

Types of Addictions: Substance and Behavioral Addictions

substance and behavioral addictions
There are two primary forms of addiction: substance and behavioral addictions. People with substance addictions are addicted to drugs or alcohol, while people with behavioral addictions deal with ...
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Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress

Photo Courtesy Do you remember your childhood? A period from the 90s. Because I do, and at that time there was little stress and more happiness. Why? To ...
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10  Exercises  to Avoid During  Pregnancy

Exercises  to Avoid During  Pregnancy
Pregnancy fitness is not only good for you but for your growing baby as well. You can exercise to keep fit during your pregnancy with a few precautions. ...
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5 Crucial Things To Take Care During Pregnancy

Image Source Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times of your life, but it can be scary because you are not sure what to expect. You can ...
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This Is How Calisthenics Is Different From Street Workouts – Plus 5 Incredible Advantages

By Rebecca Smith Contributing author,  full-time calisthenics instructor with a Management Degree and a Diploma in Nutrition. Many people interchange the term “calisthenics” and “street workouts”, thinking that they ...
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9 Super Exercises to Increase Your Brain Power & Focus

9 Super Exercises to Increase Your Brain Power & Focus
Exercise is a vital part of your life, be it physical or mental. To get a perfect body you do a lot of workout which can sometimes result ...
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Benefits of Swimming – 5 Reasons You Should be in The Pool

Physical activity is crucial in our daily lives if we want to be healthy. However, most of us are very busy and can’t find the time to get ...
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Mantras to a Fit & Healthy Life: Gym Workout

Gym Workout
Ever thought of the mantras behind a healthy lifestyle?  Exercise is the first and foremost way to be fit and healthy. It is recommended by the Centres for ...
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3 Things to Find to Make Exercise Routine

3 Things to Find to Make Exercise Routine
We all live busy lives, and fitting different activities can seem like an impossible task. However, there are some things we should never skimp on social life with ...
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6 Helpful Ways You Can Sharpen Your Concentration Right Now

Your determination and willingness are important factors you need to have when you really want to be successful. But, without the proper focus and concentration along the way, ...
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