Healthy reasons to eat more Palak Paneer

Healthy reasons to eat more Palak Paneer

- in Guest Posts, Healthy Food, Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy reasons to eat more Palak Paneer

By David Richard Contributing author, Health IT expert

Do you know that palak paneer is incredibly best for your health? Maybe you don’t hear before about palak paneer. A palak paneer is a traditional dish which is famous in the south-western region of Asia. It is the healthy vegetable recipe which includes palak (spinach) and paneer (cottage cheese).

Especially people of India love it’s incredibly exotic and tangy flavor.


The fusion of paneer with spinach is tremendously great in taste!

Palak paneer recipe is one of the healthiest vegetable recipes. Palak paneer is rich in nutrition and bursting with flavor. Many Nutritionists also recommend this recipe to achieve health goal. You will gain hundreds of calories. Palak paneer calories intake helps the people who are looking for weight loss. Palak and paneer both ingredient is ever best for your health. As paneer (cottage cheese) contain sufficient amount of calcium and proteins and palak (spinach) has vitamins, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. People often ask about palak paneer recipe in Hindi. No doubt palak paneer in Hindi tradition is very popular, so, you can look for easy palak paneer recipe which you can make in your home kitchen within no time. Keep reading to know about the health reasons of palak (spinach) and paneer (cottage cheese) but before that should be aware from tips of how to make palak paneer healthy.

Tips for how to make palak paneer healthy:

  • You should look for a low-fat version of cottage cheese (paneer)
  • You should add spices in moderation rather than add in bulk. As palak (spinach) has a great taste without too many spices or herbs
  • Don’t overcook spinach
  • You should put paneer (cottage cheese) into warm water maximum for 30 minutes before cooking, and when you soak it properly in water it becomes soft and easy to cook

Here are some healthy reasons for more palak paneer:

Great Source Of Protein:

Do you know that you will get 18 gm of protein in every 100 gm of paneer? Yes – It is true that paneer is the major source of protein, especially for those people who don’t consume meat. Protein plays a tremendous role for all over health which helps to repair muscles and even helps the body organs to function properly.

Weight Loss:

Spinach (palak) is the best to achieve your weight loss goal as it is low in calories and fat. It contains incredible fat-soluble dietary fiber. This fiber helps to maintain low blood sugar, curbs overeating, aids in digestion, even more, prevents constipation.

Good For Teeth And Bone Health:

Cottage cheese (paneer) rich in vitamin D and B even richer in calcium. As calcium helps in strengthen bones, cartilage,  and teeth. Vitamin D and B is a great source of distributing and absorbing calcium throughout the teeth and bones. It contains omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids which are best for preventing and fighting the bones problems, especially best for treating rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is delicious and suitable for all age groups and tremendously good for pregnant women.


Spinach ( palak) contains anti-cancer properties as it is rich in flavonoids and phytonutrient. It helps to slow down skin cancer cells and also quite effective for the human stomach. The most amazing thing is that it helps to protect the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.

Good For People With Diabetes:

A people with diabetes are highly recommended to eat cottage cheese (paneer) low in carbs, as it contains protein and magnesium which is good for people with diabetes. Maybe you heard before that paneer is slowly digesting into stomach because it releases carbs in very slow phase, that’s why there is no sudden sugar spike occur after digestion. The most stunning thing is that it also helps to improve immune functioning and heart health.

Lowers Hypertension:

It is true that hypertension or high blood pressure is the major cause of kidney disease, stroke and heart ailments. So, the spinach (palak) is quite best for lowering hypertension as it helps to reduce anxiety and also release your stress. The nutrients of palak are helping in lower the K (potassium) in the entire body by keeping the balance of Na- K pump. It is also rich in vitamin C which plays an important role in lowering high blood pressure or hypertension.

Thankfully – from the above, you come to know that palak (spinach) paneer (cottage cheese) is very beneficial for your health.

David Richard have accomplished health IT writer and want to explore the legitimate health relevant information with those who are too conscious of their health. He is also conveying more attention towards the beginners who wants to achieve their health goals

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