How To Cure Insomnia Without Medication

How To Cure Insomnia Without Medication

- in Healthy Lifestyle, Home Remedies, How to
How To Cure InsomniaHow To Cure Insomnia

Everyone tosses and turns in bed sometimes, unable to sleep, but there is a good 6 to 10 percent of adults in the U.S. who experience insomnia in all its seriousness. There are many answers to the question of how to cure insomnia, but you first need to know what this illness entails.


The CDC established that one in five adults get inadequate amounts of sleep on any given day. Insomnia, however, is a condition that involves so much more than just a complete lack of sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, you may experience an array of symptoms:

– Waking up very early each morning.
– Inability to stay asleep at night.
Non-restful sleep.
– Difficulty sleeping at all.

This condition has a lot of negative effects, ranging from fatigue to decreased motor function, and before you try prescription pills to help you sleep, first consider these natural alternatives how to cure insomnia.

Tips How To Cure Insomnia

Practicing Sleep Hygiene

You need to start practicing habits that help you fall asleep not only faster but also soundly.

– Have a regular bedtime and wake up time, every single day.
– Exercise for at least half an hour every day.
– Avoid screen lighting before going to bed, and if you have to use a computer or a mobile phone, then make sure the screen is dimmed out.
– Change your room décor to make it more relaxing. Adjust the temperature and the brightness to the perfect setting, and install some noise canceling equipment. You can also use earplugs and an eye mask to drown out the outside world when trying to fall asleep.
– Don’t look at the clock, turn it around or keep it across the room.
– Go to bed only when you feel sleepy, and if you start tossing and turning, then get up and do something, say reading, to relax your mind.
– Take a warm bath or shower before bed
– Practice some breathing exercises to relax your muscles before going to sleep.
– While it can be tempting, try not to take naps during the day as it will disrupt your sleep patterns.
– Eat your dinner well before bedtime
– Avoid a lot of alcohol or caffeine in the afternoon at night. It is true that alcoholic drinks can stimulate sleep, but they also make it harder to stay asleep.

Sleep hygiene habits should be practiced every day. If you are wondering how to cure insomnia naturally, then you need to understand that it takes discipline. Should the sleep hygiene practices fail to help you sleep better, then perhaps you should try the next best option, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

How to Cure Insomnia Using CBT

This treatment applies to an array of mental conditions like OCD and schizophrenia, and when it comes to insomnia, CBT still strives to address the root of the problem before trying to solve it. Insomnia occurs primarily because the mind has been conditioned to resist sleep, and CBT helps you replace those factors that are against sleep with thoughts that promote sound sleep.

Compared to sleep medication, this form of therapy has been proven to cure long-term sleeping problems in insomnia patients. The therapy incorporates some sleep hygiene behaviors, urging patients to lead better lives so as to get better sleep.

How to Cure Insomnia With Home Remedies

Here are the Home Remedies How to Cure Insomnia according to Dr. Izharul Hasan
http://drizharniumnium123. regimenaltherapy/?ref= bookmarks

Results may vary from person to person. What works for some people, does not work for others.

1. Massaging foot sole with mustard (Sarson) oil before going to
bed helps to overcome Insomnia.

2. Poppy seeds (khus khus) dipped in water for an hour, grinded
to form a paste. Boil this paste with Milk and sugar. Drinking this is very effective to overcome Insomnia.

3. Eating Mango and drinking Milk or drinking Mango milkshake (Aam ras) regularly in the night helps to overcome Insomnia.

4. Eating a raw Onion or roasted Onion in the night also helps to get rid of Insomnia problem.

5. Nut meg (joy phal0 powder mixed with water taken in the night helps to overcome insomnia.

6. Consuming lot of Curd or eating Curd with Sugar or sweet Lassi induces sleep and cures Insomnia.

7. Drinking hot milk with a spoon of Ghee and sugar in the night helps to get sleep and cures Insomnia.

8. Drinking a glass of Carrot juice every day helps to cure Insomnia.

9. Drinking a spoon of lemon juice mixed with a spoon of Honey in the night induces sleep and cures Insomnia.

10. Coriander (Dhania) leaves grinded with water and mixed with Sugar and eating this paste helps to get sleep and cures Insomnia.

11. Aniseeds (Sauf) boiled in water for 10 minutes, add Milk and Sugar. Drinking this before going to bed helps to get rid of Insomnia problem.

12. Cucumber (kheera) piece rubbed on the foot sole makes a cooling effect on the body and helps to get sleep curing Insomnia.

13. Putting Castor oil (Erand) on the head or body massaged with Castor oil regularly helps  in curing Insomnia.

14. Sprouted horse gram (Kulthi) taken regularly helps to get sleep and cures Insomnia.Hop calms nerves, relieves tension, and helps in cases of insomnia cause by stress, headaches, indigestion. It does not affect the early waking hours of the morning.

15. A few hours before bedtime take Kava kava. Reduces stress, tension, anxiety and relaxes muscles. It helps to fall asleep deeper and to rest more. It can be used as a sedative when
taking a large dose, as effectively as, benzodiazepines but without the side effects.

