5 Great Natural Sources of Energy

5 Great Natural Sources of Energy

- in Healthy Lifestyle
natural sources of energyCheerful family sitting by table with healthy organic food

When we need energy throughout the day, most of us turn to coffee or energy drinks for help. But did you know there are many natural sources of energy we can consume? Here are

5 Great Natural Sources of Energy


The first energy inducing food on our list is something that Curious George would be sure to enjoy. Bananas can be sliced into your morning cereal, or blended with ice and peanut butter for a delicious smoothie. If you don’t have a knife or a blender, just take off the yellow raincoat and enjoy that tropical treat, because bananas are composed of glucose, fructose, and sucrose sugars that will provide a long-lasting and natural boost of energy.


Yogurt is a traditional breakfast food, but its availability in small prepackaged units facilitates its consumption as a snack as well. It’s also a great treat for a wide variety of people since there are so many flavors to choose from. As you bring that spoon towards your mouth, don’t let the spoon shake with excitement when you think about the rich calcium, glycogen, and magnesium you are about to ingest—that last element being particularly energizing.


“Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink,” says the ancient mariner of Coleridge’s poem. He must not have known the importance of drinking multiple glasses of water every day, because good hydration is key to increasing your energy level and avoiding the fatigue that naturally sets in when you’re dehydrated. Feeling lousy? Try drinking a nice cup of water before you head down to the lobby for a coffee. If you like a little flavor, add sliced cucumbers, limes, or citrus for taste.


These roundish little protein-rich treats that didn’t quite graduate into chicken-hood are somewhat of a controversial topic (people tend to love them or hate them), but one egg contains a whopping 30% of your daily protein, an organic compound that is crucial for maintaining energy throughout the day. Since eggs can also be hard-boiled, bagged, and brought to work, they can make a great mid-day snack to help energize your afternoon.

Dark Chocolate

We just had to conclude this article with a sweet treat. Dark Chocolate specifically may improve brain function and verbal fluency, which tends to suffer when you are fatigued. Blood flow to the brain has been connected with dark chocolate in clinical studies (sign me up), while certain stimulants in cocoa such as caffeine and theobromine can provide a little much-needed burst of energy almost instantaneously. Most everyone loves Chocolate, so consider throwing bits and pieces of it into a trail mix with a variety of nuts and dried fruit for a healthy munch option throughout the day.

Use these  natural sources of energy  and you will be full of energy and more healthier

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5 Great Natural Sources of Energy



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