How to Relieve Lower Back Pain – Ultimate Guide

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain – Ultimate Guide

- in Healthy Lifestyle
How to Relieve Lower Back Pain - Ultimate GuideMan having a lower back pain over gray background

You try to stand up, but you feel that awful lower back pain again. The same question is here  – How to relieve lower back pain?

It slows your moving. It doesn’t allow you to do most of your daily activities.

When you try to do something, you can feel several sets of eyes on you – watching and waiting for your next move.

It’s embarrassing, awkward, and humiliating.

You look for relief on the internet, in magazines and in every place you can find it.

Pills to relieve pain didn’t solve your problem.  After taking medicine for the pain, you feel better for some period of time, and after that, the pain is there again.

So what’s the solution?

Lower back pain can be eased with the right treatments. It is either acute or chronic. Severe  pain occurs as the result of some injury while the chronic may stem from a medical condition or old injury. Relief for it can be found via a number of different approaches. It’s essential to have the cause of the pain correctly diagnosed if it persists.

Keep reading this article, and we hope you will find how to relieve lower back pain

– How to relieve your lower back pain – Table of Contents 

#1.  How to relieve lower back pain

#2. How to relieve lower back pain while sleeping

  1. Choose a good mattress
  2. Pick the right pillow
  3. Adopt the right sleeping position to relieve lower back pain
    3.1 Sleeping Positions with pillow support
    3.2 Sleeping Positions without pillow support

#3. How to relieve lower back pain at home

  1.  How to Relieve Low Back Pain with Stretches
  2. Develop Good Posture to relieve lower back pain
  3. If you smoke, try to reduce or quit smoking
  4. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with cold and/or hot therapy
  5. Take care of your weight
  6. Engage your brain
  7. Do what make you happy

#4. Other Ways to Relieve Back Pain

  1. How to relieve lower back pain with Hands-On Therapy
  2. How to relieve lower back pain with  Acupuncture and Acupressure
  3. How to relieve lower back pain with Nerve Stimulation
  4. How to relieve lower back pain with Biofeedback
  5. How to relieve lower back pain with cognitive-behavioral therapy
  6. How to relieve lower back pain with  Spinal Injections
  7. How to relieve lower back pain with Back Surgery

#5. How to relieve lower back pain during pregnancy

  1. How to prevent and avoid lower back pain
  2. How to relieve lower back pain
  3. See the doctor

#6. Conclusion


1. Relieve the lower back pain with natural remedies

Back pain can be mentally and physically debilitating.  It can affect everything you do, from work and exercise to simple daily tasks. Back pain can be short-term, or a lifelong problem due to injury or some disease  Fortunately, there are Natural Back Pain Remedies

Read more about them here

#2 How to relieve lower back pain while sleeping

We sleep at least 6-8 hours every day. Sleeping equipment and sleeping positions can alleviate lower back pain. Follow the steps below and learn how to relieve lower back pain while sleeping.

– How to relieve your lower back pain while sleeping – Table of Contents –

  1. Choose a good mattress
  2. Pick the right pillow
  3. Adopt the right sleeping position to relieve lower back pain
    3.1 Sleeping Positions with pillow support
    3.2 Sleeping Positions without pillow support

1. Choose a good mattress

How to relieve lower back pain7.pngYour mattress should keep you comfortable.

In the past doctors recommended sleeping in a firmer bed if you deal with this disease. But according to WebMD, “A soft mattress can be good if your hips are wider than your waist because it will let your spine stay straight while you sleep. If your hips and waist already line up straight, a harder mattress might feel better because it will give you more support,”

So your mattress has to be big enough and support the natural curves of your body.

Do the research and read about all the possibilities. Some companies offer you to try their mattress for a few weeks and return it if it is not suitable for you. 

Take into consideration that you have to replace the mattress every 9-10 years. Don’t use it for more than ten years if you want to alleviate your lower back pain.

2. Pick the right pillow

How to relieve lower back pain8.pngAs your mattress has to be big enough and support the natural curves of your body, your pillow has to support the natural curve of your neck. 

You should select the pillow according to your sleeping position.  Most of them are labeled according to the sleeping position they are intended. 

If you sleep on your back, you will need a fluffier pillow. If you are sleeping on your side, try using a thicker pillow. Regardless of your sleeping position, never place your pillow under your shoulders.

You have to replace your pillow every year or so. Don’t throw it away.  You can use your old pillow to support other areas of the body.

You Can Try  a Back Brace at Night for Added Support

Wearing a back brace to bed can give you short-term relief of the pain while sleeping.

