When the Ringing Doesn’t Stop: 6 Myths and Facts About Tinnitus

When the Ringing Doesn’t Stop: 6 Myths and Facts About Tinnitus

- in Healthy Lifestyle
TinnitusTinnitus sometimes manifests as a ringing in the ears

If you are suffering from Tinnitus then you know how vital relief is. By educating yourself, you can understand a bit more about this condition and get yourself on the road to relief.

Living with a condition like Tinnitus means that your entire life impacted; your family life, work, and social life. Having the constant onslaught of symptoms can be debilitating and stressful. Despite millions of people suffering from Tinnitus, very little is known about this condition. Let’s take a look at six different myths and facts about this condition.


Myth 1: Tinnitus is incurable

Since Tinnitus is not classified as a standalone disease itself, the above statement is not always true. Tinnitus often develops as a condition spurred on by other underlying conditions, and it can also manifest as a reaction to a medication. Therefore, by addressing the root cause Tinnitus is ‘curable.’


Myth 2: All you can do is to wait until it goes away

While there may not be any magic pill to treat Tinnitus, there are some ways to manage it and get the treatment for ringing in the ears that will help you.

In some cases, patients who have hearing loss in the same frequency range as their tinnitus find relief with the masking impact provided by digital hearing aids that are rechargeable. Therefore, by addressing the root cause Tinnitus is ‘curable.’

Myth 3: Tinnitus leads to deafness 100% of the time

Although the loss of hearing and Tinnitus are often two conditions that are experienced simultaneously, they are still separate. Therefore, developing Tinnitus does not mean that you will eventually go deaf.


Myth 4: Tinnitus is ONLY caused by listening to loud music

While blasting music into your ears can lead to Tinnitus, it is not the sole cause for Tinnitus. Other excessive noise can cause Tinnitus; however, a person who has never used earbuds or been exposed to loud/excessive noise can also develop this condition.


Myth 5: Tinnitus always manifests as a ringing in the ears

Yes, ringing in the ears is a definitive symptom of Tinnitus– but it is not the only one. In fact, the sounds that patients dealing with Tinnitus can be different according to each individual. Ringing is undoubtedly the most widely shared sound. However, patients have also reported hearing humming and buzzing sounds.


Myth 6: Only people already diagnosed with hearing loss develop Tinnitus

Although the two are often simultaneous and related, it is still possible to develop Tinnitus even though you have not experienced hearing loss. Moreover, you can develop temporary Tinnitus after you have been exposed to loud noise (such as an explosion or even at a loud concert). And as we mentioned before, even some medications and medical conditions can result in the development of Tinnitus.


You can research different treatments for Tinnitus and contact your trusted healthcare professional to get advice on how to manage and treat the condition. By getting the help you need, you could lessen your symptoms and improve your quality of life. If your Tinnitus is being caused by existing medication or an underlying health condition, a healthcare professional can help to root out the cause.

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