Self-Confidence Tips For Older Women

Self-Confidence Tips For Older Women

- in Healthy Lifestyle, Self-Improvement

Older women tend to have self-confidence issues for some reasons. The most common has to do with the many roles they are expected to play: wife, mother, daughter to aging parents, a reliable colleague, and so on.

Women are told in the glossy magazines that they can do it all and have it all. The reality is that everything is a balancing act, and the best way to stay happy and with self-confidence is to make a list of priorities and stick to it.

Who Are You?

When it comes to prioritizing, you need to know who you are and what you want in life. With a purpose-driven life, you are in control, setting your goals and taking action to achievement.

There are only so many hours in the day, with one-third supposed to be reserved for sleep, and one-third of your weekdays (usually) reserved for work. However, as a mother and/or caregiver to elderly parents or relatives, the workday increases and the sleep often decreases. It can seem almost impossible to find “me time” in which you can relax, de-stress, and work on self-confidence.

Good Self-Care

The truth is that the happier you try to make others, the unhappier you will usually be yourself. You will never be able to take care of others well unless you first take care of yourself and ensure as many of your real needs as possible are met. These include food, rest, money to pay the bills, supportive relationships and so on.

Good self-care is empowering and will boost confidence. You won’t feel as if you are running on an empty gas tank all the time. Instead, you can give all your important tasks your best effort. You might even have time to take classes online, learn new skills, and more.

Lifelong Learning

You are never too old to learn. Gaining new skills can increase your self-esteem. They might even help you get that promotion or raise you’ve been longing for.

Surrounding Yourself with Positive People

Positive people exude positive energy. You can tell who they are because you feel good whenever they walk into the room. Spend more time with them, and try to become more positive yourself so that you can network with like-minded people.

Pay Attention to Your Appearance

Be sure to wear clothes that suit you, no matter what your weight. Learn more about slimming fashions and what is suitable for people with your coloring.

Get a good haircut and consider covering any gray hairs if they bother you.

Wear makeup if you like, but aim for a natural effect that enhances your best features rather than trying to cover up bad ones.

Do Self-Confidence Exercises  throughout the Day

Start in the morning by telling yourself you are going to have a great day. Try a “power pose” in front of the mirror, stretching your arms and leg out as widely as possible until you feel like you are filling the room. Don’t be “small” or think small.

Work physical activity into your day for at least a few minutes at a time. A 10-minute workout session four times per day is just as effective as one 40-minute session, and exercise boosts your energy as well.

Come up with affirmations, positive statements that fill you with energy, such as “feel your power,” “You can do it,” and so on.

At the end of the day, journal about your successes, and what you can do even better tomorrow.

Cross Items Off Your Bucket List

Regularly do things you’ve always wanted to do. They will get you out of your comfort zone and increase your self-esteem.

Follow these tips, and you may increase your confidence and self-belief.

Read more = > What is a healthy life?

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  1. Wonderful tips for women. Thanks for sharing

    1. I’m glad you liked it

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