Best outdoor activities for a healthy lifestyle

Best outdoor activities for a healthy lifestyle

- in Healthy Lifestyle
@Nina Simons
outdoor activities

By  Nina Simons Contributor author, lifestyle blogger and an avid traveler passionate about interior design and creative DIY projects

People should spend time outside whenever they can. All that vitamin D, the fresh air, the greenery around us – it benefits our bodies and minds. We all spend too much time inside, stuck in our offices, in the kitchen or shopping malls.

So, change it right now! There are many fun  outdoor activities , whether on your own or with your family. Why not enjoy your time together in the fresh air, live healthily and lose some weight in the process?

1. Swim and clear your mind

People who swim are far less prone to injuries than people who exercise on land. It’s because water is easy on our muscles and joints, which means no pain will interrupt your swimming. Most people and children enjoy swimming, so it could be a great group activity at the public pool or in the nearest lake. Still, it really puts your mind at ease to swim alone and think of nothing else than your next arm swing. You only need your swimsuit and goggles and you’re ready!

outdoor activities

2. Kayaking – why not try something different?

Kayaking is a highly scenic sport to do, and it involves water, so it sounds fun already. Few people try kayaking out thinking it’s too difficult. The truth is that you’ll be exhausted in the beginning but when you push through initial soreness and get used to the proper movements, you’ll find yourself enjoying the sport and the view around you. It’s done in a group, so why not try it out as a family? If it’s a sunny day without wind, go for it.

3. Cycling while enjoying the view

A great aerobic activity that’s easy on your joints and muscles. It’s also an effective way to relax – you can simply cycle and enjoy the surroundings that are different every time you change your route. Just make sure you ride a bike that fits you. Also, wear a helmet and gloves with palm padding. If you don’t mind the weather, you can go cycling almost anytime, except when it’s raining heavily. One more thing – it’s a smart choice to learn basics on how to fix a bike!


4. Hiking as an active holiday

Hiking is an excellent aerobic activity that also decreases stress levels. It involves a lot of up-and-down movements, so it’s great for your legs and your cardiovascular system. Next time you’re planning a family holiday, find an organization that arranges group hiking tours. It’s better to enjoy nature on an active holiday as Tasmania walks in Australia, the Appalachian Train in the USA or the Inca Trail in Peru – you’ll get to know the country and customs in a different way, and not just sit in a hotel, rest and eat. The important thing is to wear comfy hiking boots. And yes – bring water, snacks and a walking stick! Hiking can take quite a long time, so you don’t want having to quit after two hours because you’re thirsty or hungry.

5. Be a kid again on a trampoline

This is a huge fan for the whole family. You don’t even think about how tired you feel; you’re overwhelmed by joy. Your cardiovascular system will really benefit from this activity but it will also help your body to get rid of the toxins. Not to mention that it’s really helpful in getting rid of cellulite. In short, it’s a great exercise for your whole body and releases endorphins – seize every sunny day to have fun and burn calories.



6. like no one’s watching

Nothing gets your body moving like the music you love. Play your favorite songs and dance with your kids in the living room until you’re out of breath! Or do it on your own in front of a mirror and let it all out! Dancing activates almost every muscle in our bodies and it’s great for decreasing stress levels and improving your mood. It also improves your balance and flexibility, while also helping out your heart. And if you do it outside in the yard or somewhere in nature with your headphones on – even better!

All in all

Outdoor activities are way better than indoor activities because they offer you new scenery each time you step out of the house. You’ll have your lungs full of pure oxygen, you’ll clear out your mind in nature and you won’t even notice how many calories you have burned because you’ll have fun the whole time.

Nina is a lifestyle blogger, yoga aficionado and a travel enthusiast with a distinctive taste for home decor. She’s passionate about learning new things and sharing meaningful ideas. In her free time, she loves to prepare healthy dishes for her friends. If you wanna see what she’s up to you can find her on twitter

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