How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Pain For Good

How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Pain For Good

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How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Pain For Good, shoulder pain relief, #ShoulderPain #PainRelief #massage #shoulderA Patient Get a massage from a trained massage therapist

An achy shoulder almost always prompts us to go and have a massage and, usually, a good massage provides instant relief for tense shoulders as well as much-needed relaxation. Getting a massage from a trained massage therapist does lots of wonders indeed. And, aside from pain relief, there are several other health benefits one can get from having a massage. But if you have been experiencing shoulder pain for quite some time, maybe it’s time to start seeing a physiotherapist who can get to the heart of the matter instead of simply providing temporary pain relief.

Although physiotherapy does not offer the same ecstasy that you get from a massage, your physiotherapist does more to target the cause of your shoulder pain. Instead of providing pain relief, a physio identifies the exact source of pain and creates a plan to effectively manage this. Unlike a massage therapist who has a standard routine for their clients, a physio provides an individualized treatment that is tailored to one’s specific condition. This means that physio would be giving a different treatment to one who just woke up with a strain in his neck from a client who has a history of rheumatoid arthritis, for example.

About 60% of office workers are said to suffer from neck and shoulder pain on an annual basis. While one might think that work-related muscle soreness would not necessitate a treatment from a physio, getting rid of these pains would require more than just a one-hour massage, or an expensive ergonomic chair. And while performing regular stretches and maintaining a correct sitting posture would be recommended to prevent neck and shoulder pains, fixing an already painful shoulder will require the help of a trained and qualified physio. If you want to fix an achy shoulder, physiotherapy provides the ultimate solution.

For those who want to avoid neck and shoulder pains, there are four strengthening exercises that, if done at least three times a week, can ensure pain-free shoulders. These exercises are The Front Raise, The Lateral Raise, Reverse Flyes, and Shoulder Shrugs. Doing a quick search online will give you videos on how you can execute these exercises correctly. Just remember to choose the weights that you are comfortable with, and not use weights that are too heavy. Visiting a physio to get appropriate advice and guidance is also ideal.

Getting a massage great for relaxing and de-stressing, along with a lot of other health benefits. While immediate pain relief is one advantage of going to a massage therapist, this is only a short-term solution for your pain. But if you are experiencing shoulder pain, the best way to address this is to visit a physiotherapist who will investigate on what is really causing your pain and will be able to provide you with the appropriate treatment and exercise routine to target your shoulder pain. You can work towards becoming pain-free, and a physio is the best partner to help you through this process.
Read More => Our readers often ask if it is safe to get a massage during pregnancy. Here is The Ultimate Guide To Pregnancy Massage

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