33 Natural Hair Loss Remedies To Stop Your Hair Loss

33 Natural Hair Loss Remedies To Stop Your Hair Loss

- in Beauty, Home Remedies, How to
Natural Hair Loss RemediesNatural Hair Loss Remedies

In general, hair loss is a condition that reflects the level of health of the person, although not a dangerous disease, millions of people are desperately seeking a cure for hair loss. Natural Hair Loss Remedies drives us to look healthy and young, making us surer of ourselves. Alopecia or hair loss is the medical description of the loss of hair from the head or body, sometimes to the extent of baldness. Unlike the common aesthetic depilation of body hair, alopecia tends to be involuntary and unwelcome, e.g., androgenic alopecia. However, it may also be caused by a psychological compulsion to pull out one’s hair (trichotillomania) or the unforeseen consequences of voluntary hairstyling routines (mechanical “traction alopecia” from excessively tight ponytails or braids, or burns to the scalp from caustic hair relaxer solutions or hot hair irons).

But why do some people suffer from hair loss, and others enjoy a full head of hair throughout their lives? Usually, we lose about 100 hairs per day, after a few months, a new hair grows out of the same follicle. In some men, the new hair is thinner than the one before, when this one fall the next one is even thinner until eventually, the follicle stops producing hair.

Women also suffer from hair loss as they age and reach menopause, though they don’t lose as much hair as men. Childbirth can cause hair loss. Mothers usually lose a lot of hair during a 6- Month period after giving birth. Other reasons for hair loss in men and women are; stress, infection, surgery, high fever, diets, over brushing, syphilis, and tumors.

Some drugs claim to regrow hair, but they only achieve mild results and are full of side effects, for example, minoxidil (Rogaine) should not be taken by people with high blood Pressure, and it may cause acne on the forehead and back. Another is finasteride (Propecia) it can be taken orally (men only) and causes sex problems, rash and if handled by a pregnant woman it can cause birth defects in the genital area of the fetus. That is why Natural Hair Loss Remedies is a good solution for hair growth.

Natural Hair Loss Remedies

You should find which Natural Hair Loss Remedies are best for you. What works for some people, does not work for others. Results may vary from person to person. Here is the list of 33 Natural Hair Loss Remedies

  1. Take Vitamins A, B6, B12, Folic acid, biotin, and Vitamin C.
  2. Take Silica in capsules one a day, makes hair stronger and thicker.
  3. Apply coconut oil and wait for 1 hour and take the head bath, which will help to prevent hair loss.
  4. Don’t comb your hair after taking a head bath, wait till your hair gets dry. So that you will not lose any hair.
  5. Apply Coconut milk to your hair and wash after some time helps to prevent hair loss.
  6. Apply egg yolk and massage slowly to hair and wait for an hour and remove it.
  7. Hibiscus leaves for hair
  8. Apply Hibiscus plant leaves paste to hair and wait for half an hour and wash it.
  9. Hibiscus flower powder mixes with rose water and make it into a paste and apply it to roots of the hair and wait for 30 mins and wash it.
  10. Egg yolk for traction alopecia
  11. Mix egg yolk with henna and apply to hair and wash it when it becomes dry.
  12. Eat food rich in protein to prevent hair loss. As eating of rich protinized foods not only helps to stop hair loss but also helps in the growth of healthy hair.
  13. Eat as much as green leafy vegetables to stop hair loss.
  14. Dry-up the Holy Basil (Tulsi) leaves and neem leaves, and make it as a powder and add some water to it and make it as a paste. Apply this paste to hair and wait for 1 hour and wash it.
  15. Don’t use soaps or shampoo for head bath. Daily morning having a head bath with cold water helps to improve blood circulation in the head and also helps in giving the proteins to scalp, which resulted in good hair growth, strong black hair and stopped hair loss problem. This is very natural hair treatment.
  16. Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow.
  17. To improve blood circulation to the scalp takes Ginkgo Biloba.
  18. Take Saw Palmetto, this herb unblocks hair follicles and heals the prostate (like the drug found in Rogaine) decreasing residues of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. It is 3 Times more effective then Proscar in healing the prostate. It may be three times better than Rogaine
  19. Nettles can be used locally or internally to prevent baldness and stimulate hair growth; it contains high amounts of silica.
  20. Use Rosemary oil locally to stimulate hair growth. Improves oxygen delivery to the follicles.
  21. Neem has been used in Ayurveda for hundreds of years to help hair growth. Thickens hair heals follicles, and it cleans the scalp.
  22. Horsetail contains silica, therefore, promoting hair growth.
  23. A Chinese herb called Fo-Ti, restores hair color and hinders the production of DHT, stops hair loss and thinning hair and encourages hair growth and causes hair loss.
  24. Mix 1 tsp. of cayenne.
    One tsp. of yucca root.
    2 cups of boiling water.
    Let it sit for 30 minutes apply this topical solution on the scalp to promote blood circulation to the area and help with hair loss.
  25. Pygeum works, in the same way, Saw palmetto does, reducing DHT in the scalp and thus promoting hair growth.
  26. Avoid drugs such as Rogaine and Propecia, they have side effects, and although they are allowed to advertise that they regrow hair, only a small percentage of people see acceptable results, besides, they must be used for the rest of your life, as soon as you stop, the hair loss resumes, and some people had reported loss of hair at a higher pace than before the treatment started.
  27. Use shampoos and conditioners containing silica and biotin extracts.
  28. Avoid hair sprays and gels.
  29. Do not brush your hair too much.
  30. When towel drying your hair, don’t rub instead pat your hair dry gently.
  31. Rosemary Hair Oil as
  32. 1/2 tsp. rosemary essential oil.
    1/2 tsp. jojoba oil. Mix ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Apply on the scalp a leave it for a few hours before washing it off.

Natural Hair Loss Remedies Formula

  1. 1 cup aloe vera gel.
    4 tbs. apple cider vinegar.
    1 tbs. nettle tincture.
    1/2 tsp. vitamin E oil.
    1/2 tsp. rosemary essential oil.

Mix ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Apply a small amount on the scalp once a day.


Source: Encyclopedia of Home Remedies to get Healthy Life

Read more:

How To Stop Your Hair Loss

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