How to Design Children’s Bedroom for Better Sleep

How to Design Children’s Bedroom for Better Sleep

- in Healthy Lifestyle
A white noise machine can do wonders for your kid, as it will make the whole sleeping experience less lonely and more comfortable.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

As a parent, you always want the best for your child. This includes giving them the most aesthetically pleasing and comfortable room possible. The hardest job you have here is to be the responsible one. It’s easy to give in to your child’s wishes and fill the room with toys and vibrant colors, but that’s not the best option for the situation. You need to make sure the room is also practical and supports your child’s development, especially when it comes to sleep.

1. Get a white noise machine

If you’ve tried everything from bedtime stories to lullabies and your kid still has trouble falling and staying asleep, perhaps it’s time for the big guns. A white noise machine can do wonders for your kid, as it will make the whole sleeping experience less lonely and more comfortable. There’s just something about the sound these machines make that can soothe even the most upset kid. As well as helping them fall asleep faster, you can bet this magical machine will keep them sleeping soundly through the whole night.

This is an especially important piece of technology to have in your kid’s room if they’re just starting to sleep in their own bed. You don’t want to coddle them, that’s true, but your kid still needs some reassurance and comfort. It’s a big step for someone so young to be sleeping all alone all of a sudden. If you don’t want them crawling into your bed every night because they had a bad dream, your best bet is to leave the soothing white noise machine to do its job and leave the door open.

2. Invest in blinds

When we’re young, we tend to make up scary creatures of the night from every shadow we see. It doesn’t just stop there, either. Every blow of the wind or laugh or other sounds outside could be keeping your child up and giving them nightmares. Blinds are an efficient way to give them the sleep they need. Not only will they be safe from existent and non-existent dangers lurking in the streets, but there will also be no light from the outside coming through their window.

This is perfect because your kid’s room will feel like their own little world. You can get blackout blinds for extra comfort and safety, but just regular blinds work, too. If you want to make the room more playful, you can choose roman blinds- they always come in the most interesting colors and patterns.

3. Splurge on bedding

The kind of bedding your child sleeps on is very important for better sleep. Kids bedding should be made out of the softest and most organic materials you can find. This mainly includes cotton and sustainable cotton. Even though this kind of bedding may cost more in the beginning, it lasts much longer and pays off in the long run.

Don’t think this means you have to give up bedding without a cute pattern, either. There are plenty of options that capture the child’s spirit of the person sleeping in the bed. You’ll also have a much easier time putting your kid to bed on time when they’re absolutely in love with their new sheets. Just wait until the first night passes and they tell you how comfortable the bed now is. If you don’t think soft bedding makes a difference, you ought to try it for yourself.

4. Leave a reading light on

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Kids are often scared of sleeping alone and being in the dark all by themselves. Your child could stay up late because they’re simply too afraid to fall asleep. All of these wild scenarios will be running through their heads, especially those that involve monsters under their beds. You can make this problem go away more easily than you thought.

Believe it or not, a night light or reading light can do wonders for your child’s comfort, well-being, and sleep. Pick something that’s energy-efficient and doesn’t emit a lot of light. This will be just enough to make your kid feel safe without keeping them up all night or wasting electricity or making the electric bill higher than it needs to be. One idea is to get a night light that emits stars to the ceiling of your kid’s room. This will help them fall asleep and divert their thoughts from those pesky non-existent monsters.


As you can see, it’s not hard creating a bedroom that will improve your child’s sleep. You have to pay attention to various factors and maybe spend a little more than you anticipated, but it will all be worth it for your child’s health. We’re confident they’ll fall in love with their new room and that they’ll have the best sleep ever. If that doesn’t help their development in the right way, nothing will.


Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.

How to Design Children's Bedroom for Better Sleep


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