3. Adopt the right sleeping position to relieve lower back pain

3.1 Sleeping Positions with pillow support

How to Use Pillows to Relieve Lower Back Pain While Sleeping:

Try the following sleeping postures with pillow support to relieve the pain while sleeping.

Sleeping on the back with pillow support

According to doctors sleeping on the back, can be the best sleeping position to alleviate the pain.

This position minimizes pressure points and evenly distributes the weight of the body. It can provide additional support to your body and help you to maintain the natural curve of your spine while sleeping. Your head, neck, and spine are in good posture all the time.

Here is how you should sleep properly on the back

1. Lie flat on your back facing the ceiling
2. Place a small pillow under the knees and small rolled towel beneath your lower back
3. Your pillow has to support your head and neck.

Sleeping on the side with pillow support

This position can strain the lower back by pulling the spine out of the position.

To correct your posture while sleeping:

1. Get in the bed and roll oh the side you want to sleep
2. Place a firm pillow between your knees. You will restore the natural alignment of your body and put the spine in the right position.
3. Your pillow has to support your head and neck.
4. Additionally, you can put a large pillow against your chest and stomach and keep your back aligned.

Sleeping on the front with pillow support

Sleeping on your front is the worst sleeping posture, according to doctors. This sleeping position can benefit people with degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc.

If this is your favorite sleeping position, you should place a pillow under the stomach and hips to improve spinal alignment.
To correct your posture while sleeping:

1. Lie on the front of the body
2. Place pillows underneath the abdomen and hips
3. Try to sleep without a pillow for the head. If you can’t, use a flat pillow.

Sleeping on the front with pillow support with the head face down

This is the same position as the previous one but with the head face down. In the last position, you turn your head to one side while sleeping. You add additional stress on the neck, shoulders, and back in this way. To avoid it lay face down. Use the small, firm pillow to prop up the forehead and allow breathing.

1. Lie on the front of the body
2. Place pillows underneath the abdomen and hips

3. Put your face down and use the small, firm pillow to prop up the forehead and allow breathing.

3.2 Sleeping Positions without pillow support 

Sleeping in the fetal position

Sleeping in the fetal position can help you if you are with a herniated disc.

1. Get in the bed and roll oh the side you want to sleep
2. Your pillow has to support your head and neck.
3. Move the knees towards the chest. Your back has to be relatively straight.

Sleeping on the back in the reclined position

If you have isthmic spondylolisthesis sleeping on the back in the Reclined position can help you. Consider investing in an adjustable bed which can be positioned accordingly.


-11 Ways to Relieve Low Back Pain at Home – Table of Contents –

1. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with Stretches
2. Develop Good Posture to relieve lower back pain
3. If you smoke, try to reduce or quit smoking
4. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with cold and/or hot therapy
5. Take care of your weight
6. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with 101 Superfoods That Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation
7. How to relieve lower back pain with over-the-counter pain relievers
8. Apply a pain-relief cream
9. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with Arnica
10. Engage your brain
11. Do what make you happy

You can relieve lower back pain at home on yourself. The following techniques you can do at home. But before you start with stretches or exercises, consult your therapist or doctor. They will recommend the best home therapy for you. As we mentioned before

Do not do all exercises or stretches for back injuries you will find on the internet, magazines, or books. 40% of exercises are specific for every condition or injury, and this is very important to know.

So, You can use the following ways if you have mild low back pain.

1. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with Stretches 

Rear view of woman stretching in her bed

According to my opinion, you can find many stretch exercises on the internet, ebooks, youtube, magazines. Everyone promises you the best. YOU MUST DO STRETCHES AS A TREATMENT FOR THIS DISEASE.  PERIOD. There is no discussion if you have done them.

The question is which ones are the best according to your state.

To solve that you have three options:

  1. Consult your doctor or therapist. They will recommend the ones which are the best for your state.
  2. Consult Rick, who heals a lot of patients.
  3. Consult another famous expert who has healed a lot of people with this disease.

My advice: Do not sit most of the time. Get up every 20-30 minutes or so, and stretch your back and legs. You can start practicing Yoga too. Yoga is beneficial for regular stretching.

2. Develop Good Posture to relieve lower back pain 

I wrote an article about how to develop a Good Posture.

