Tips for Staying Healthy in the Heat

Tips for Staying Healthy in the Heat

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Keep your diet light

Australian sun can be merciless, especially in big cities, where there’s more concrete and fewer green areas with every passing day. The toll that the sun takes on our bodies can be significant unless we pay attention to preserving our health in the blazing heat. Here are some general tips for staying healthy in the heat.

Tips for staying healthy in the heat

Keep your diet light

As the days get hotter, your diet should get lighter. Avoid sugary or fried foods, white bread or pasta, and instead base your meals on fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat, fish and low-fat dairy products. In cities like Sydney, you can find farmers’ markets with healthy, organic products for you so visit one of them and find everything you need for that perfect summer meal. Although it might be easier to buy some ice cream at the supermarket or an ice cream shop, you can easily make your own version at home, with fresh fruit, honey and some Greek yogurt. Rather than frying your meat or vegetables, have a barbecue and grill them, which you can even turn into a fun social event.

Keep your diet light

Be careful with air conditioning

When the outside temperatures become too much to bear, the best thing you can do is stay at home, where your air conditioner keeps you cool and comfortable. However, don’t allow your indoor temperature to be too low, since you’ll have to get out at some point, and the shock of the outside heat might cause you to faint, have a headache, and if you have a cardiovascular disease, you may even suffer a heart attack or a stroke. So, keep your home cool by creating a draft during the night, shutting your blinds to prevent the sun from heating it during the day and find a skilled and reliable Sydney electrician to install a ceiling fan in one or more of your rooms, so that you can use your air conditioner less and still enjoy the comfort of your home.

Drink enough fluids

Staying hydrated is one of the essential ways to stay healthy at any time of the year, especially in summer. If you spend a lot of time outside, it’s even more important, and you should make sure you have at least a glass or two of water per every hour you spend outdoors, so don’t leave home without enough water. If you get bored of drinking plain water, you can infuse it with flavor by adding some lemon, berries or cucumber to it, or you can make some sugar-free green tea and sip on it, whether hot or cool. You should stay away from sweetened drinks, sodas and alcohol, since they can actually do more harm than good if you don’t drink them in moderation. If you’re going out and want to have a drink, opt for something lighter, such as sangria or a cold beer.

Stay safe outside

Working out in the gym is ok during the colder months, but when the weather allows it, try spending as much time outside as you can. Ride your bike, go for a jog or a walk in one of the many Sydney parks, spend some time at the beach or go hiking. However, you should always be careful when you’re outside during summer. Pick the best time for your physical activity, either early in the morning, or late afternoon or evening. The goal is to avoid the sun when it’s the strongest, which is between 11 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. If you are outside during the day, try staying in the shade, wear sunglasses and a hat, and put on some sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. You should apply it about half an hour before going out, and reapply it every couple of hours, or more often than that if you go swimming and wipe yourself with a towel afterwards.

When summer arrives with its heat, the key to staying healthy is in being moderate – eating, drinking and staying active just enough to feel good, but not to exhaust yourself and your health in the process. So, stay happy and healthy all summer long with these valuable tips.

Diana Smith is a full time mom interested in topic related to fitness and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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  1. Drinking enough fluids is SO OVERRATED! You’d be amazed how many people don’t even have 1 8oz glass per day! Drink up, peeps!

    1. I agree with you 🙂 I’m glad you liked it 🙂

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