A Negative Thinking Person Can Not Succeed

A Negative Thinking Person Can Not Succeed

- in Healthy Lifestyle, Self-Improvement
Negative ThinkingNegative Thinking

Because of Barabara’s persistent tiredness and negative thinking, one of the physicians suggested that she try psychotherapy. She had been going to a various type of medical professionals and attempting different nutrition plans for years, and absolutely nothing was helping her.

Barbara was deeply addicted to believing the worst. Consistent negativeness went through her mind about every aspect of her life. In social circumstances, she would tell herself that individuals didn’t like her.

While Barbara might comprehend the possible result her negative attitude was having on her health; it was very challenging for her to quit her negative thinking. Barbara genuinely thought that her negative thinking kept her safe from frustration. She felt that believing the unfavorable thought before the bad thing would occur readily her to handle it. She didn’t wish to be captured off guard. She believed that she could not manage the discomfort of a disappointment so that if she learned about it ahead of time and anticipated it, she would not feel dissatisfied.

Also, Barbara thought that if she was watchful sufficient and analyzed all the bad things that might happen, she could avoid them. She believed that by planning, she could in some way have control over the result of things.

Lastly, Barbara likewise thought that she could control how people felt about her by acting right and stating the ideal thing. She was continuously alert about her behavior with others in her attempts to control how they felt about her and treated her.

In attempting to manage her feelings, others’ opinions and the outcome of things, Barbara might have been triggering her health problem.

The reality is that Barbara could not foresee every occasion that could trigger her some pain. She was devastated each time something happened that she had not thought of in advance.

The absurdity of all of this is that, in trying to visualize future disasters, Barbara was not present in the moment. We can take control of our life just when we are entirely present at the moment, not when we are trying to control the future.

Are you like Barbara?

Vigor and pleasure can be the outcome of letting go of your negative attitude and learning how to be present at the moment.

Here are some facts to motivate you according to positive thinking

1 Negative thinking causes a lot stress in the body.

Tension is among the leading reasons for illness. Tension sets into motion the body’s battle or flight reaction, putting cortisol into the body and eventually tiring the adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue can be one of the results of so much negative thinking.

Unfavorable thinking causes much stress in the body. If you tune into the pressure you feel and learn to connect your tension with your negative thinking; you can gradually change this pattern.

2. Do you know that negative thinking can be self-fulfilling?

When faced with a severe issue, the person with a negative state of mind will unlikely have the ability to handle the problem as compared to an individual with a favorable mind frame. Thankfully for us, these worlds have more positive thinker instead of negative thinker, or it would not have progressed throughout the years in term of engineering, medical science, infotech and so on

3. Negative thinker can never improve our living environment

The famous innovator Thomas Edison would not have prospered in creating the light bulb if he is not a positive thinker and keep experimenting, discovering methods of improving his light bulb with absolutely nothing, however, his self-belief that his inventions will work. Very few individuals can endure stopping working more than 1000 times in an experiment, and it is since that such positive thinking individual exists that we can enjoy the development of today.

4. Think of that you are an unfavorable thinker and have a hard problem at hand

More than likely, you will give up after a couple of tries which separate you from an effective person who will continue going and going much like the bunny battery advertisements. An unfavorable individual quit too quickly, and they always presume that things can never be done and it is no use attempting. They tend to look down on themselves and blame the environment and rely excessively on luck instead of attempting and discovering alternative and new methods of resolving the problems.

5 A Negative Thinking Person Can not cope with the complicated issue

When faced with a complicated issue, the individual with a negative frame of mind will unlikely be able to cope with the problem as compared to an individual with a positive mind frame. If an unfavorable believing individual is in a hard circumstance, that person would likely to give up rather than persist in discovering the solutions to the problems. An unfavorable individual offers up too quickly, and they continuously presume that things can never be done and it is no use attempting.

To succeed in your life and achieving your dreams or objectives, read, see, listen and surround yourself with positive ideas and individuals and discover to believe more favorably and belief in yourself that you can do it even though the tunnel on the other end is still filled with darkness. A positive thinker will one day re-fill the darkness with brightness.

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  1. Amazing Content!! Love the way you write.

    1. Thanks. I try to write the best as I can

  2. I used to battle depression, but after many years of prayer and memorization of uplifting Bible verses, my attitude and well-being have changed 360 degrees. Now, after battling breast cancer, I must must stay positive each day to keep my mind and body as calm as positive. Thanks for sharing this very important topic. 🙂

    1. I agree with you, Penelope. Positive attitude is the most important if you want to stay calm and full of energy

  3. Pingback: 10 Basic Steps to Building Self-Confidence - Healthy Lifestyle

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