16. The most popular herb for insomnia is Valerian, It relaxes nerves and muscles, improves sleep quality and makes falling asleep easier. Great for insomnia cause by, mind activity,
fear, fatigue, excitement. It’s as good as many barbiturates but has no side effects or addiction.

17. How to cure insomnia with tea

Mix the following ingredients:
1 tsp. chamomile flowers.
1 tsp. hops.
1 tsp. valerian root.
1 cup of boiling water.
Steep for 45 minutes, strain and drink 1 hour before bedtime.

18. The herb Kava is a very useful alternative for migraine, its properties allows a very peaceful sedative feeling which helps to achieve a deep state of relaxation these effects reduce insomnia, improve sleep without diminishing concentration or causing
drowsiness. Here is how to cure insomnia with this herb

Take 180 mg. a day for only threes days in a row. Kava is a very powerful herb; high levels can have adverse effects on the liver. Do not take more than the recommended dosage.

19. Most people, when they have trouble sleeping, begin to turn in bed and “seeking the dream.” The problem is that the more effort we make to sleep, the more we worry about our inability to sleep and we find it harder to fall asleep / as. Indeed, we have conditioned to have difficulty sleeping.

20. For most people the ritual before going to bed that consists of activities such as washing the mouth, remove the covers, turn off the light served as a message to our brain to relax and put us sleepy. In people who have been conditioned to having sleep problems, the contrary prior to bedtime activities are rather a signal that tells the brain to prepare for a long and frustrating battle.

21. In these cases, follow these simple tips may be all we need to break this vicious circle and once again enjoy a pleasant dream.

22. Go to bed at the same time every day and go to bed only when sleepy.

23. Exercise regularly, but do not do it near bedtime. Leave at least five hours between exercise and bedtime.

24. Eliminate or reduce caffeine and smoking. Almost everyone knows that caffeine makes it difficult to sleep, what many do not realize is that smoking near bedtime can disrupt sleep
and cause us to wake up several times at night. Studies have shown that smokers show a decrease from the deepest stage of sleep, ie one in which delta waves predominate.
Smoking also causes congestion in the airways and inflammation on mucous membranes. This makes the airflow is impeded, causing problems similar to those of sleep apnea.

25. Avoid turning to alcohol as a remedy for insomnia. Many people use alcohol as a sleep  aid. However, this may be counterproductive. Alcohol can certainly make us but later we
sleep at night, as the body was metabolized, it becomes substances called aldehydes that make the dream become unstable. Even worse alcohol suppresses REM sleep than as we
have said is of great importance for the processing and memory consolidation.

26. Avoid eating too much before bedtime. The digestive process can interfere with sleep.

27. Take your vitamins. Several studies have shown that different sleep problems can are linked to deficiencies in the B complex, calcium, copper, zinc, iron and magnesium.

28. Do not sleep on other days you do not have to go to work. Some people use the weekends to sleep or stay in bed until almost noon. The result is an alteration of biological rhythms.
On the other hand, if you need eight hours sleep and is forced to sleep ten or eleven his sleep will be shallow and wake up with less energy than if he had slept less. The only circumstance under which it is healthy to stretch the period of sleep is when we are
recovering from a period of lack of sleep.

29. Do not use bedtime to think about their problems.

30. If you feel tense use relaxation techniques, deep breathing, yoga, massage or gentle instrumental music for relaxation.

31. Try some natural remedies. Valerian root is an excellent mild relaxant that helps many people sleep and that contrary to some commonly prescribed drugs for insomnia, do not interfere with REM sleep and leaves the person in a state of drowsiness upon awakening.
However, valerian should not be used for more than three weeks running. In some people it can cause headaches or upset stomach. Other natural remedies that can help are the
cataria (Catnip), chamomile, and skullcap (skullcap). For these and other natural remedies is advisable to consult a naturopath or naturopathic doctor properly licensed.

32. Try melatonin, but carefully. Some people find it helpful to sleep, however, there are cases of people who, on the contrary, he disrupts sleep. There is at presently considerable confusion as to the usefulness and appropriateness of melatonin. Therefore it is advisable to consult a health professional (naturopath, medical doctor or naturopathic) versed in the subject.

33. Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex. This will automatically relax upon entering.

34. If after about 20 minutes to fall asleep can not / do not start to roll over in bed. The tossing and turning in bed all that accomplishes is to increase the association between the
act of going to bed and sleep problems. Better get up and do something boring. Return to bed only when sleepy.

35. Also be careful with sleep medications. Many of these may help temporarily but after a few weeks or at most a few months, lose their effectiveness. Even worse if they continue
to use can aggravate insomnia causing what is known as “rebound insomnia”. If at this stage seek to suspend the problem is further exacerbated. The solution is to reduce the
dose gradually over several weeks. This should be done preferably under medical

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Facebook Comments


  1. Good tips, though turning off your WIFI and Cell phone at night should be one! EMF, especially RF waves disrupt cells and affect everyone to some degree.

    1. I’m glad you find these tips useful. I agree with you about turning off the WIFI and Cell phone at night. Your comment is one more useful tip. Thank you very much for that

  2. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

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