Wheat Germ – The Ultimate Guide

Wheat Germ – The Ultimate Guide

- in Healthy Food, Healthy Lifestyle
wheat germ

Do you feel tired, with luck of energy?
Are you have a cold and flu, stuffy nose, and sore throat every season?
Do you have problems with stamina and mental agility?
How about cardiovascular diseases, diabetes?
If so, try wheat germ.

The germ (short for germination ) is the plant’s reproductive organ.
Wheat germ is the part of the whole grain. It is the embryo of the wheat seed and grows into a new plant

To produce flour, manufacturers remove wheat germ because it is rich in polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats tend to oxidize, and wheat germ becomes rancid on storage. That is why, with removing the germ, the storage qualities of flour are improved.

On the other site, all healthy features of the wheat germ are removed. Wheat germ is a source of energy. It contains protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Benefits Of Wheat Germ

wheat germs

The Benefits of wheat germ are enormous. Wheat Germ boosts the immune system, helps digestion, helps in weight loss, prevents damage to the arteries. It can be used as a preventive measure against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. As an anti-aging supplement can positively affect stamina, mental agility, and wound healing
Here is a detailed look at all benefits of wheat germ

Boosts Immune System

You can add wheat germs to your diet for boosting your immune system too. They contain high levels of hydrolysates which stimulate the antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce or eliminate the chances of serious illness by seeking out and destroying disease-causing microorganisms and free radicals in the body.
Editor’s Pick => Read this article how to boost your immune system naturally

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Improves Heart Health

With the incorporating of wheat germ in your diet, you can reduce risk factors connected with coronary heart diseases. As a supplement with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, white germ protect your cardiovascular system by destroying the adverse effects of omega-6 fatty acids. With white germ in your diet, you raise dietary fiber, which helps with a reduction in heart diseases
Editor’s Pick => Read this Simple Guide To Being Heart Healthy

Prevents from cancer

Avemar is the wheat germ fermented extract. Chemo and radiation kill all cells in the body (healthy and cancerous ones). Avemar kills only cancerous cell growth and boosts the immune system.

Fermented wheat germ can be used as an anticancer treatment on almost every type of cancer. It had an 85% effective rate at healing cancerous tumors according to one PubMed study.
It has cytotoxic effects and can heal and prevent skin cancer, halt ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, stomach cancer.

According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, fermented wheat germ extract besides killing cancerogenic cells can boost the immune system, heart health, treat diabetes and obesity too. Everyone can use this natural supplement before, after, and during radiation and chemo treatments to make them more useful.

Editor’s Pick => Read about other natural products which can help you to fight against cancer

Improves Cellular Metabolism

wheat germs

As we mentioned above, it contains protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
It contains different B-vitamins (niacin, folates, and thiamine). These vitamins help in transforming nutrients from glucose, carbohydrates, and lipids, into consumable energy for the body. In this way, wheat germ improves cellular metabolism.
Higher Cellular Metabolism helps in weight loss, alertness, and strength of the body.

Boosts Muscle Health

White germs are an excellent source of protein too. 2-tbsp. of this supplement contains 3.3 g of protein. Protein helps to preserve lean body mass, maintain healthy muscles, and repair damaged tissues.

Reduces Diabetes Risk

Wheat germ contains high levels of Folic acid, which is an essential factor in reducing the diabetes risk
Supports Healthy Pregnancy
Folic acid is a crucial factor for a healthy infant. That is why doctors recommend it to pregnant women. Every pregnant woman can have a lot of benefits if will add wheat germs in her diet.

Editor’s Pick =>Read more on  How You May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

It has Anti-aging Properties 

Because of its high level of nutrients and vitamins, wheat germ has a big impact on some anti-aging processes like hair loss and skin quality.

Is wheat germ good for hair?

Yes, it is. You can use wheat germ oil to prevent hair loss, dry skin, dandruff. Massage it into the scalp or mix it into shampoo or conditioners before you apply them to the hair.

Is wheat germ oil good for wrinkles?

Wheat germ oil has regenerative properties. It helps with mature skin, softens damaged and aging skin You can find it in blends. In this case, Wheat germ oil helps to reduce wrinkles and dermatitis symptoms. You can use it as a natural supplement. Some people go ahead, and use the extract from white germ directly, or they mix it with other cosmetic materials.
People who suffer from sunburn psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, hair loss can improve their condition if they add wheat germ in their everyday diet.

Side Effects of Wheat Germ

Wheat Germ is not gluten friendly.
It is high in calories. You must monitor your other daily calories to prevent weight gain if you take it daily.

Here are some commonly asked questions about wheat germ

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What is wheat germ used for?

You can replace up to 1/2 cup of flour with 1/2 cup of wheat germ when baking bread, muffins, and cookies. It doesn’t contain cholesterol and sodium. You can use it as a filler for meatballs and meatloaf and nutritious food for chicken or fish.

How much wheat germ should I eat a day?

2 tablespoon of wheat germ can satisfy 8% of your recommended daily value of phosphorus, 10% of the recommended daily value of folate,10% of your thiamin requirements, and 15% of your vitamin E requirements

Does wheat germ make you poop?

Wheat germ Promotes Digestive Health. The insoluble fiber present in wheat germ can prevent or relieve constipation and keep your bowel movements regular.

Should you refrigerate wheat germ?

You can do it, but it is not necessary. Wheat germ can become rancid under certain conditions if left out of the refrigerator
In this case, you can smell it, and you will know something is wrong.
Many things are labeled “refrigerate after opening,” but they don’t need to be refrigerated at all.

Which is a better wheat germ or flaxseed?

They have a similar nutrient profile. The biggest difference between them is that flaxseed has omega 3 fatty acids. This makes flaxseed superior to wheat germ.

Now you know all health benefits from wheat germ, you know all side effects, you know how to use it and how to keep it
Start using it from today and fell the difference in your overall health condition. You will be with more energy and healthier day by day.

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Wheat Germ – The Ultimate Guide





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