You can read the whole article here: Good Posture: How to Develop Good Posture

Orthopedic shoes are not just for elderly people. Consider investing in specialized inserts for your shoes, and for that matter, good quality shoes as well; this is something many athletes do to stabilize their posture and movement. Wear low heels. High heels can increase pressure on your lower spine. At work, make sure you have a good quality chair since you will be spending most of your day in it. If you are doing the heavy lifting, you might want to wear a lumbar support belt, and when you sleep, make sure you have the right quality mattress and pillow. There are plenty of ergonomic tools out there to assist in promoting good posture, so take advantage of them!

3. If you smoke, try to reduce or quit smoking 

According to the latest researches chances, smokers who have lower back pain are more significant compared with nonsmokers. Nicotine can increase the risk for osteoporosis and other bone problems of the spine. This lead to the spine’s compression fractures.

4. How to Relieve Low Back Pain with cold and/or hot therapy 

Cold and/or hot treatments are simple but effective ways of reducing lower back pain.

  • Cold therapy

You can create your cold therapy packs and keep them in the refrigerator for your massages. Wipe the pack in the towel and apply it on your lower back for 20 minutes. After that, dry your lower back and rest for the 10 minutes.

  • Cold therapy has two main benefits:
  1. It reduces inflammation
  2. It acts as a local anesthetic. Cold therapy slows down nerve impulses and keeps them from spasms and causing pain.
  • Heat therapy
The woman at beauty spa getting a procedure with hot stones while massage therapist doing arm massage

You can use heat therapy in many forms. Try some of them and find which is the best for relieving your lower back pain. You can try a hot shower or hot bath, hot water bottle, heating pad, you can heat salt and put it in a towel creating a heat wrap, and some devices you can find on the market. Be careful with the temperature. Don’t use high-level heat. You can burn yourself. Continuous, low-level heat brings healing relief to your lower back.

  • Heat therapy has two main benefits, too:
  1. It stimulates blood flow
  2. It sents pain messages to the brain.

5. Take care of your weight 

If you are overweight according to your height, you put excess stress on your spine. Don’t allow to happen this. Keep diet and exercises to keep your weight in a reasonable and healthy range.

6. Engage your brain 

Develop skills with your mind to ignore or reduce the pain signals How you perceive your pain depend on the way your brain processes and interprets pain signals

Read more: Modern Theories of Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain Coping Techniques – Pain Management
How Emotions Contribute to Chronic Pain

7. Do what makes you happy 

Do anything which relaxes you and make happy. Living with ongoing pain is awful. It reduces your abilities to do things, interrupts your sleep, and worsens your mood.

Doing what makes you happy can help you a lot. Enjoy drinking your coffee, chatting with your friends, watching your favorite movies, walking a dog. In this state, when you are happy, you will feel less pain.

Even if you are on ongoing extensive medical treatments and you have severe pain, try doing simple things which make you happy. They will help you to be stronger and healthier over time.


#4 Other Ways to Relieve Back Pain

-Other ways to relieve back pain – Table of Contents –

1. How to relieve lower back pain with Hands-On Therapy
2. How to relieve lower back pain with  Acupuncture and Acupressure
3. How to relieve lower back pain with Nerve Stimulation
4. How to relieve lower back pain with Biofeedback
5. How to relieve lower back pain with cognitive-behavioral therapy
6. How to relieve lower back pain with  Spinal Injections
7. How to relieve lower back pain with Back Surgery

1. How to relieve lower back pain with Hands-On Therapy 

People use Hands-On Therapy or  Chiropractic (Chiro – hands-on and practic – done/ applied by ) for thousands of years to heal this disease.  This technique uses fingertips to deliver pressure to targeting specific points of the body to relieve pain. 

Read more about how to relieve lower back pain with hands-on therapy here

2. How to relieve lower back pain with  Acupuncture and Acupressure 

People widely use  Acupuncture and Acupressure treatment to relieve this disease. According to WebMD:

“Pain treatment expert John Loeser, MD, of the University of Washington, says the findings suggest that psychological factors play a role in the effectiveness of alternative treatments like acupuncture and acupressure.

“People come to pain treatment with strong belief systems, as well as cultural and personal biases that strongly influence their responses,” he says.

Most People Get Better

Loeser says he would neither encourage nor discourage patients from trying an alternative therapy that may work for them. But he adds that patients should always ask providers of these treatments how long it should take to see results.

He says in 90% of cases, low back pain goes away on its own within two months, regardless of treatment.

Successful treatment is one that minimizes pain enough to allow the patient to resume normal activities as soon as possible, Loeser says.

“When I’m asked about alternative treatments, I say that there isn’t a lot of scientific evidence to explain why they work,” he says. “But they do work for some patients, and the risk of them harming is pretty small.”

