk and Health In Adults And Kids

- in Healthy Food
Milk and Health In Adults And Kids

What re your first thought when someone mentions the word “milk”?

Almost 90% of people connect it with cow’s milk.

In reality, there are:

Cow’s milk

Goat’s milk and

Dairy alternatives (such as almond, rice, soy, cashew, coconut, oat, and hemp)

According to Nielsen data, cow’s milk sales during the pandemic for the 20 weeks, an increase of 11.7% 

Cow’s milk can be full-fat, 2%, 1%, fat-free/skim, evaporated, organic, grass-fed, condensed, flavored.

 The recent review by Harvard nutritionists published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that health pros and cons of full-fat and low dairy depend on your health status, sex, and age.

The review by Dr. David Ludwig and Dr. Walter Willett looked at milk’s role in cardiovascular risk, cancer, bone health, and weight gain.

Milk and Health In Adults

According to the review, there are some negative consequences between milk and health for adults. 

Although it is recommended for “strong bones,” countries with the highest intakes of milk and calcium have the highest hip fractures rates, according to the review. According to the studies, there is no clear benefit of calcium in reducing bone fractures.

Regarding cancer, High consumption of dairy foods reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

On the other side, according to the review, a high consumption of dairy foods are the reason for an increased risk of prostate cancer. They may contribute to endometrial cancer.

When it comes to weight gain, according to the review results, they are mixed. “The findings of randomized trials and prospective cohort studies do not show clear effects of warm or cold milk intake on body weight in adults or children.” 

Milk and Health In Children

TECHNICAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT about Healthy Beverage Consumption in Early Childhood state

“Healthy beverage habits during early childhood are critical to achieving adequate hydration and nutrition to support optimal growth and development. Consistent information from authoritative health entities on what young children should be drinking is needed now more than ever, as parents and caregivers navigate an increasingly crowded, diverse beverage landscape. It is imperative to capitalize on early childhood as a critical window of opportunity during which dietary patterns are both impressionable and capable of setting the stage for lifelong eating behaviors. The level of collaboration and consistency among major national health and nutrition organizations represented in these recommendations is noteworthy. It has the capacity to evoke meaningful change to improve beverage consumption patterns and, ultimately, the health and well-being of young children.”

Cow’s milk is not recommended for babies younger than one-year-old. It is hard for babies to digest the fat and proteins in the cow’s milk. Also, it doesn’t provide babies enough of certain nutrients.

According to the study, parents should give whole milk and full-fat dairy to babies between 12 to 24 months. The cow’s milk helps in developing a child’s brain at this age.

We all know that all toddlers eat too much-added sugar.

Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) are considered a risk factor for obesity.

When the child is growing well according to existing US guidelines, their parents should switch to low-fat dairy products (including milk) at age 2. They will protect children from cardiovascular disease and the risk of obesity

The fear of obesity is real: World Obesity Organization predicted that the number of obese children worldwide would grow to 250 million by 2030.

Conclusion: Use Your Best Judgment

Your choice always should be beneficial for your health and your child’s health. 

If you are faced with health problems, consult your doctor about milk intake. 

Kids who can’t or don’t drink cow’s milk can take dairy alternatives.

They have proven health benefits. Kids can get their nutrients from vegetables, tofu, beans, and vitamin supplements. 

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Milk and Health In Adults And Kids




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