Ovulation Calculator – Know About Natural Pregnancy Assistance

Ovulation Calculator – Know About Natural Pregnancy Assistance

- in Healthy Lifestyle, How to
ovulation calculator

Are you and your partner decided to bring an addition to the family? If yes, then you should understand the ovulation cycle, it will help your chances of getting pregnant.

Through good research, it has been found that, when you have sexual intercourse with your partner on the time of ovulation, then your chances of getting pregnant are very high.

Do You Know Your Days Of Ovulation?

Yes – you can use the ovulation calculator free to track your ovulation. The tool estimates the best times to try for a baby. There are several other natural ways through which you can able to track your most fertile days.

  • Basal Body Temperature Chart
  • Cervical Mucous Monitoring

Anovulation calculator is a tool that works by taking the information about the length of your cycle, and helps to compute your “fertile window”. In short, it tracks the time you may be ovulating. It also refers to an ovulation calendar.

Remember that you should have a regular menstrual cycle. Yes, if your menstrual cycle isn’t regular, then the ovulation calendar isn’t able to execute the legitimate result. If your cycle is regular, then you will get approximate fertile dates.

If you don’t have an idea about the length of your average menstrual cycle or your luteal phase, then you can assume a 28 days cycle and 14 days of your luteal phase. However, the accuracy of the cycle has also affected the result.

When Are You Most Fertile?

If you are looking to know about the most fertile days, then the prior option is an advanced ovulation calculator. Yes, an ovulation date calculator helps you to track the most fertile days of your menstrual cycle, or you come to know about “Estimated Fertility Window”, this computing depends on information that will you provide.

You will able to find out the next period and the estimation of the most fertile days. No doubt that it is so difficult to pin down exactly when a woman ovulates, but the ovulation date calculator give you a 10-day window of when ovulation is most likely to occur.

If you are trying to conceive, then you should have sexual intercourse every other day in this 10-day window. And if you want to prevent pregnancy, then you have to avoid sex within this window, and the 3 to 5 days before, or use a condom consistently and correctly.

What’s a Fertile Window?

The fertile window is referred to as the most fertile days in your menstrual cycle through which you come to know about the highest chance of conceiving.

The prior recommendation is that couples should have sexual intercourse every two days throughout the fertile window.

How Long Do You Ovulate?

If you have a 28 to 32-day menstrual cycles, then ovulation takes place between days 11 through 21, but remember that it will occur on ONE “1” of these days. Keep in mind that, it is an average of days in which ovulation could take place as every woman’s menstrual cycle is different.

Ovulation lasts for 12 to 48 hours, but according to most optimistic studies, you will potentially fertile for up to 7 days and maybe up to 10 days. This happens just because sperm can survive up to 5 days in the female reproductive tract.

These are some common and early symptoms of pregnancy:

  • Tender, Swollen Breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Slight Bleeding or Cramping
  • Nausea With or Without Vomiting
  • Food Aversions or Cravings
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Mood Swings
  • Faintness And Dizziness

What Does The Research Say?

This information is based on several studies:

  • Five days before ovulation “You have 0.4 percent to 7 percent chance of conceiving”
  • Four days before ovulation “You have 8 percent to 17 percent chance of conceiving”
  • Three days before ovulation “You have 8 percent to 23 percent chance of conceiving”
  • Two days before ovulation “You have 13 percent to 29 percent chance of conceiving”
  • One day before ovulation “ You have 21 percent to 34 percent chance of conceiving”
  • Ovulation day “You have 8 percent to 33 percent chance of conceiving”
  • One day past ovulation “You have 0.8 percent to 11 percent chance of conceiving”
  • Two days past “You have 3 percent to 9 percent chance of conceiving”

Well – when you are trying to conceive, you should track your ovulation date through an ovulation calculator. Good Luck!

Anna Steve is Health IT expert, who built an accomplished reputation for the healthcare system, who love to write about the trusted and informative stuff for going to achieve health goals and monitor health system within legitimate ways.

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