Tired of Chest Acne: 7 Amazing Ways You Can Deal With Them

Tired of Chest Acne: 7 Amazing Ways You Can Deal With Them

- in Guest Posts, Healthy Lifestyle
Chest Acne

Acne is a sensitive ailment. To combat it, you need to eat recommended acne diet. If you are affected by acne on your chest, face, nose or chin, you may experience any of the followings cysts, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pustules etc.  If you are a victim of any of acne, then this article is really for you. Take time to read it and you will be happy you did.

If you are infested with acne on your chest, it may not be as visible as pimples may be on your face, but it can really be a nuisance to you. If you browse through the internet, you will read amazing stories of how people got healed with the principles mentioned in this article.

Here are 7 amazing ways you can decisively deal with acne today:

Bath Regularly

It is easy to develop acne on your chest if you don’t bath regularly at least two times daily. Taking your bath regularly will remove harmful elements such as dirt, oil (sebum), dead skin cells, and bacteria.

If you really want to reduce the chances of contacting acne today, all you need to do is to simply take your bath regularly both during drier and colder seasons. To achieve best results, you are encouraged to use lukewarm water.

Use acne body wash

You are encouraged to look for acne-fighting body wash and make good use of it. One of the amazing features of acne body wash is that they contain salicylic acid, which aids in treating chest acne.

Exfoliate once a week

Exfoliating is very good for you, and it can help you to remove dead skin cells, so that they won’t end up forming acne or clogging pores. Exfoliating will enable you to experience a much smoother skin. If you continue to do this, it will surely irritate pre-existing blemishes.

Go for Spot treatment

Spot treatments are very active; it has the capacity to heal underlying inflammation and shrinking pimples from your body. Experts advice that you should go for over-the-counter spot treatments- some of them are made up of benzoyl peroxide or salicyclic acid.

Before you apply any solution to your chest, it is important you do a little patch test to ensure it won’t cause any negative reaction. You can test run it on a small spot on your arm, and watch for at least 24 hours or more to see if it developed any irritation or rash.

Change your laundry detergent

Washing your clothes at regular times remains one of the best ways to keep germs at bay. More so, it can prevent you from having acne if you have an oily skin.

However, it is important to note right away that most laundry detergents can give rise to acne, especially if you use those detergents that cause injury to the skin such as products with dyes and fragrances.

If you wear clothes that were washed with unhealthy or allergenic detergents, you will expose yourself to the danger of contacting acne especially your chest area.

Wear loose clothes

Wearing loose clothes remains another effective way of fighting acne. Your chest area needs non-irritating clothes so that you can breathe successfully. Tight clothing is not good for you; it can trap bacteria, dirt, and oils. Other things that can cause irritation includes spandex, nylon, and wool. For effective results, you can consider wearing cotton clothing.

Stay Clean

You can never go wrong by staying clean. After taking your bath or if you are sweating, you are encouraged to use a gentle product to dry yourself. Taking bath is at least twice per day is cool; it helps to remove sweat, dirt, and bacteria from your skin.

Make sure any fabric that touches your skin is neat. Avoid wearing dirty bras or clothes or sleeping on dirty sheets- doing any of these can transfer bacteria to you and overtly give rise to chest acne. Once you sweat on any cloth, make sure you wash them before wearing it again. Don’t just dry and wear it again- because doing so will be endangering your skin.


In this article, we have tried to explain 7 cute ways you can confidently deal with chest acne. So, if you are hit by chest acne, all you need to do is to abide by these rules: bath regularly at least twice daily, exfoliate once a week, go for spot treatment, change your laundry detergent, wear loose clothes,  and stay clean always.

Doing all these will not only help you to treat acne but will also prevent severe chest acne. Additionally, a skin care professional may prescribe some antibiotics that will help you get rid of chest acne within a few days.

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About Maria: I have been suffering from acne since I was a teenager and I know how difficult it can be to live with acne. From having a small pimple where I thought everyone was looking at me, to a large breakout where I didn’t even want to leave the house because I was embarrassed. Over the years I have tested countless acne products which I have shared with you on my site. With education, prevention and treatment you too can have a clear skin or at least minimize acne.

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