3. How to relieve lower back pain with Nerve Stimulation 

TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is one of the nerve stimulation’s methods to relieve lower back pain. With this method, incoming pain signals are blocked with mild electric pulses which are delivered to the nerves.

4. How to relieve lower back pain with Biofeedback 

You can use Biofeedback to learn how to control your response to pain.

Biofeedback uses a particular machine with electrical sensors. Electrical sensors help you to receive information about your body. According to the data you will receive, you can train your brain how to react to pain. Also, you can learn how to moderate your breathing, muscle tension, blood flow, heart rate. According to some studies, Biofeedback is better than medication in relieving back pain and has no side effects.


5. How to relieve lower back pain with cognitive-behavioral therapy 

CBT is a two-part form of psychological therapy. In the cognitive part, you focus on your thoughts. In the behavioral component, you focus on your actions.  You can manage your pain by changing your negative thoughts and feelings about pain to helpful thoughts and feelings.

You can’t stop your lower back pain, but you can change how your body responds to pain.

CBT will help you learn how to:

  • Identify your negative thoughts about pain
  • Stop your negative thoughts about pain
  • Start using positive thoughts about pain
  • Start Developing  healthy thinking

Here is the example of changing your thoughts:

“I can not do this” to

“I did this before, and I will do it again.”

Healthy thinking mean develops positive thoughts.  It helps you to calm your mind and body to feel better. Feeling better reduces pain.

This method is consist of 15 to 20 meetings with a therapist.

6. How to relieve lower back pain with  Spinal Injections 

If you have severe lower back pain, your doctor can recommend a spinal injection. The number of doses  depends on the kind of injection

7. How to relieve lower back pain with Back Surgery 

Back Surgery should be your last option. Like all surgeries, back surgery carries risks. These kinds of operations are not always successful.


#5 How to relieve lower back pain during pregnancy

It seems that lower back pain is the inevitable part of the pregnancy.

Your baby is growing inside you, and you are gaining weight. Your center of gravity is changing. Your hormones relax the ligaments in the joints of your pelvis. And you get lower back pain. Here are tips about how to prevent, avoid, and relieve lower back pain during pregnancy:

-How to relieve lower back pain during pregnancy– Table of Contents –

1. How to prevent and avoid lower back pain
2. How to relieve lower back pain
3. See the doctor

Pregnant woman, pain in back


1. How to prevent and avoid lower back pain

  • You need to strengthen the back muscles. This will help reduce the pain. You can do some light exercises with a doctor’s approval only.
  • Take care of your weight during pregnancy. Some women feel hungry most of the time. If you are one of them eat fresh vegetables or fruits when you are hungry outside of meals.
  • Do not wear high heeled shoes. High heels can increase pressure on your lower spine.
  • Do not stand for an extended period.
  • Practice a good posture while walking or sitting. Keep your back straight when you walk. Sit in the comfortable chairs with a small pillow behind your lower back.
  • Don’t sleep on the abdomen or the back. Sleep on your side. Put pillows behind your back and between your knees.

2. How to relieve lower back pain

  • Do regularly stretches for the lower back in cooperation with your doctor.
  • Sleep on your side. Put pillows behind your back and between your knees.
  • Sleep well. As your baby grows, you will have more and more difficulties with sleeping.
  • Use Cold and/or hot treatments to relieve the pain. Consult your doctor before you start with them.
  • Wear a maternity beal for extra lower back support.
  • Get prenatal relax massages. You can reduce stress via meditation and other mindfulness techniques.

3. See the doctor 

  • you get severe lower back pain
  • if your pain is constant and lasts more than two weeks

As we can conclude, lower back pain is a common part of pregnancy.

The good news – It will resolve on its own after you have given birth to your child.

So follow the guidance on how to prevent, allow, and relieve this pain during the pregnancy and enjoy in your pregnancy.


#6 Conclusion

Don’t allow lower back pain to steal your self-control. When faced with pain, it seems like the choice has power over you, not the other way around. But that isn’t fair. You deserve to live a healthier life without pain.

Don’t wait. Consult your doctor and put everything you learn into action to relieve it. Start with the Natural Remedies, adopt a good sleeping position, follow the pieces of advice on how to relieve the pain at home, ask for additional help.

Take action now. When you find the solution for your lower back pain, you can fulfill your dreams. You will be happier better in your work, your relation. You will be more confident, and your life will go in the other, painless, healthier and happier direction

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain – Ultimate Guide

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