Is Food Cleanliness Important? (Survey)

Is Food Cleanliness Important? (Survey)

- in Healthy Lifestyle

This survey by Kitchen Cabinet Kings sets out to find just how important food cleanliness is to the general population, the FDA, and restaurants. What they found after surveying 1,000 people is that the majority of the general public either aren’t aware or don’t care about the 200+ foodborne illnesses that can be found in foods. Food safety is vital to avoid food poisoning that can be present in harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, and chemicals found in dishes we consume.

The Findings

So what exactly did this food cleanliness survey find? A whopping 33% of people who find something gross in their food will just ignore it and keep eating. That’s pretty gross, considering that when a fly touches food it regurgitates its saliva onto your dish. Not to mention, these house pests carry over 200 pathogens around with them everywhere they go.

The worst part? The FDA allows a certain amount of bugs in food products manufactured on the basis that low levels of these pests don’t actually pose a health hazard.

The most shocking statistic found was that nearly 44% of diners will continue eating if they find a hair in their food and assume it’s their own. Perhaps that’s not such a bad thing, considering L-cysteine is a natural amino acid found in hair that is used in food products.

Food Safety Tips

Although a hair or a fly in your meal likely won’t cause lasting damage to your immune system, there are certain chemicals and pathogens that can. Always make sure to wash your hands before dining, and throughout food preparation.

Additionally, raw fish and meat should always be separated from other foods to avoid cross-contamination. Always follow the recommended temperature for cooking your food, and only leave out prepared dishes for a maximum of two hours.

Final Words

Food can be contaminated at any point, and it’s important to sterilize everything in your kitchen, from your stovetop to your kitchen cabinets. Things like temperature will affect the bacteria found in foods, so store your dry foods in a cool dry place and always refrigerate your food after preparation.



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