Stuttering: Alternative ideas to overcome it

Stuttering: Alternative ideas to overcome it

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Here are some of the alternative ideas to overcome your Stuttering


Stuttering is a speech disorder affecting nearly 3 million people in the United States. Most people who start stuttering do so at a young age. Studies show that boys are three times more likely to stutter than girls.

So what causes a child to start Stuttering?

There’s a lot to learn about the causes behind stuttering. However, several reasons are quite clear.


The primary contributing factor is genetics. Almost 60% of people who stutter have a family member who also stutters. Moreover, studies state that there are many genes linked to this condition.

Developmental factors

A child’s physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and speech skills develop rapidly during the preschool phase. For those who are predisposed, this rapid development can lead to stuttering.

Environmental factors

Stressful circumstances or parental attitudes and expectations can cause a child to start stuttering. Though often they aren’t even harmful, it can increase the chances of a stutter developing in a child that already possesses a tendency for the condition. In fact, it could add to the child’s fear and anxiety.

How can adults overcome Stuttering

Stuttering is a communication disorder that impacts a person’s speech fluency. So for individuals who stutter, talking can sometimes be challenging, making it difficult to link sounds and words together smoothly. Often, people who stutter react to the loss of speech control by tensing muscles of the face, neck, or other body parts. They may also blink continuously and look away.

But like any other health condition, it all depends upon the level of confidence the person has. While some stutterers regress into social isolation and avoid talking, others who stutter are not bothered by it at all. So yeah, a person’s thoughts, feelings, and confidence can significantly influence their level of communication.

A unique approach to Stuttering

Stuttering The internet is full of therapies that can help manage and improve stuttering. Some also promote the use of electronic devices such as a delayed auditory feedback device to help overcome the condition. But there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one individual may not help another.

Here’s a novel idea- instead of trying to cure and treat stuttering, how about focusing on becoming a better speaker? This starts with accepting that you stutter and that there’s no need to hide it.

And while people probably won’t be able to cure stuttering completely, Lee Lovett claims that self-cure can help get it under control.

Moreover, mind-control can give anyone the lives they aspire for. You’ll discover that the more enthusiastic you are about your speech, others will take you more seriously. So yes, this is a holistic approach to a better you.

Ready to start?

  1. Become confident

A positive mindset is the best speech anxiety cure. Embrace stuttering as a part of your identity. Let your fears abate and stop:

  • The mental struggles.
  • Thinking about it as a ‘problem’.
  • Worrying or being anxious about what people will say about you.
  • Avoiding situations where you have to speak.

Instead, fill your mind with Lee Lovett’s words of encouragement. It will break down all your mental barriers and set you free.

Speaking fills me with joy and calm.

I focus solely on my message;

the exact words do not matter.

I love to speak.”

  1. Understand that everyone has shortcomings

People dream of being able to express their thoughts and ideas. But not everyone has the ability to articulate smoothly, clearly, calmly, and confidently. We all stumble from time to time. So it’s important for people who stutter to understand that they are not the only ones with a speech problem.

  1. Develop a systematic approach

Whether you’ve been struggling since childhood or you’ve been stuttering for a couple of years, it’s time to set new goals. Create habits that address your current state and replace them with new ways of thinking, feeling, and speaking.

  • The approach has to be realistic- the time frame as well as the goals.
  • It has to be easy to implement.
  • Identify trigger words and replace them with others.
  • Speak slowly instead of rushing to complete the sentence.
  • Break your thoughts and sentences into short phrases to prevent running out of air.

Once you learn to replace old behaviors with new ones, you have the power to alter the way you speak- and think. So remember, smooth speech is attainable, but you’ll need to bring dedication and practice on board as well.

  1. Create incentives

Consistently working at small steps of thinking and speaking can help you accomplish your ultimate goal. You know you’re capable of winning, so don’t give up. If you have the potential to identify your goal – that is to speak clearly and confidently- then build and maintain a strong regimen.

No one said the journey is going to be easy. To climb up a mountain is never easy. But the elation of reaching the top is well worth the time and energy. So the more passionate you are about your speech, the better the results.

  1. Practice

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So don’t think you’ll magically resolve all your issues in just a few days. And neither can solely be fixating about your stutter can do any good. It’ll only add to your nervousness and anxiety, and possibly increase the probability of stuttering even more. So relax and let go of the frustration.

Instead of focusing on the negative (not trying to stutter), rewire your brain to think about the positive (speaking clearly and confidently). Then dedicate time and effort to becoming a fluent speaker. Continue to practice with people you are comfortable with, such as a close friend or family member. Often, people also consider joining a self-help or support groups.

Final thoughts

Individuals who stutter are just like ordinary people. They simply need a little extra time to complete their sentences. Your support can go a long way. So make them feel comfortable and give them a boost in the right direction.

But as a stutterer, don’t wait for the opportunity to come knocking on your door. You deserve a better quality of life. And it’s time to be confident and express yourself. So step up and speak up. Get your ideas heard.

As Lee Lovett said, “Stuttering can be made to work FOR YOU rather than against you.”

Alycia Gordan is a freelance writer who loves to read and write articles on healthcare technology, fitness and lifestyle. She is a tech junkie and divides her time between travel and writing. You can find her on Twitter: @meetalycia

Here are some of the alternative ideas to overcome your Stuttering



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