Home Remedies For Razor Burn

Home Remedies For Razor Burn

- in Home Remedies
Razor burnRazor burn

Razor Burn is a red rash which occurs due to improper shaving. They can appear in every part of the body.   People with sensitive skin are more prone to razor burns.  If you are prone to razor burns, you may find these Home Remedies helpful. Results may vary from person to person. There are different types of skin, so not every method can work for you.

Home Remedies for Razor Burn

Cold Compress

You can reduce the burn sensation and close the skin pores fast with a cold compress.  Use an ice cube or even a bag of frozen vegetables as a cold compress for several minutes.

Aloe Vera

Many complementary treatments speed skin healing.  Aloe Vera contains compounds that have been found to be especially beneficial for healing wounds. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved this herb as a natural food flavoring. Aloe Vera is available for purchase in almost every store, or if you have this plant in your back yard, you can carefully remove the gel from the leaf with your fingers. Rub an aloe Vera gel and make a thin layer on the affected area. Leave the gel on your skin or wait to dry it out on its own and then rinse that part of the body with cold water. You may apply aloe 2-3 times daily. If you are prone to an allergy to the onion family, don’t use this herb to relieve razor burn’s symptoms.


You can apply honey directly on the affected area, or you can make a mask with yogurt.
If you use only honey leave it for 5-10 minutes
Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Finish the process by splashing the affected area with cold water to refresh the skin and boost the blood circulation. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily.

You can make a cover with honey and yogurt in the following way

One tablespoon honey
One tablespoon plain yogurt
(the amount depend on the size of the affected area. This amount is enough for face razor burns.

Mix all together in a small bowl, then slowly stir until you make a soft paste. Smoothly apply the mask on the affected area.  Leave the mask for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Finish the process, by splashing the affected area with cold water to refresh the skin and boost the blood circulation. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily.

Homemade ointment with Marigold

If you are prone to razor burns, you can make a homemade ointment with Marigold.
Melt the 250-gram wax or petroleum jelly in the pan
Put the pan in the pan of boiling water
Add finely cut 40 flowers of Marigold in a pan with wax or petroleum jelly
Mix them and stir continuously for 15 minutes
Pour the mixture into a jelly bag and allow the liquid to filter through.
By wearing rubber gloves, squeeze herb mix through the bag into the jug.
Pour the molten ointment into small jars and cover them with a jar lid.
When cool, place them in the refrigerator.
You can apply ointment to affected area 2-3 times a day.

Homemade ointment with Chickweed

You can make a less solid homemade ointment with Chickweed herb (Stellaria media) Fry the finely cut 120 grams dried or 300 grams fresh Chickweed in 500g of olive oil and 60 grams wax on low heat until the oil just starts to boil (2-3 minutes). Immediately remove the pan or skillet from the hot plate. Allow the herb infused oil and wax to stand for 10 minutes and then filter it into a clean container. Pour the filtered mix into small jars and cover them with a jar lid. Keep them in the refrigerator.

Baking soda

Baking soda can help too. Mix baking soda with water. Apply a paste from this mix on the affected areas. Leave it for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Finish the process, by splashing the affected area with cold water to refresh the skin and boost the blood circulation. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily.

Apple cider vinegar

Symptoms of razor burn can be reduced with Apple cider vinegar.
Mix equal amount of organic cider vinegar and water. Apply this lotion to the affected area with the cotton ball for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Finish the process, by splashing the affected area with cold water to refresh the skin and boost the blood circulation. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily.

Black tea bags

You can try to heal razor burns with black tea bags. Moisten the bag in hot water. Leave it to cool for a while. Rub the affected area 2-3 minutes. You can apply black bag tea to the affected area several times daily.



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