Healthy Lifestyle

Read our healthy lifestyle articles which will give you interesting healthy lifestyle tips to keep you updated on new strategies for achieving and leading a healthy and happy life.


Improve Your Appearance
Healthy Lifestyle

7 Ways to Improve Your Appearance

There are many reasons for wanting to improve your appearance. For most, it’s all about feeling more confident in their own body. Everyone ...
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life - box
Healthy Lifestyle Inspirational Stories

Lesson in life: Back in The Box

“At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.” -Italian Proverb. We’ve probably all heard ...
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subscription services
Healthy Lifestyle

5 Online Subscription Services That Will Change Your Life (Or At Least Enhance It!)

Ever since the advent of the internet, companies across the spectrum of the industry have been devoted to promoting and advertising their products ...
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High self esteem
Healthy Lifestyle Self-Improvement

Importance of High Self-Esteem – 7 ways to improve it

Low self-esteem often causes many individuals to suffer symptoms of anxiety and depression. Millions of adults, when they lack courage or aplomb, will ...
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Healthy Lifestyle

Alzheimer’s: New Fastball technology and Aducanumab improve the quality of life

My mother died from Alzheimer’s It was tough to see the woman who raised you how asked the same question or told the ...
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COVID-19 vaccine
Healthy Lifestyle

Why you should get a COVID-19 vaccine

It’s that horrible word that has resurfaced daily for the better part of two years – ‘coronavirus’, or ‘COVID-19’, has seemingly been around ...
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Saline and Silicone Breast Implants
Healthy Lifestyle

The Difference Between Saline and Silicone Breast Implants

If you are thinking about getting a breast augmentation, there is a good chance you already know what type of look you are ...
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mental health (1)
Healthy Lifestyle

Tips For Those Struggling with Mental Health

Are you struggling with your mental health? Many people are suffering from feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.  Getting ...
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working abroad
Healthy Lifestyle

5 Tips for staying healthy when working abroad

Working abroad is an enticing prospect. Wages can be higher, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. New experiences, new cultures, and ...
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ED score
Healthy Lifestyle

Would You Like To Know Your ED Score? Take The ED Calculator! [2 mins] 👍

Erectile dysfunction (‘ED’) is a man’s inability to get a sufficiently hard erection in order to complete successful sexual intercourse.   This condition ...
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