

Alzheimer’s: New Fastball technology and Aducanumab improve the quality of life

Healthy Lifestyle
My mother died from Alzheimer’s It was tough to see the woman who raised you how asked the same question or told the same sentence over and over ...
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This Is YOUR Year: Keep Your Brain Happy

This Is YOUR Year: Keep Your Brain Happy
Healthy Lifestyle Self-Improvement
The New Year is upon us – time to talk about your goals, right? I’d like to focus on something else that will help you achieve all of ...
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The Gut-Brain Axis: Does Leaky Gut Equal Leaky Brain?

Gut-Brain Axis
Healthy Lifestyle
An inability to focus or think clearly and difficulty reading, and brain fog makes you feel like driving is no longer safe are symptoms often accompanied by sugar ...
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Boost Your Brain Power: Top 5 Minerals That Improves Neural Activity

brain power
Healthy Lifestyle
brain power – CollegeDegrees360: The human brain consists of a meshwork of a number of neural circuitry in the form of brain power lines that help determine how ...
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Tests And Treatments For Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative Diseases
Guest Posts Healthy Lifestyle
Image Source Neurodegenerative diseases mainly affect neurons in the brain. When damaged, neurons don’t renew themselves, and therefore the damage is permanent. These diseases affect the brain and ...
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10 Tips for a Happy, Healthy Brain

Happy, Healthy Brain
Healthy Lifestyle
by Peter Minkoff Contributing Author, a passionate writer, professional fashion, lifestyle, and health,  expert Keeping your brain happy and healthy might seem like the easiest thing in the world, ...
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9 Super Exercises to Increase Your Brain Power & Focus

9 Super Exercises to Increase Your Brain Power & Focus
Guest Posts Healthy Lifestyle How to
Exercise is a vital part of your life, be it physical or mental. To get a perfect body you do a lot of workout which can sometimes result ...
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How Naps Affect Your Brain and Why You Should Have One Every Day

How Naps Affect Your Brain and Why You Should Have One Every Day
Guest Posts Healthy Lifestyle
Sleeping is essential for our good overall health. It lowers stress, improves your memory and focus, but also helps improve your heart function, as well as hormonal balance. ...
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Brain memory cells: What happens to them in old age?

Brain memory cells: What happens to them in old age? |brain memory exercise | brain memory food| brain memory increase| #OldAge #exercise #memories #memory #Brain #Brains #exercises #cells #cell #happen
Healthy Lifestyle
There is a common misconception that when someone attains a certain age, the brain cells stop developing and they start “wearing out”. This is often used to explain ...
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The Top 10 Brain Supplements

The Top 10 brain supplements
Healthy Lifestyle
The brain is the primary center that determines how every system in the body works. To function with full capacity the brain sometimes needs specific nutritional supplements. The following ...
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