Finally! Cellulite Home Remedies that Actually Show Results

Finally! Cellulite Home Remedies that Actually Show Results

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Cellulite Home Remedies that Actually Show Results, How to get rid of Cellulite with Cellulite Home Remedies #HomeRemedies #home #homes #cellulite #remedies #remedy #AntiCellulitecloseup picture of woman in cotton underwear showing skin cleanse concept

Cellulite is not uncommon as you might think. In fact, 85 percent of women experience the accumulation mostly in their thighs, but here are recipes for cellulite home remedies that are guaranteed to make the condition nothing but a distant memory.

Recipe 1: Let Cayenne Pepper Do the Trick

Cayenne pepper deserves to be on the list of cellulite home remedies because apart from helping your body burn fat, the ingredient also reduces the number of toxins and cellulite. You can also boost your blood metabolism and increase circulation using this recipe.

– Mix one to two teaspoons of cayenne pepper with a teaspoon of grated ginger
– Add juice of one lemon
– Mix everything into a glass of warm water and drink the concoction once or twice each day for up to 2 months.

Recipe 2: Cellulite Home Remedies with Coffee

What you will need For the Coffee Scrub

– Half a cup of ground coffee
– ¼ cup of white or brown sugar
– 1¼ cup of olive oil or avocado
– A teaspoon of glycerine
– Two teaspoons of Vitamin E oil

What to do

– Mix the ingredients and rub on the affected area using circular motions
– Do this for 30 seconds to one minute and rinse off, preferably in the shower to control the mess.
– Do this twice every week for faster results.

What you will need for Coffee Sugar Cubes

–  cup of Goats milk soap base, grated
– ¼ cup of sweet almond oil
– 20 drops of orange essential oil
– A cup of granulated sugar
– 1 to 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar


– Melt the soap in a large pot and while it is melting, mix the coffee and sugar in a separate bowl
– After the soap is melted, mix in the almond oil and the orange essential oil
– Mix all the other liquid ingredients into the sugar and coffee and press the mixture into a mold
– Allow the cubes to harden for up to 4 hours before removing them from the mold.

Recipe 3: The Ultimate Cellulite Cream

You will need the following ingredients:

– Two tablespoons of beeswax
– Three tablespoons of Witch Hazel
– Juniper oil and Rosemary oil; 10 drops of each
– Grapefruit oil and cypress oil, 30 drops of each
– cup of coconut oil

Making the cream

– Make the base by mixing the essential oils listed with the witch hazel
– Melt in the beeswax on low heat and add in the coconut oil
– Mix it all and leave to cool and solidify in a jar
– Apply this cream to the affected area of your body twice a day and wait for the miracle.

Recipe 4: The Anti-Cellulite Juice

This juice, made up of grapefruit, oranges, lime, and ginger will not only improve your circulation, but it will also burn excess fat and remove toxins from your body. The juice also makes the skin firm and reduces fluid retention, hence preventing the formation of cellulite.

– Juice together one large grapefruit with two oranges, ¼ of a lime, an inch of a ginger root
– Drink this juice before breakfast every morning

For the best results, eliminate high-fat foods, sugar products, and coffee from your diet while drinking the juice

There are also exercise routines that can help you get rid of cellulite, but you should remember that when using these cellulite home remedies, make sure you maintain a healthy diet and drink lots of water.

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Finally! Cellulite Home Remedies that Actually Show Results

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