How to Fight Depression and Get Motivated to Exercise When Depressed

How to Fight Depression and Get Motivated to Exercise When Depressed

- in Guest Posts, Healthy Lifestyle
fight depression How to Get Motivated to Exercise When Depressed

Depression makes it hard for anyone to find joy and excitement in any kind of activity, including those which you have been enjoying before. One of the best ways to fight depression is by working out on a regular basis. It is not easy to find motivation for this, but there are some things you can try out.

Here are some tips that should help you fight depression and find motivation when you feel depressed.

Fight Depression and Get Motivated to Exercise When Depressed

Set Small Goals

Depressed people find it difficult to engage in any kind of activity because their energy level is very low. You need to start slowly if you want to get over this mental condition. Instead of heading straight to the gym, spend some time doing some regular things like washing the dishes, vacuuming your living room, repairing your bike or going for a walk around the block.

It is important to start with these small steps because you will feel good after you accomplish them. If you skip this part and try to work out like anyone else, there is a possibility of failure, which will drag you away from your goals.

Work Out With a Friend

You can make a deal with your friend to exercise together at least twice a week. This kind of personal trainer will motivate you and drag you to the gym every time you are not in the mood for working out. And besides that, it is free to work out with your friend, as opposed to a professional trainer.

But you don’t have to go to the gym if you want to start exercising. Just pick any kind of sport and try to be persistent. Besides its positive effect on your body, the sport has a strong social component which positively affects your mental state. For example, playing tennis doubles leads to a lot of laughs which surely has a positive influence on your mental health.

Be Persistent

Once you start working out on a regular basis, you will experience that thrill at the end of every workout session. The fast heartbeat, the adrenaline rush and the feeling of exhaustion after a good workout are the best way to fight depression. In order to accomplish this, you need to supply yourself with some great exercise equipment like exercise balls, kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, a dip bar, etc.

The feeling after using any of these pieces of equipment is very addictive, so try to evoke it every time you don’t feel like exercising. If you show persistence and don’t let anything hold you back, you will feel great after a few months when you realize that your waist became slimmer, your muscles grew bigger and your overall appearance became much more attractive.

Treat Yourself Well

Depression is often accompanied by other negative feelings like self-pity, low self-esteem, and guilt. They are maintaining your condition and even making it worse. You need to take an active role in this situation and fight these emotions in order to beat your depression.

The best way to fight these toxic emotions is to simply start treating yourself well, regardless of the circumstances. Sleep well, eat well, look after your hygiene, dress well, avoid junk food, drugs, and alcohol, and be active. Challenge yourself and find a new activity. Progress will show up once you step out of your comfort zone, so don’t hesitate and enroll in a cooking class, start learning a new language, or pay a visit to the gym that just opened close to you.


Physical activity is beneficial for anyone, regardless of their mental or physical state. But it is especially helpful for those who are fighting depression. Start slowly and then increase the intensity of your exercises in order to improve your mood, raise your energy level and increase your self-esteem. If you start exercising on a regular basis, you will be able to cope with depression and improve the quality of your life.

Cooper Klein is a cool dad in touch with his feminine side. He’s currently working from home as a blogger for several online magazines. You can find him on Twitter.

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