natural remedies

natural remedies

What causes and how to prevent a yeast infection?

yeast infection
Healthy Lifestyle Home Remedies How to
Fungi cause a yeast infection. The most common fungi are Candida albicans. Fungi which are usually present in the vaginal environment become overgrown with the changes of the ...
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Home Remedies For Razor Burn

Razor burn
Home Remedies
Razor Burn is a red rash which occurs due to improper shaving. They can appear in every part of the body.   People with sensitive skin are more prone ...
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The Natural Treatment For Osteoporosis

The Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis
Home Remedies How to
The meaning of the term ‘Osteoporosis’ originates from ‘Osteo’ meaning bone, and ‘porosis’ implying thinning or becoming more porous. Hence, osteoporosis means ‘thinning of bone’. Medically, Osteoporosis is ...
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Home Remedies For Abscess

Healthy Food Home Remedies
An abscess is a local accumulation of pus. It can occur almost anywhere on or in the body, but it most frequently occurs on the skin and on ...
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How To Boost Your Immune System

How To Boost Your Immune System
Healthy Food Healthy Lifestyle Home Remedies How to
Every day we hear or read about any new supplement that will help us to get rid of some disease. A diet composed of rich nutrients is the ...

Home Remedies For Sinus Inflammation

Sinus Inflammation
Healthy Food Healthy Lifestyle Home Remedies How to
Because of the cold and fever season is upon us, people are prone to sinus inflammation and they need to take few steps to prevent the problems. The ...
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Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection
Healthy Lifestyle Home Remedies How to
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are more common with adult women than in men or children. These infections develop when bacteria enter the urethral opening and it’s starting to ...
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Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites
How to
Each of us has been the recipient of a mosquito bite. Bites from a mosquito often result in a burning sensation and a red spot or a bump. ...
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Home Remedies For Ovarian Cyst

ovarian cyst
How to
Any woman can get an ovarian cyst at any time in her life. Ovarian cysts are diagnosed during a pelvic examination.There are several types of ovarian cysts. Common ...
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Amazing Homemade Face Masks for Naturally Glowing Skin

homemade face mask
Take care of your skin. Spend an hour on your skin every day, and you will have clear, soft and supple skin. The benefits of regularly caring for ...
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