5 Outdoor Activities Beneficial for Your Health

5 Outdoor Activities Beneficial for Your Health

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@Scarlet Gratton

by  Scarlet Gratton
Contributing Author, a passionate writer , professional fashion, lifestyle, and health,  expert

Not everyone is eager to hit the gym and spend an hour or two of their time indoors when we already spend the majority of our time at our desks and in our offices. However, physical activity remains a priority for protecting your well-being, so you can swap your gym membership for something you’ll do in the sun! Here are 5 Outdoor Activities Beneficial for Your Health

5 Outdoor Activities Beneficial for Your Health

Hike and explore

Unlike running, which can be much more taxing for your joints, hiking in nature has many health perks without the stress on your body. Look for hiking trails that combine different types of terrain for best results, and you can switch your walking tempo to increase the level of difficulty on your lungs, heart, and muscles.

Steep climbs will let your lower body do tons of work so that you can build your leg, glute and core strength, while carrying a backpack filled with your essentials will put your upper body to work as well. Another great benefit of hiking is that spending time in nature and fresh air will ward off the stress of your everyday life.

Try a boot camp class

Don’t let the name of this fitness frenzy intimidate you, as there are classes available for various fitness levels, so you can always find a program that suits your interests. You’ll join a group of equally enthusiastic participants and you’ll all provide support to each other during each class.

Boot camps are excellent for increasing your stamina, strength, cardiovascular endurance, and finally, a great way to shed a few extra pounds you might be carrying since the holidays. Plus, the level of strength and mobility you gain will translate well into your daily life, making your chores much easier!

Skate your worries away

Sometimes you can even engage in an activity that is so much fun that you’ll forget it’s a great way to exercise – and what better example than your childhood favorite, the skateboard? It may seem like a simple task but cruising down the street and attempting those stunts ad the park hides many perks for your health. From improved coordination, balance and core strength, all the way to cardiovascular health, this fun activity can be an excellent way to burn calories and grow stronger.

All you need is a quality 32-inch cruiser skateboard made of durable materials to tackle the basic moves and skate on various types of terrain. You can make it even more interesting by inviting your friends for the adventure, and spend a day outside trying out new moves and improving your health along the way!

Hit the beach

If you live by the ocean, you can make the most of this beautiful weather and create an entire selection of beach-friendly activities that are perfect for your health. Of course, be mindful of your timing, so make sure you visit the beach when the sun isn’t at its peak and always wear proper sunscreen.

Anything from swimming, surfing, to volleyball on the beach can do wonders for your mood and your overall wellbeing. For water-based activities, swimming is a very mild form of cardio exercise, but a great way to keep cool and still stick to your workout plan. Other options include kayaking and surfing, which you can do alone or with your friends, and just like with skateboarding, you won’t even know you’re working out!

Outdoor yoga

As soon as the first rays of sun spread over your home city, chances are that many yoga studios introduce at least one outdoor class in your nearby park, a rooftop or on the beach. Morning classes with a guided meditation and a challenging asana flow can work wonders on your body and mind.

There are even entire getaways that can last up to a week, if not even longer, which are organized in nature and let you spend all day in various yoga classes, exploring the nearby nature and forgetting all about your hectic modern life. Whichever option you prefer, yoga is an amazing way to improve your strength, balance, and flexibility, while at the same time helping you restore your Zen.

Do you like these 5 Outdoor Activities Beneficial for Your Health? Write your experience with outdoor activities in the comments below.

Scarlet is a passionate writer and regular contributor at ripped.me interested in fashion, lifestyle, and health. She loves traveling, you could say that she is a real travel addict, especially when she has a chance to visit some exotic destinations. She would tell you that inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook


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