Benefits of Swimming – 5 Reasons You Should be in The Pool

Benefits of Swimming – 5 Reasons You Should be in The Pool

- in Healthy Lifestyle

Physical activity is crucial in our daily lives if we want to be healthy. However, most of us are very busy and can’t find the time to get active during the day. Well, a big part of it is finding the right form of exercise for you: is it a group sport? Something relaxing? Or something that will get your frustration and extra energy out of your system? Or maybe it’s swimming? If you haven’t already thought of swimming as a form of activity for yourself, here are some reasons why you should consider it.

Benefits of Swimming – 5 Reasons You Should be in The Pool

Full-body workout

The biggest downside to a lot of workout regimes is that they focus on one part of your body or one part of your fitness. If you’re a runner, you’ll be training your legs and your stamina, but you won’t be doing much for strength or your upper body. If you’re lifting weights, you’re building up muscle, but no stretching or stamina is involved. Swimming – it has it all. You need your muscles to be strong to propel yourself through water, you are building stamina by doing laps in the pool and wearing yourself out and you definitely need to work on your elasticity if you want to be fast and agile in the water. It really is a full-body workout, and your body will thank you for it.

Takes the load off your body

Takes the load off your bodySwimming is great because it is a very accessible sport. Nearly anyone can swim, and it’s mostly due to water’s incredible ability to support our bodies as we go through it. If you have a joint injury and can’t put any weight on your foot, that isn’t a problem in the pool. Some people who struggle with physical activity because of their weight find freedom in water because it helps support that weight and allows them to exercise.

Boosts confidence

Boosts confidenceUnfortunately, people, these days have a lot of self-esteem issues, especially related to their body image. For a lot of people, going to the pool and getting into a swimsuit is a terrifying idea, but the only way to get rid of that fear and be able to freely enjoy yourself is to actually do it. On one hand, going to the pool to swim for exercise means that you’re not focused on picking out a cute bikini and the way you look there: it’s about performance. Look at comfortable one-piece swimsuits that will allow you to not worry whether everything is in place and just focus on swimming. This mindset will carry over to the other times you go to the pool or beach and you will feel a lot more confident.

Heart health

Swimming is an excellent activity for anyone with heart issues because the unique movements you do in the water are not only making your heart bigger, but they are allowing it to pump more blood and work more efficiently. It is often recommended for people with heart issues, as you can set your own pace and do it for as long as you enjoy it.

More bang for your buck

More bang for your buck

Have you ever tried running in a pool? Not easy to do. And because of this extra work that you have to put in when you’re moving through the water, you only need 30 minutes in the pool to get the same workout that you would get for 45 minutes of training on land. On top of that, there are none of the problems you have on land, like sweating or runny makeup (because you’re not wearing any). You can also get your exercise wherever you are and you can do it with friends whenever you’d like. It is truly an all-around great form of exercise for anyone looking to get a bit more active.

So, head down to your local pool, get a season pass, and get some friends and family to join you. It will not only be great for your physical health but for your mental state as well as it is relaxing and almost meditative. You will have a great time and you won’t even know that you’re exercising – but the results will be there.

Brigitte Evans is a Cosmetic Skin Care Consultant and a writer from Australia, with a sweet tooth for makeup and everything sparkly. When she is not drooling over the next big thing in the beauty industry, she reads mystery novels and makes plans for her next trip. She is the proud aunt of Sophie, age 4, who has rounded her Chanel lipstick, but she loves her anyway.

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