Hair Talk: Causes of Hair Loss and How to Treat It

Hair Talk: Causes of Hair Loss and How to Treat It

- in Healthy Lifestyle, How to
girl with a long hairLong Hair

By Janice Jaramillo Contributing Author, writer and blogger expert

Are you spotting more hairs than normal on your pillow? Witnessing such a sight early in the morning is truly terrifying, especially when it dawns on you that your hair is thinning at a faster rate than normal.

Most people think of balding men when they hear “hair loss,” but as it turns out, it can also be a significant problem for many women who are well within their 40s. Some even younger.

6 Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Here we present six of the most common causes of hair loss. We also provide insights into the specific ways that each culprit can affect the quality of your hairline. Read on:

1.  Hormonal Havoc

Even as females, we still have testosterone in our system to regulate bodily functions. A sudden spike in testosterone, however, could trigger the production of another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes your hair to stop growing as they normally would.

Hormonal hair loss is different in men and women. Instead of a receding hair-line, women experience noticeably thinner hairs across the scalp.

2.  Menopausal Menace

Menopause affects the way that your body reacts to hormones. It could trigger the production of more or cause the decline in its supply.

In relation to hormones as the top culprit for hair loss in both men and women, menopause can trigger the body’s reaction to several hormones. During this time, the body produces less estrogens and progestins and might cause some to be more sensitive to DHT.

3.  Trouble with the Thyroid

Our thyroid plays an important role in the generation of new hair strands at the root, thus maintaining a consistent supply of it is important. In effect, trouble with your thyroid, whether it’s under-active or overactive, results in noticeable hair loss among women.

This is more likely to happen if women in your family have a history of hair loss. Susceptibility to hair loss has been proven to be genetic.


4.  Stress Signals

Long hours at work? Stressful situations on a daily? It’s possible that all the stress is taking a toll on your health and hair.

Stress-induced hair loss, unlike hormonal hair loss, usually is not permanent. It’s a temporary aftereffect that results in the sudden thinning of hair and eventually leads to it falling out. On the bright side, this kind of hair loss is usually temporary and will likely subside after lifestyle changes and some use of medication.

5.  Weight-Loss Woes

Losing weight to be healthier is a good agenda, but the rapid loss of it puts too much stress on the body, and thus affects your hairline.

The good news is that the hair loss you experience as a result of rapid dieting, like stress-induced hair loss, is not permanent. By adhering to a better diet and lifestyle change, you can definitely say goodbye to hair loss.

6.  Anemic Irony

Hair loss could also be caused by low iron levels, an affliction also called anemia. It could be triggered by several factors, including a poor, nutrient-deficient diet and some intestinal diseases. For women, iron loss is common during their period especially when is it’s heavy.

We urge you to talk to your doctor to determine whether your hair loss is due to anemia.

What Are the Effective Hair Loss Treatments?

Dealing with hair loss can be challenging, especially for women, but you should not fill your minds with worry. With modern advancements in medicine, coupled with a few lifestyle tweaks, it is possible to keep hair loss at bay.

Tweak Your Lifestyle

The most effective change, as they say, are the ones that come from within. The same is true for combatting hair loss and its symptoms. Find ways to reduce stress, or engage in activities that make you happy.

Talk to Your Dermatologist

For recurring hair loss problems, talking to an expert is still the best solution. Your doctor might recommend changing your diet to include larger portions of iron, protein, and other nutrients that are important for optimal hair health.

There are many dermatology clinics that offer effective hair loss treatment Sydney. They might even recommend taking an iron supplement, among others.

Make It a Habit

These changes will not produce immediate results, but once you have built the habit of putting yourself first and incorporating healthy practices prescribed by your doctor, you’ll have bouncy, youthful hair in no time.

Janice Jaramillo is a twenty-something who loves to write various topics.  She likes to travel around the world to meet new people and gain new experiences.

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