How to Turn Your Bathroom to a Zen Oasis for a Complete Relaxation

How to Turn Your Bathroom to a Zen Oasis for a Complete Relaxation

- in Healthy Lifestyle
zen oasis

By Patrick Adams, Contributing author and a freelance writer

Our mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. How we spend the first couple of hours after waking up can have a huge impact. In order to maximize the positive benefits of our mornings, you should keep the beginning relaxing and soothing. That’s where fixing up your bathroom comes in to create your bathroom into a Zen Oasis.

Namely, our mornings start in our bathrooms. A relaxing shower is just the thing you need to prepare you for the coming day, and the place where you have this shower matters. Couple that with the fact that you can always keep your bath as a safe space, a place where you can retreat to unwind and breathe.

Of course, turning your bathroom into zen  oasis takes work and time. But, don’t be too worried about funds. Sure, some of the tips below really are costly, but some can be handled with a simple trip to the department store. Below you can find some tips and tricks on how to create your bathroom into a Zen Oasis.

Try to Separate the Tub

The first thing you can try is work on making the place look more like a spa resort, rather than a simple bathroom. In order to achieve this, we suggest you separate the tub. This allows you to relax in the tub without breaking the illusion that you are actually not in a bathroom, but rather, in a five-star spa resort. There is, as for most things, a cheap and an expensive way you can pull this off.

First of all, you can use a divider to actually physically separate your tub from the rest of the bathroom. If you have the funds and actual room, you can get a complete remodel and put the tub in a designated, special place.

Get Some Deep, Natural Colours in There

You need to keep in mind that colours influence our moods, our emotions, the way we feel. With that in mind, look at the textures, the space, the look of many retreats. The walls are all in deep, earthy colours and tones, they remind you of nature and of times long gone by. It creates a feeling of serenity and peace that you can hardly find anywhere else outside of nature. So, why not do the same with your bathroom?

Opt for muted, dark colours, maybe some stonework, and deep, dark rosewood. And even if this is all too expensive and if it takes too much work, getting a new coat of paint and using darker accents might be just what you need.

Little Finishing Touches

On the topic of spas and accents, we suggest you think about adding to this decor by being smart about your sinks, bowls, mirrors, and fixtures. Namely, choosing bowls that are in specific, earthy shapes, or getting natural stone sinks might do the trick. Some bamboo or houseplants might just do the trick, adding a bit of exoticism to the mix. Shoot for an oriental, eastern look.

Furthermore, spas are supposed to be quiet, an oasis should be peaceful. If you want to completely insulate yourself from the world, maybe installing professional double glazed windows and insulated doors is what you need. These will keep things quiet, they will block most sounds from entering your bathroom and distributing your oasis.

A Multifunctional Showerhead

Imagine if you could get a water massage whenever you want? Well, with a multifunctional showerhead, you can do just that. Namely, showerheads like these often have varying spray settings and options. Anything from interval pulse showers, or maybe some kind of circular option.

Furthermore, you can also install a rain shower option, having a very large shower head just cover you with water in seconds, giving you the feeling of entering a waterfall.

Get a Jacuzzi Tub

A Jacuzzi is a getaway to total relaxation, and feeling like you are in a Zen Oasis. First of all, Jacuzzis are by themselves very relaxing, the bubbles massaging you, relaxing your body completely. Furthermore, they naturally generate steam, which can soothe you even more. Adding some essential oils and fragrant soaps to the mix will make things even better.

We suggest you put some lavender in the Jacuzzi, put on some smooth jazz, light a candle, get your face mask ready, and just sit back and relax.

Think About How You Use Alcoves

Alcoves are deceptively useful little things. They are the perfect place to put a scented candle, making your bathroom very fragrant, while also setting some nice moody lighting there as well. It also serves as a secure way to place candles away from wet surfaces or flammable items.

Now, if you don’t have alcoves, it’s a simple thing to just add some shelves or table space elements.

Oil Diffusers

A good spa plays to all of your senses, but after touch, smell is the most important one. We already mentioned essential oils and scented candles, but an oil diffusers can really get things going. You can also always experiment, changing up fragrances based on your mood, and on the seasons. So, mandarin oils and eucalyptus are great for early mornings when you really need sharp boost. Lavender and incense on the other hand are perfect to unwind after a long day.

Floor Heaters

Having your floors heated up by natural gas is something of a luxury, but it’s a luxury that you will be thankful for. Just think about walking on a nice, warm floor. The heat warming you up, relaxing you, giving you lots of comfort, especially during the cold winter months.


Having a Zen Oasis right there, in your home, is a gift to yourself that will keep on giving. And don’t worry, you won’t have to break the bank to achieve this dream.  You can set this up through smaller improvements, like shelves, alcoves, and little finishing touches if you want to. However, if you have the funds, you can go all out and install a Jacuzzi, with heated flooring, all followed by a complete remodel of your bathroom.

Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.

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