Neck Pain? These Exercises May Help You

Neck Pain? These Exercises May Help You

- in Healthy Lifestyle
neck painneck pain

Written by Savo Trajanovic
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist – Physiatrist
How many times have you got up from your chair after a long day of work and felt neck pain? Working at the computer while repeatedly keeping the neck forward is very stressful to the cervical spine. neck painUsing your hands to adjust the skeletal structure and neck spine has many positive effects on the body. This kind of massage allows the body to heal while reducing pain. But this is not a solution.

What can you do to reduce the neck pain?

1.Sit straight on the chair keeping the chin tucked in with shoulders relaxed. Research shows that sitting straight while working helps you concentrate and think more clearly. This is because sitting straight helps you breathe more efficiently, thus providing your brain with more oxygen!
2.During a conversation over the phone, the receiver should not be cupped between the ear and the shoulder.
3.During sleep, the nape of the neck should be fully supported by the pillows to avoid sagging lower than the neck and also should not be bent too forward by too many pillows.
4.But spine experts agree that physical activity is the most important for people with neck pain
5. You have to be Be motivated and to believe in success

Do exercises for 10-15 minutes every day and prevent neck pain.

Results from these activities may vary from person to person. What works for some people, does not work for others.

Neck pain can be very painful and can affect every aspect of your life. You can avoid the pain.
It’s hard to make this a priority in a lot of work days, but the older we are, the more valuable it becomes. Our bodies are just not designed to be sitting down in one position for hours and hours at a time.
Try the following exercises to reduce your neck pain. Stay active and don’t give up! But if you have severe neck pain or weakness in your shoulder and arms contact your doctor.

When doing these exercises monitor your pain and any numbness and tingling. Make sure they are moving toward the middle of your neck, becoming less intense or at least remaining the same. Stop the exercise if they are moving further away from your neck. Abandon those activities that aggravate your pain and continue with those that reduce your pain.

1 Spine Neutral Head Position


Spine Neutral Head PositionSpine Neutral Head PositionLie flat on your back on the floor with no pillow and let your head fall backward.

Move your ear toward your shoulder. After 5-10 minutes in this position, your neck pain will be eliminated, and your head will move further into ideal alignment.

2 Neck Muscle Strengthening

Neck Muscle StrengtheningNeck Muscle Strengthening

While lying on your back, gently tuck your chin down towards your chest and hold for 5 seconds. Be sure to feel a stretch in the back of your neck. After that rest for 15 seconds. Repeat five times.



3 Neck Retraction

Neck RetractionNeck RetractionWhile lying on your back, push your head backward for 5 seconds. You will again feel a stretch in the back of your neck. Then return to neutral and rest for 15 seconds. Repeat five times.



4 Neck Rotation while lying

Neck Rotation while lyingNeck Rotation while lyingWhile lying on your back, rotate your head from right to left for 5 seconds. Then return to neutral and rest for 15 seconds. Repeat five times. This exercises also helps in reducing neck pain


5. Neck Flexion

While sitting, bring head into neck-retraction position. Clasp hands behind head and gently guide head down, bringing chin towards the chest. Stop when you feel a stretch in the back of your neck. Return to natural. Repeat five times.

6. Neck Stretch

Neck Stretch

Neck StretchWhile sitting take your chin down to your chest. Gently tense your neck muscles and hold for 10 seconds. Return to the natural position and repeat five times. After that slowly move head backward as far as you can comfortably go. Return to the natural position and repeat five times.


7. Another Neck Stretch

Another Neck StretchAnother Neck StretchAnother Neck Stretch






Take your left ear to your shoulder. Gently tense your neck muscles and hold for 5 seconds. Return your head to center and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat five times on each side.

8. Neck Rotation while sitting

Neck Rotation while sittingNeck Rotation while sittingTurn your head to look over shoulder until you feel a gentle stretch. Gently tense your neck muscles and hold for 5 seconds. Return your head to the center and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat five times on each side.


9. Shoulder circles

Shoulder circlesShoulder circlesShoulder circles are a useful warm-up exercise and a good way to relieve tension in the shoulders and neck. Make the movement slow and controlled.

In the end, we can conclude that exercising your neck is an excellent thing to do, whether you have pain or wishing to avoid it. 

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Neck Pain? These Exercises May Help You| #exercises For #neckpain #exercising #neckpainnomore #neck
Sports woman having neck pain

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