Benefits and most know facts of Cod Liver Oil & Fish Oil (EPA & DHA)

Benefits and most know facts of Cod Liver Oil & Fish Oil (EPA & DHA)

- in Healthy Food, Healthy Lifestyle
Fish oil and Cod Liver Oil

Fish oil is obtained from the body of fish while Cod liver oil is obtained from the liver of codfish and both are known as excellent supplements. They are good sources of omega 3 as well as fatty acids such as EPA and DHA. Known for their unique health benefits both form great health supplements. Many body systems are assisted by omega-3 fatty acids and can prevent a variety of ailments. The human body is unable to make omega-3 fatty acids on its own, which is why you have to include them in your diet. Let’s know in detail more about fish oil and Cod liver oil and what health benefits they have.

Fish Oil:

Fish oil

Fish Oil is said to be FDA approved and used to treat many health conditions. It can be obtained by eating fish or consuming fish oil supplements. It is a dietary source of Omega 3 fatty acids which helps your body to function properly as well as contributes to various actions of muscles and body growth. Salmon, mackerel, shellfish, tuna, crab, etc. are a rich source of Omega 3. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are two of the most essential omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil. Also, the best fish oil manufacturers in the USA and all over take care of levels of EPA and DHA found in their products. It helps in treating various health conditions such as conditions related to heart and blood systems. Due to its various benefits, consumers take fish oil supplements and also it is advisable to do so.

To decrease blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels, some individuals use fish oil. It has also been used for heart attack or stroke prevention, as well as for blocked arteries, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, bypass surgery, heart failure, fast heartbeat, blood clots prevention, and post-heart transplant high blood pressure. Fish oil can treat many kidney-related conditions as well, including kidney disease, kidney failure, and kidney complications associated with diabetes and cirrhosis. Its benefits are not limited to this it is also known for treating depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease, developmental coordination disorder, headaches, epilepsy, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and mental impairment.

Pain and swelling are minimized by omega-3 fatty acids. This can clarify the possible effectiveness of fish oil for psoriasis and dry eyes. These fatty acids also avoid fast clotting of the blood. This could explain why, for certain heart problems, fish oil is beneficial. It also helps in treating reduce inflammation and pain related to rheumatoid arthritis.

Cod Liver Oil:

Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is used as a vitamin A and vitamin D source and is obtained for the liver of codfish. It is also used for heart health, depression, arthritis, and other disorders as a source of fat called omega-3. Cod Liver Oil is one of the best sources of powerful Omega 3 fatty acids in nature that are important for good health and brain function. The majority of Cod Liver Oil is derived from the livers of Atlantic cod and has been used for centuries in medicines and supplements.

Lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke, and inflammation conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Cod liver oil provides your daily requirements of Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Being rich in Vitamin D it helps in maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Facts related to them:

It is usually considered healthy to use both fish oil and cod liver oil, but before taking the supplements it is advisable to take doctor’s advice before consuming them. The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are given by both oils, but the added vitamins A and D are found in cod liver oil. One can only take cod liver oil if you want some extra vitamins. And if those extra vitamins are not needed one should go for fish oil supplements.


Based on the amount of EPA, DHA, and vitamins in fish oil or cod liver oil consumers can calculate their dosage for both oils. There is no regular recommended dosage of EPA or DHA, but by talking to your doctor, reading supplement bottle labels, and comparing the EPA and DHA doses to what you would get if you ate a whole fish, you can decide the correct dose for you. Also, should keep in mind excessive amounts of any good thing is also risky. High levels of Omega 3 can cause various side effects.

The category of health and wellness supplements shot through the roof in 2020, with increased interest in the category of immune health in particular which has made dietary supplements easily available. Consumers can find supplements easily in grocery stores, Amazon and various places. But quality is most important and that’s the reason one should be more cautious while selecting the supplements. The best quality of Fish oil and Cod liver oil supplements should be with various distinct EE and TG concentrations. For human beings and pets, these concentrations are sufficient.

The increasing demand in the supplement industry has also opened doors for manufacturers and suppliers to pick on their businesses. Some of the factors to consider while working with fish oil and Cod liver oil manufacturer and supplier is.

  • Consumers look for molecularly distilled fish oil Because they are aware of the dangers of PCBs, heavy metals, toxins, and other contaminants, consumers look for molecularly distilled fish oil products.
  • The freshness of the fish oil matters as it can easily get worse. The products should be protected against heat, oxidation, and also should be packed in a way that it doesn’t cause damage while shipping.
  • The Source of the ingredients should be natural and also pure and contain high levels of DHA and EPA. As the levels of EPA and DHA are always compared by the consumers while selecting the supplements.  

This was all majorly about benefits and the most known facts of Cod Liver Oil & Fish Oil (EPA & DHA). Also, cod liver oil is an extremely nutritious supplement form of fish oil. It’s very handy and contains a perfect balance of vitamin A, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. 

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Benefits and most know facts of Cod Liver Oil & Fish Oil (EPA & DHA)



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