What causes and how to prevent a yeast infection?

What causes and how to prevent a yeast infection?

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yeast infectionyeast infection

Fungi cause a yeast infection. The most common fungi are Candida albicans. Fungi which are usually present in the vaginal environment become overgrown with the changes of the flora in the vaginal environment.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is not a serious disease, but it is very uncomfortable. The symptoms may vary from person to person, but the most common symptoms are:

  1. Itchiness in the vulvar area
    2.Redness in the vulvar area
    3.Irritation in the vulvar area
    4.Vaginal dryness
    5.Food Sensitivities
    6.Burning Sensation
    7.Bacterial abundance

Causes of yeast infections

  1. Some antibiotics can cause a yeast infection. These antibiotics kill the friendly flora in the vagina and can change vaginal PH. If it’s completely necessary, then you can take antibiotics with Vitamin B and Yogurt. Eat more cow cheese.
  2. Wearing tight clothing and underwear of synthetic material can cause yeast infection too.
  3. People with diabetes, iron deficiency (Anemia), glucose problems and weak immune system have a high chance to get a yeast infection.
  4. Contraception pill consumption is one of the causes of this infection.
  5. Sexually transmitted reinfection can cause yeast infection too

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Useful tips which can help you to heal your yeast infection

You can use these tips as an addition to medical treatment to heal your yeast infection.
There is no rule which one will work for you. What work for some people, it doesn’t mean that the same thing will work for the others.

  1. Maintain a good hygiene at all time. Especially before, during and after the period when Yeast infections are the most present.
  2. Wash your vagina only with hot water without soap or other scented soap or shampoos.
  3. Stop with hot baths. Showering will reduce your vaginal odor.
  4. If you must take some antibiotics, take them with Vitamin B and Yogurt. Eat more cow cheese. These will help to restore normal vaginal PH levels.
  5. Avoid wearing tight cloth. Avoid synthetic underwear and tongue too.
  6. Avoid wearing synthetic socks.
  7. After urinating, use soft toilet paper to clean yourself. The cleaning process if very important. Start cleaning your vagina from the top of it, and move your hand towards your anus. This is very important because, if you don’t do it correctly, some of the bacteria from the urine, can enter inside your vagina.
  8. While you are having your period, be careful what kind of pads or tampons you use. They must be scented and without any additional color. Same goes for body creams, perfumes, and toilet paper.
  9. Avoid coffee and alcohol. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates.
  10.  Avoid stress

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Home remedies for yeast infection

Here are some home remedies for yeast infection

You can use them as an addition to medical treatment. There is no rule which one will work for you. What work for some people, it doesn’t mean that the same thing will work for the others.

  1. Eat onion and garlic every day. You will be astonished how your infection will be reduced. 2-3 garlic cloves a day is enough
  2. Soak yourself with lavender and thyme tea at least twice every day. You can drink the tea too.
  3. Drink St John’s wort tea too. You can use infused oil to heal the infection too. Soak a tampon in the St John’s wort infused the oil and put it into the vagina just before going to bed.
  4. Echinacea is a great remedy for yeast infections. This herb boosts the immune system too. You can use it as a supplement, tea and you can soak yourself with it.
  5. You can reduce vaginal odor with apple cider vinegar.

Add one cup of the apple cider vinegar in the bath water and soak yourself for 15 minutes.

  1. White Vinegar can restore PH levels and neutralize odors.

Mix salt and 100 ml white vinegar in cold bath water. Soak yourself for 5-6 minutes.

Read more: Here is the article where Laura Coven reveal how she heal the yeast infection with hygiene and diet

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